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Everything posted by Milacyr

  1. I only found this post after the fact, after trying to make contact with Dallo and Sogno Estate. I posted in the Maldive group in-world; I sent a notecard to both accounts; no response. The sim has been down for nearly two weeks at this point, and in-world, the group no longer shows you as owner. Dallo, it appears you sold the sim out from under your renters without letting us know -- just skipped town with our rent (you owe me 1379 Lindens and my objects). We deserve better treatment than that. I have gone to Mar Rosso, one of Sogno Estate's other properties, to try to warn anyone I can find about your shady behavior, and to advise them that if you did this with one sim, it is possible that you will do it with another.
  2. I only found this post after the fact, after trying to make contact with Dallo. I posted in the Maldive group in-world; I sent a notecard; no response. The sim has been down for over a week at this point, and in-world, the group no longer shows you as owner. Dallo, it appears you sold the sim out from under your renters without letting us know -- just skipped town with our rent (you owe me 1379 Lindens and my objects). We deserve better treatment than that. I have gone to Mar Rosso, one of Sogno Estate's other properties, to try to warn anyone I can find about your shady behavior, and to advise them that if you did this with one sim, it is possible that you will do it with another.
  3. Thank you very much for confirming that, Void Singer! Maybe I'll find a kindly scripter who has the knowledge and skills to make it happen. At least I know I'm not overlooking something under one of the SL viewer menus. Have a great day!
  4. Hi, Void Singer! I don't think I described what I was seeking as clearly as I might have in my previous post. Here's what I'm really looking for: In World of Warcraft and every other MMO I've played, there's a button that you press once, and you start running. Press it again, and you stop. It's a toggle. In WoW, by default, it's NumLock. Is there something exactly like that in Second Life of which you are aware? It could be a different button on the keyboard, like R or something, but it needs to be a pure toggle. It makes life so much easier. Many thanks!
  5. Hi, Torley! I'm new to Second Life, and I'm very grateful for instructional videos like these. Thank you for the time and effort that you invest in creating them! As someone who is a long-time gamer, my number one frustration with SL during my first week here has been the lack of autorun, a feature available in World of Warcraft, Lord of the Rings, and so on. I asked a knowledgeable long-time resident, and she said she wasn't aware of a script that would do this. Autopilot is a step in the right direction, and I'd like to see it on by default in Advanced mode. Many thanks!
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