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  1. I had this same issue. Thanks to ArtemisGreece's comment, I was able to locate the broken item and simply delete it instead of taking everything off. Saved my outfit right away! Woohoo!
  2. I am heartbroken. I bought a new computer last night in the hopes of using it for Second Life and my music. I have been out of SL for about a year now, but it feels like longer. I wanted to get back into the swing of things, start making animations again, sing in SL again. Unfortunately I have AMD drivers. I, too, amd having the load in issue where none of my skin or clothing loads, then a few seconds later, crash. I came so close to get shot down. My system specs are:
  3. Maybe I wasn't too clear. The usernames are next to the Display names on my friends list, and not on the user tag over the avs heads. I already have the usernames turned off for that. But I'm looking to turn off the usernames that are beside the display names ON the friends list. I've looked over and over and still can't find the option to disable it. :\
  4. Hello Second Lifers, A few weeks ago (at least it seems that long, since this problem is quite anoying) I checked a box that allowed me to see the original sl user names NEXT to the new display names on my friends list. This make the chat concole quite wide and I'm wondering how to undo this. All I would like to see are the display names on my firneds list. Anyone know how to undo this? I can't remember where exactly I was able to do this and it's driving me bonkers! Thank you for any replies! :womanvery-happy: Ms. Spencer Cadence
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