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Posts posted by NaiadNightfire

  1. Hi BobCat,

    Are you a new(ish) user?

    There are some caps relating to purchasing $L for newer users. Really confusing parameters LL have set up too.

    I had this same issue a few weeks back, after contacting LL Billing they did get it sorted for me and they were pretty quick about it too.

    Go to your the billing section and hit them up, Im sure they'll get you sorted out quick smart.

    Hope this helps

  2. Could also be the URL is down, have you tried a different URL?

    I did see a list of music URLs in here somewhere, but buggered if I can remember where. Try searching streaming music, or music url, that should bring it up, so you can try different streams.

    Hope this helps.

  3. Bugger, I hate to say it but I think Ceera may be right. Clean uninstall/reinstall.

    When I updated to the latest I had absolutely no issues (Which I'm happy about lol), and I didn't even do a clean un/re.

    O one more thing, it's probably blledingly obvious, but sometimes it's the obvious we overlook. Are you on land that allows scripts to run?

    Also, you could try detaching the HUD, find in inventory and rezz it. then select/edit it, using advanced hit set scripts to running. then take it back and re-wear it. Maybe the script has schitzed out???

  4. Thank you for that LoveAngel,

    I now have all the toolbar buttons at the bottom of my screen, damned awesome hehe.

    So easy when you know how, it's literally just click & drag

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  5. Hi, you will need to rezz the hud on land you can build on and that has scripts enabled.

    Normally you would put the animations into the root prim of the hud, to do this right click on the rezzed hud to go into edit. The root prim will be highlighted yellow, so use select face toand click the root prim.

    Then go into the contents tab, drag your ao's from inventory into the contents tab.

    Here's where it gets tricky...

    If there is a notecard inside the hud's contents window, you may also need to add the names of each ao into the notecard, exactly as they appear in your inventory, or the script won't know where to find them.

    Once you've done all that you probably will need to reset the script also before taking it back into inventory and re-attaching it

    If you still have trubble, double check scripts are enabled on the land, otherwise IM me inworld and I'll come have a looksee

  6. Weird, I just DL'd the newest SL Viewer 3.2 and my IMs are at bottom centre of screen.

    Does have a nicer feel to it also, as the UI is as close as possible to full screen, no more task bar down the bottom etc.

    Now if we can just set opacity on the inventory, camera and movement controllers we'll be cooking on gas :)

  7. hear hear!

    Mesh is a great tool for creating anything we can dream up. And I have some big dreams lol.

    Still learning it myself, but I am actually enjoying the learning process and can laugh at my cockups.

    As a learner I do find the upload feature to be less than intuitive, but meh I'll work it out or die trying lol.

    Anyhoo ttfn, I feel the urge to mess with some polys :)

  8. Thought I'd wade in with some info on attachment points. Below is the most current info I've found to date :)

    [ATTACHMENT POINTS] 30 attachment point on Avatar, 8 attachment points for HUDs.
    [ATTACHMENTS] Maximum of 38 attachments can be worn, either dispersed among various attachment points or all on the one attachment point for Viewer2.4 and later. Older viewers are limited to 30 attachments.

  9. lmao, you could say your sword is a useful/utilitarian object also. You are gonna need it to cut through all the legal red tap, so it's a damn knife I say.

    The short answer is, don't do it. As someone pointed out, Nintendo is in a far better position to fight an individual in court, so for a few $L I don't think it's worth the potential trouble.

    I am inclined to think that provided your sword is noticibly different from the Zelda sword (and you make no reference to Zelda in your marketing) then you should be fine. Put simply you are selling a style of sword, not the Sword from the game.

    As someone else pointed out there can only be a limited number of broadsword designs and if Nintendo has a right to DMCA your ass, then someone else has a right to DMCA Nintendo's ass, as they no doubt are using a sword that must look remarkably similar to another sword......

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