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Super String

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Posts posted by Super String

  1. I noticed that since I've updated all my products to the new system on 3/21, all purchases since that moment have been stuck on "undelivered/being delivered" like forever...:matte-motes-confused:what's wrong with it?

  2. I have the same problem too, I just can't wait to try the new direct dilivery system, such a great update!!

    very glad to see SL becomes a more user-friendly and powerful product, all those enhancements and improvements in 2011 and 2012 are really awesome! thank you Linden Lab!

  3. To watermark a mesh is actually too simple. There could be many "secrets"  hidden in a mesh that probably only its creator could know well. From its geometry to the uv/texturing process and composition layers and rendering/lighting environment...a mesh theft has no way to rebuild your lighting/rendering physical environment, he can only get what you've already done--the mesh model and baked textures, but he cannot copy the GI, the lights/sun, the materials and reflections that you created and simulated to produce this mesh's texture, and moreover, the process of this geometry's birth can also be stored  in some 3d programs like 3ds max and maya. All of those are evidence that you're the creator of that mesh. Futhermore, as for the mesh (geometry) itself, some deliberate build or design or snare in the geometry can neither be detected by 3d software nor huaman eyes, only when you point it out, it'll then be discovered. Unless that theft tries to deconstruct it, but it's impossible to know where to start deconstructing because a mesh contains thousands of vetrtex and faces. And if he wants to deconstruct the mesh, he needs to construct it back, and nothing can be more stupid than this. Not to say that reconstruction will break origial geometry data, and the work itself could be even much more difficult than building a whole new mesh by himself.

    There're just too many scientific strategies that you can do in every stages and in multiple ways to torture a mesh theft.



  4. Good advice.

    I made this bottle for the funny parody lable and I really really wanted to type "this" instead of "Viagra"...maybe I should...xD


    By the way, I'm really looking forward to see the possibilities of mesh in SL.  I love mesh. Thanks for the meaningful topic and discussions.:matte-motes-grin: So far I've just been creating my own mesh stuffs but don't know much information about other creators' experiences and creations.


  5. This error happened to me too, in my cae, I finally found this error occurring from something that had no relation to my model and materials...

    Because I was sure there's no open or overlappng faces/edges/vertex on my model....I fiannly decided to rename the folder of the model, and the problem just solved.

    I guess that's because my previous folder named with "#".

    Before this experience, I've never known that name of  the folder would effect SL reading and uploading a model. 


  6. Oh...copybot...............

    What makes SL most similar to RL is the freedom it has, but what makes SL unlike RL most is its lawlessness .

    A sound society/economy should carefully balance both freedom and law. 

    I hope all copybots will eventually be forbidden in SL one day...

    Freedom makes SL valuable, but only corresponding law will make this value lasting and invulnerable.

    To preserve a contributer-friendly environment for creators is undoubtedly more important than preserving an copybot-friendly environment for thefts. Thefts not only infringe residents' rights but also harm people's trust in the economy and government.



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