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Everything posted by kwajkid

  1. When I am using firestorm and phoenix viewers, I can hear sounds, but not music. I can hear music when using the lindon labs viewer. Any suggestions? Thanks 
  2. Hi, I'm looking for a certain gesture. Opening a beer then burping, anyone know of a gesture like that. Have seen it, but havn't had the chance to ask anyone where they got it. Thanks
  3. kwajkid


    Hi, I don't have a problem, just looking for certain gesture I've seen and heard. Someone opens a beer and then burps. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I've gone in world and look around different shops but there are so many. Thanks
  4. kwajkid

    Sound gestures

    Hi, This might be a dumb question, but I am new and trying to figure things out on here. When I go to clubs and dancing, I hear people making sound with gestures, how do you do that?
  5. This doesn't happen all the time, but most of the time. When I try to log in, I get "requesting region capabilities", it request 3 times and then I get logged in. But when this happens, I cannot teleport anywhere, the program will crash when I try.
  6. Hi all, I'm kinda new here and am looking for friends. I am gay, getting tired of just going to same old places and and just being asked for sex. Would like to have a little more here in sl. I'm sure there are others here that are looking for the same. Don't get me wrong, I love sex as much as the next guy, but would like more on here.
  7. The other day someone asked me for a hug. Did not use a pose ball. Can anyone tell me how this is done? I've sent a email to my friend, but he hasn't been on in awhile.
  8. I can log on, but cannot transport anywhere. I get logged off. I have logged into Smith, Lime and Pooley and the same thing happens when I try to transport. Any suggestions?
  9. When I go into some areas, my people list just says (loading...) next to the people. Also cannot im or view people profiles. Does not happen in all areas. Can some give me help? Thanks
  10. I am not getting any help from tech support. I am not receiving about 90% of the the things I buy in the marketplace. I keep putting in a ticket. Keep getting told they have been resent. But still nothing. I have lost over $250.00, real money. I know I will not ever see it again. I even ordered something directly from the store, and still did not get it. I work for a living and I expect something for what I pay for, and when I ask for help, I should get help. This place is a rip off
  11. kwajkid


    I'm new here, I've got to some area's and have seen avatars standing, while standing they are moving around a little. I bought some animations, but I just stand and pose. How do I get moving ao's?
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