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Everything posted by JackTrack

  1. I need Builders and Scripters for my new business its a professional Roleplay Equiptment making business.......please reply on this thread or Im me inworld and Ill get back as soon as possible
  2. JackTrack

    Car Scripts

    I need car scripts Break Lights strobes door scripts everything basically
  3. Wait would this belong in the Wanted Forum
  4. Im making a Swiss Army Knife and I need animations for it could someone make me the animations I need
  5. JackTrack


    Can someone either make me a vendor full perm with server or show me al ink for a cheap 1
  6. Im looking for a Personal scripter for my New business .::.[ZH Products].::. All rights reserved. Im looking for a personal scripter to script my products I havent come up with the payment price but I might be willing to work out a price.
  7. Im looking for a sculptor for my business if you would like to be hired please fill this out EXAMPLE: Name:(jake.zane) JackTrack Resident Age SL: 2 Months 4 Days Experience or Previous or current job:Bed Maker,Builder,Club Host,"Sculptor" (I do not dabble in sculpting I only do 1% sculpting xD) Why you think I should hire you: (jake.zane) JackTrack Resident, You should hire me because I have alot of experience and I will be a great addition to your business. Please Consider hiring me thank you - (jake.zane) JackTrack Resident
  8. If you're looking for a scripter then here is the place but I want to give you advice if you are looking for a script made it would belong probably in Wanted or maybe Building and Texturing Forum.
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