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Posts posted by MasoDevotina

  1. So, after I spent a while in SL I decided to get creative, and people told me to that my stuff is worth selling.

    I decided to do exactly that and was able to place one item for starters on marketplace, the guide from LL did help me quite a bit. it is also said in this guide that a picture of the item to sell is very important, and I highly agree with that.

    In the guide it is said that it is not a must to add pictures, so I thaught the place to upload images is where I had to set the other stuff like description, keywords, price etc. and  wanted to tick the respective checkbox ... checkbox? Image? Upload?

    I did not find any way to uplaod an image to my product, so I'm wondering what I did miss ...

    Thanks in advance for any help and hints.

  2. I hope this is in the right place, otherwise feel free to move it :)

    On our homestead we had a nice beach with a few surfboards and waves to surf.
    Unfortunately they were all temp rezzers and removed by our landlord because of the lag they caused (and she was right with that, things are much smoother now).

    We both don't wanna give up on surfing in front of our house, so my question is:
    Are there any surfable waves available which are not temp rezzers?
    Is there a way to make surfable waves without using temp rezzers?

    Thanks for any helpful answers (if the question sounds noobish, well, I am kinda newbie)

  3. I have had this just yesterday when I rezzed something from my lost and found folder to have a look what it is.

    It appeared very quickly as a bunch of big spheres and then disappeared never to be seen again ...

    I didn't check the inventory yet to see if it came back, I'll do that later tonight.

    Usually I expect that en error message shows up telling me that SL failed to rezz, but there wasn't any error message, it seems to be true that SL is sometimes hungry and eats things it shouldn't.

    Since I couldn't remember what it was I thaught it could not have been something important, but the thaught that it could happen to an item I like is kind of scary.

  4. And for those who are banned by a Lord or a Lady from their land, do they get a title like anarchist, revolutionary, or maybe Robin Hood?

    Sounds to me like being able to buy a title, so it's only fair that those who don't have the money to buy a title (which are a lot) have the possibility to earn a title by other means.

    I don't like the idea of a financial aristocracy...

  5. So I don't have to bother for now, have the same thing.

    It started that my avi didn't rez and while going through all neccessary steps to solve it I tried to relog .... and tried ...  and tried ....

    I can't even log to my startpage, only thing that works is the forum.

  6. Knowl Paine wrote:

    I use a drag box or bounding box (that's what I call it). Right click on an object to open the build menu, then click the left mouse button and hold, then drag the mouse, a yellow outlined box should appear, the box will stretch when you drag the mouse.

              By doing so I would move all items and not only my own since my partner gave me permission to move her stuff around.


    I don't use the highlight all and I am confused as to; if you used that feature to move then once, why can't you move it again using that method? You don't have to answer that if it requires a lot of typing.

               If I knew how that it happened I would do it, that's exactly my question. I moved it accidentally and have no idea how I did.


  7. So I was working with micro prims at our home and lost them.
    To locate them I highlighted all of my items on the island and found them very quick, but when I wanted to move them aside I moved all my stuff on the homestead.

    I was not able to move it back to the place where it was before, and since I don't want to change the postion of almost 1'000 items individually I Was wondering how to to move all my stuff at the same time.

    Does anybody have an idea how to do that?


    • Like 1
  8. Thank you both for your answers, now I got an explanation why it is like it is. I started to twist prims to make them small because I never used any 3D program, and even if it would be interesting learning to use a program like Blender it defeats my primary purpose of heaving fun inworld. Not to mention that it takes some time which I can spend learning other things which make my living in RL easier and help me make my living much more than learning 3D designing (maybe that changes somewhen, and then I will learn it).

    I solved my problem now by tweaking a torus in a different way and it turned out that I can make it even smaller than by simply hollowing it.


    Thank you both for your answers :)


    Edit: removed spelling errors

  9. I inserted two pictures to clarify what I mean.


    The texture on the inside is .jpeg, although I don't know about the outside. It's a Torley texture called totally transparent.

    The texture of the gem in the background is also a .jpeg, since it is a nano prim it has a transparent cube around it.

    I am a noob when it comes to image processing, so I really have no clue about alpha layers and how the pictures are made/stored/whatever, but I have been told I am a fast learner.

    I will gladly take up your offer to send you an IM inworld.

  10. Okay, a while ago I asked here in the forum how to make prims below 1cm, and became very helpful answers.

    One thing I used very often was to make the outside of a hollowed prim transparent while texturing the inside, allowing me to make prims sized below 1cm.
    This works very well, but some things look really odd.

    When doing as described with a torus, then cutting the torus to insert another object on the side (in the hole), I the niserted object is visible through the textured inner surface of the torus.

    In general I noticed that a torus hollowed and textured in the above described manner is always visible from the inside (from inside the hollowed part). What I would rather prefer is that the inner surface - which has a visible texture - is seen from the outside of it (like the viewpoint would be in the massive part of the torus instead in the hollowed out part of).

    Not sure if it is understandable what I wrote, but maybe it sounds familiar to somebody. I will add a picture when I am at home on my computer and able to log in.

    kind regards


    Torus Hollow.jpg

     Torus hollowed out, inside textured, outside with transparebt texture


    Torus Solid.jpg

    Solid torus, textured


    edited to remove spelling errors, inserted pictures

  11. Drongle McMahon wrote:

    The best thing is to express the changes as logarithms. That way, the number is the same whichever way you look at it. Just the sign changes. Thus log(32/24) = 0.125, and log (24/32) = -0.125. The size of the change is the same! A 32 bit texture needs 0.125 logs more data, and a 24 bit texture needs 0.125 logs less. :matte-motes-mad:


    Okay, you did it :D

    The diference is approximately 1.25dB, add a + or - depending on the direction.

    10 x log 32/24

    The difference can simply be added and subtracted that way ;)

    Sorry, I had to reply to this :D

  12. I am not sure if this is the right place for this, so feel free to move the thread.

    Since a week or two the lag on our 3/4 homestead has become horrible, sometimes we can't even tp to our home. I would like to find what exactly is causing this lag. It was much better for a couple of days after our landlord restarted the sim and said that she removed a huge "script collider", the item in question was a scripted couch.

    I am well aware that there are running a lot of scripts on our land, and I suspect that this is the main reason for all the issues we encounter.

    I don't want to bother our landlord every 2nd or 3rd day to make a restart (and I like to understand things myself as well), so I started to gather informations just to find out that I don't understand most of it (although I call myself techincally skilled).

    Answers to the questions below would help to get a better picture of what is going on in out home.

    1) What are colliding scripts and how do I locate them?
    2) How big is a healthy memory usage of scripts on a homestead?
    3) Where do I find detailled explanations for the values shown in the statistics?
    4) I used some temp rezzers to save prims and because they look nice, can they have a heavy impact on lag?

    Since we talk about lag, I am especially interested to understand all the times shown in the statistics window.

    Of course, if anybody knows other helpful resources, feel free to let me know :)

    Thanks a lot in advance

  13. Even if I am not a builder I sometimes like to make stuff myself, and so I tried to make a piercing.

    To see what I am actually doing I started qith rather big prims, put them together how I want them and wanted to shrink it then to a size which is appropriate for a piercing.
    My problem now is that I can't make it as small as it should be, there is a limit to how small I can make it.
    Since I got a few piercings I bought I know it can be made smaller, but I have no idea how to do it.

    Is it even possible in world?
    Do I need to make it with an external editor?
    Is there any script that helps me making it small enough?

    Thanks for any idea.

  14. I don't know it this is the right place for this question, so feel free to move if neccessary.

    I experience samething strange with the leash of my sub and the leashholder, and that is whenever I leash her the leash goes randomly to my collar or to the leash holder.

    I have to mention that I took the script which is in the leash holder and added it in a bracelet, because the leash holder just looks weird (no matter which one).

    It doesn't matter if I use an OC leash holder script or an unmodified bracelet from Mo Design or a RR leash holder.

    My thaught was then to remove all leash related stuff from my own collar to give the leash no possibility to attach to my own collar.

    So my question is:
    Can I force the leash to attach to my bracelet no matter what?
    Which scripts do I need to remove from my collar so that no leash can be atttached to it? (if possible the leash lf my own collar should be usable all the same).

    Thanks for any hints and ideas.

    The leash comes from an Open Collar V 3.600, the leash holder doesn't matter which one I use.

    The question is not about the simple leash script.

    It may even be helpful if I knew how it is decided to where the leash goes ...


    Edited to add the type of collar used and to clear the subject

  15. No, I didn't know that.

    I use the Restrained Love Viewer from Marine Kelley usually, and wanted to give Viewer 1 a chance since many people told me it's viewer 2 which is messing things up, so I decided to check out different viewers to see which one I like the most and which one has the best performance (I am sure there is no viewer which meets both conditions at the same time).

    But thanks anyway

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