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Dorrie Fredriksson

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Blog Comments posted by Dorrie Fredriksson

  1. I literally wait 334 days for Octoberville to open.  This is the most fun, entertaining, addictive place on SecondLife, bar none.  Once you have done this massive mystery solving hunt, and spent a month interacting with the wonderful people in this village, and gotten to know the mind blowing creators, made friends you look forward to seeing every day, looked forward to seeing the crazy costumes you know are going to show up somewhere along the way every day, you realize that the month has come to an end. But it doesn't stop there.  You still have the friends you made, the feeling of family you take away from the Octoberville village and the Crowbar!  You talk to them during the entire year, wondering what are Cherub and MK and Nathan going to set up for us next time?  You talk to everyone you know about this awesome place you go to and you bring them with you when it opens back up in October and make addicts out of them too!  I can be found here for the entire month of October, all day every day. Once I finish the mystery, I am right there helping out the next person!  I cannot say enough about Octoberville and the people who created it and the people who, like me, are there all month for everyone who needs help along the way.  Thank you Cherub, MK, and Nathan

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