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Posts posted by Frawmusl

  1. I personally use .tga because it is the most lossless of the options you can upload to SL
    Though it doesn't matter in the end because they're all converted to jpeg2000 when uploaded.

  2. Ctrl+A will make all the scales "Average" to what they are on your object.

    Ctrl+P will pack the items into the map as best it can ( usually to get a good idea of what you need to do, but not as good as if you packed it yourself)


  3. A writing job is a writing job, whether it be in-world or out of world. I personally wouldn't accept less than minimum wage per hour/per 500 words etc. Fair pay is when you pay someone the appropriate amount for using their skill they worked to refine.

  4. Crysis = Optimized for a gaming environment


    Secondlife = Least optimized game in the world, Too large of textures, too many polys everywhere, I can understand how Antialias might freak out, especially with all the info coming in.

    On-board graphics are typically O.K, but In a lot of cases they just don't cut it for games. I recommend reducing your draw distance if you are trying to boost up your AA

    (Just so you know, I am running a quad core system, 16 gigs of ram, 580GTX , and some other fun stuff, and I can't even handle high without lag. So its not you, Its second life. Look for more optimized sims to be in (Very few and far in-between.) if you want to have a better graphic experience.

  5. I feel like you're using a good cause to gain profit.. 5% donated to breast cancer from tips that range from 50~200L (typically) and totally maybe 10,000L on a super duper good night will only give $2.00 to breast cancer. Maybe you should consider having 100% Breast cancer nights, or even just raise it to 20% which is still only $7...
    maybe best to just donate all the money being spent on the club to breast cancer xD


    ETA: Also, The post title reminds me of those mumbai hookers that post almost every night. It hurts my eyes to look at, please refrain from that so my dyslexia doesn't freak out :P

  6. Yes this computer should be more than capable of running SL with shadows and all at 30fps. I recommend not buying alienware though, they're overpriced for what they offer. Take a look around newegg they have some fairly priced computers and even better, if you have the skill build your own. It will take at least $500 off the price.

  7. You can always try the snipping tool then google image search them elsewhere. I just make all of my own textures so I don't have to deal with anything such as that. Or use CGtextures.com and modify them (make them seamless etc) (Google image search by going to google, image -> Click the camera in the search bar)

  8. Thanks for your reply :D 
    Fixed the areas mentioned, Though I decided to just edgeslide the nearby loop because it didn't make a visible difference and The arm slot? doesn't move enough to really need another supporting edgeloop (imo). Ill keep all this in my head for the next clothing I'll make (Which wont be until the deformer because my god is it annoying to size and upload so much)

  9. If you're looking for an interesting place to fly an aircraft, even google earth has a better simulation that what you'll get out of SL. I think the last thing on Linden Lab's mind is "Oh lets make SL optimized for aircrafts and flying!"
    Just try and find a aircraft group and they can possibly tell you better places to fly. There are waterways all over SL that should be clear to fly in. Though the lag of changing sims so quickly might ruin the experience.

  10. Lets say you want to be a dancer, The average is about 100L an hour at a decent club -decent- So thats a couple of cents an hour for talking and entertaining etc. If you're wanting to pay for your in-game fun sure those couple of cents where you don't have to use a credit card to get can be useful. But if you're trying to take out money, doing something unproductive like linden realms, dancing etc (Not insulting anyone who enjoys dancing/hosting etc) will not earn you a income worth calling "Real money" There are few dancers/hosts that I know of who do make "Real money"

  11. Any and all virtual world and games that you put $0 into and expect $ Out of is probably not going to happen. Rather than investing your time trying to find and play games for money you should invest it into your education so you can start making money with your skill. Though, if you are hard-pressed enough to play games for money you can always become a "Game tester". Pretty hard to get a position, and very confidential (Surprisingly).

  12. Hmm good points, I will look into fixing that. It rigs OK, Slight clipping on the sleeves, but the rest is fine with an  alpha ..I don't think its possibly to rig to the avatar without clipping on most of the body.. would have to custom size everything :P

    I based it all off the avatar, its supposed to be a bit on the tighter side, so the anatomical I can partially blame on the creator of the avatar ;P This was made real fast for rigging practice and to see what kind of lengths things need to be IE the sleeves are at JUST the wrong size to have the shoulder clip through when moving :\ Will adjust that in future clothes either make it longer or shorter

    The shoulder blades are there, but Again based on the SL avatar so its all a bit funky. Will make sure to be more anatomically correct in my next design, Im unsure of the crease you talk about.. Could you give me an example?


    Thanks for the critique :P

  13. So on this fire place it has a decent amount of detail, but I created a simple outlining version on where I want the avatar to collide with it. and uploaded that in the physics so it didn't calculate a heavy physics by the original object being triangulated


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