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Claire Atheria

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Posts posted by Claire Atheria

  1. I just visited Millbank and noticed the candy buckets and HUDs for this year are out already!


    The notecard mentions boopies instead of bears for the prizes, plus a couple changes from last year. There's no mysterious "top 10" number to strive for -- instead there's levels of candy collected (which I like). You can also get your prizes anytime (don't have to wait 'til the end for them to be sent):


    This event also includes something new from the LDPW... BOOPIES!

    Boopies are collectible figure prizes in a special display unpacker box so cute you just want to boop their little nose! 

    There are 4 prize tiers for this event depending on how many candies you collect.

    1 - 199 Candies:
    - Spooky Cat Boopie (deco only)
    - Custom display shelving unit for any future Boopies you may collect.

    200 to 399 Candies:
    - Spooky Cat Boopie (deco only)
    - Ghosty Boopie (deco, huggable, and animesh versions)
    - Custom display shelving unit

    400 to 799 Candies:
    - Spooky Cat Boopie (deco only)
    - Ghosty Boopie (deco, huggable, and animesh versions)
    - Hoots Boopie (deco, huggable, and animesh versions)
    - Custom display shelving unit

    800 or more Candies:
    - Spooky Cat Boopie (deco only)
    - Ghosty Boopie (deco, huggable, and animesh versions)
    - Hoots Boopie (deco, huggable, and animesh versions)
    - Bat Cat Boopie (deco, huggable, and animesh versions)
    - Custom display shelving unit

    Boopie prizes are available from the vendor as soon as you have collected enough candies for that tier level. Candies are not “traded” for prizes. When you get the prize for one level you do not then have to recollect that amount to apply toward getting the next level prize.

    How many Linden Home regions are there now? I wonder what happens if 800 buckets aren't rezzed for some reason ... but it lasts for 3 weeks now (instead of 2 weeks like previous years), so more time for buckets to be found.

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    • Confused 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, Marigold Devin said:

    I really like the style of these houses, but would like more colour too.  Is there scope for that in the letterboxes I wonder? 

    From Bellisseria chat:

    [14:38] Patch Linden: Remember this demo region is a sliver of what's to come and never a full representation of the finished production regions
    [14:39] Patch Linden: Exteriors will have color, trim type and other options, interior walls will also be like others with customization capabilities

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  3. 13 minutes ago, Nika Talaj said:

    I'm told that earlier Wednesday folks in Belli chat were saying that the pumpkins stop working after 91 touches.  Don't know whether the owner has to re-rez them then, or just reset the script.  Seems a pity that pumpkin owners in high-traffic locales won't be able to see a larger total!

    Just went to check mine, and it was stalled out at 92 touches too (just rezzed a new one).

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Teresa Firelight said:

    Given this input and the fact that that I had picked my bucket up at 11:45, I went to try and get another one and was refused with a "sorry you already have one and are not allowed to get another" message. How are we supposed to update our buckets with at one per customer limit on them?


    You can also redeliver the buckets ... the redelivery terminal is here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Leafminer/190/151/35

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  5. One more update!

    [12:18] Derrick (derrick.linden): Hi all! Sorry for the confusion - Whitney and myself are returning any buckets that were collected prior to us realizing the mistake. If you've already picked up and rerezzed the bucket, our apologies, we just ask that you do it one more time. We're just making sure everything stays fair for when the event starts on the 18th ;)

    • Thanks 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, Chloe Bunny said:

    Is there a problem with the candy buckets like did I read about a glitch? Mine was just returned to my inventory by Whitney so am guessing something is not quite cool with it all yet?

    Derrick just appeared on my parcel after I rezzed a new bucket, so I think they're checking all the locations that have them out?

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  7. Some more details from Abnor Mole in Belli chat:

    [11:29] Abnor Mole: Just so everyone knows... the official start date of the Trick or Treat event is the 18th. If you happen to find a bucket that gives candy *before* that date, those candies will not count and everyone will start at zero on the 18th. If you have one of the buckets that is appearing to be giving out candy now (which won't actually count) please delete your bucket and rerez a new one.

    [11:30] Abnor Mole: The vendors for picking up buckets and hud are now back online :)

    [11:33] Abnor Mole: rerezzing the bucket will fix the issue of the appearing to give out candy now. When you click it, it will say "It’s The Great Trick or Treat Event, Bellisseria!" does not start until 9:00am SLT, October 18 2021.

    [11:41] Litta Nightfire: And we have to wander around to find them, the buckets don't create a landmark list?
    [11:42] Abnor Mole: The whole point is going door to door looking for people giving out candy, so no.. the HUD does not help you with that.
    [11:43] Abnor Mole: And if you return to one you already got a candy from, it will not give you another.
    [11:43] Abnor Mole: Yes, just like real Trick ot Treating :)

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  8. 32 minutes ago, Therese Tammas said:

    I believe the BBB from Bellisseria also allowed Mainland or other spots- I think I've seen some spots in there- but I could be wrong....still this is a great enrichment and the more passport games the merrier!!!

    Okay - Update: the BBB only offers passports to those who have a Bellisseria home- so this is definitely needed, a universal SL game for ALL of SL residents! =D

    The BBB does allow mainland locations, as long as they're not commercial. But this one looks interesting as well, going to look into it soon :)

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