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  1. Haha that is a good point, I for the most part aim for just some incentive/reward for playing and to improve the arcade 'feel'
  2. Yeah but, upon investigation would they not discover that it is not? Especially if no $L is involved?
  3. I actually have no current plans to make the games in the arcade cost $L to play (aside from selling a version of the games themselves which do not reward points so kinda unrelated lol) I am curious for the sake of knowing, even though I do not currently plan to, if it would be allowed to charge $L to play the games. It would be nice to know the rules for things such as this, would be useful to know the limits on what you are allowed to do. Like another scenario... what if someone was making a grid wide mmo and had a currency/point system within it for buying things for the mmo? Searching on this topic hasn't returned much, wasn't even sure where to ask lol
  4. Let's say that I wanted to make an establishment full of games that rewarded you points after playing them based on your "score". The points could then be redeemed for prizes which would be things I or others have made, or possibly even products from my store or other peoples stores. So basically an arcade... Its an arcade lol Is this sort of thing allowed? Does it in any way violate TOS or break the rules or anything? Or anything that I need to consider or know? Not sure if it would be considered trying to "make my own currency" or not, figured I'd ask... Also, would it be wise to store the points accumulated by players in experience kvp? It was unclear whether or not space was infinite or if I'd eventually run out.
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