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Fox Nova

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Everything posted by Fox Nova

  1. You can be that person, I 110% go to clubs and idle there to listen when I'm able to do so. But if I'm doing things on my platform, being able to listen to a stream and give my support with listener numbers and donations I hope helps to give back to people working hard to keep us entertained in the virtual world. Hearing clubs and radio stations even if I'm not there in person makes me feel a sense of community that I think a lot of us miss if we're on our platforms for whatever reason. So being able to find new in-world stations makes me happy.
  2. Thanks to all the awesome suggestions so far, I've been giving them all a listen. I know I can get a radio on marketplace, but many of them have outdated lists or just real-life stations and I want to give traffic and listens to support people in Second Life doing the same thing. Much appreciated everyone ❤️
  3. Hiya! I'm looking around for some awesome in-world stations or club feeds you can use on your land. I know there are OODLES of non-Second Life ones, but I'm interested in Second Life ones only. I've already snooped the ones in the wiki. (Indie Spectrum, Gorean Whip etc.) Has anyone got any suggestions for some awesome ones? Thanks in advance ❤️
  4. Hiya! Is there any way to make a notecard that is COPY but NO trans / NO mod and isn't readable? I recall seeing notecards that say you don't have permission to do this when you try and open them, but is that just if they are transfer/no mod/no copy? Thanks in advance and sorry if this is a very blonde question, I've been going in circles with today.
  5. Good evenin' all! I've been searching high and low to find this skin/shape. If anyone could help me you'd earn a cookie and my eteernnaall gratitute...oh and my firstborn child! http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5123/5220793875_6f5cd7d740_b.jpg Thanks :)
  6. When speaking to someone about purchasing land, they told me the outright payment followed by the tier price in lindens. I understand I have to upgrade my account to get the land which is a monthly fee, but do I have to pay a land owner a monthly fee as well as a purchase price? Sorry if this sounds silly, but I want to be sure before I buy :)
  7. Hello! I've come back to Second life after a long while gone, I only played a week or so back in 2006. But my bags are full of stuff I bought back then. Now I notice everytime I try and play 1 in 3 times I change area's I get the bug where you get stuck as a glowy egg. I can fix it with a cashe clear in game most times, or with a cashe clear and a default model reset but my goodness its irritating! I can't really go many places when I spent all my time fixing my avatar. Recently I've got a bug where I can't add attachments. I can change clothes/body etc as long as its not an attachment - I click them and nothing happens! Argggh. Please help, is it a conflict with something I'm wearing or in my bags, do you think? It's driving me mad! Thanks in advance. :)
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