We're hosting the ball inside of a radiant ballroom suspended up in the clouds over our underwater club. The dress code is formal and masks are required (It's a masquerade, hello?!). Your identities may be hidden but your personalities will shine. ;) A Masquerade King and Queen will be crowned through a voting system and the King and Queen will walk away with a glittering crown, a cash prize of 500L each and a seat at a magnificent throne at the head of the ballroom overlooking the dance floor. Bring your date, bring your friends, bring an enemy... just bring someone along 'cause you won't want to miss this! If you plan on attending, please make sure to indicate so on this event page or contact one of us in-world [mercuryprincess, marissarue or myself (babysouki)] so we can send you the landmark on the day of the event. Also, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE! ♥