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Posts posted by Mayalily

  1. Ariel Vuissent wrote:

    I've noticed lately that some items on hangers do show front and back: Most of the items will show the front, but one or two might have the back view, if you pay attention. Maitreya does this for sure, and I think mon tissu does too, and some others. I'm sure not everyone does this, but I actually like seeing the items on hangers, for some reason. I find that pictures of the item on a model are often too retouched.

    Maitreya didn't show front and back when I bought items there.  The skirt which was sold as a separate showed the front only, but the problem is, even though sold as a separate, the painted on belt is only painted on the front with no belt on the back, so can't use it, and the jacket I bought from Maitreya is far too boxy looking and doesn't look good with the skirt.  So, I can't agree on Maitreya due to my experience.  I like the skirts fit and would wear it IF the belt went all the way around.   I have struck out on all but one shirt I bought off "hanger" items.  The hanger items ended up in the trash bin, sadly for my money.  I also bought a pair of what looked nice nice bronze leather pants from a store as MY LAST HANGER ITEM, cuz I'm not doing that anymore.  The pants looked great from the front, but absolutely no detail on the back of the pants.  I just won't buy "hanger" items, not without a picture of both front and back.  MP does offer the ability to see the detail better, as Amethyst eluded too, and that is my opinion also.  I mentioned the "hanger" items because personally I have had no luck with a quality result.  I can't wear a skirt as a separate with a half belt.  lol

    However, after looking at the rl clothes for women for Spring, that half belt skirt is far better than what is new for Spring 2012!!!  Ah, the clothes are horrid for Spring 2012 and look dumpy like something from the 40's, like a house dress.  Horrid of what I've seen so far.

    Here are two pics of what is hot for 2012.  Hot?  I'd sayspring2012.jpg horrid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  2. Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

    I shop mostly on Marketplace to be able to see a wide variety of things and to compare things without having to TP all over and wait for things to rez an possibly get caught in lag,  If they have an inworld store and if its convenient, i'll go there and buy it to save the vendor the commission.

    I personally don't see an advantage of seeing something in world vs. on the marketplace when it comes to clothes unless the designer offers demos,  In world,  you mostly see just the same picture anyway not the actual item and sometimes it is much smaller than the one on MP so you can't see the details as much.  However, if its a designer I really like I will visit their shop from time to time just to see if they have something new that's not on the marketplace.  I also shop in world with a few designers i really like that aren't on MP.

    Marketplace is a great way to find new designers too.  Many designers just starting out only are on the marketplace until they catch on enough that they can afford a store in world.  Shopping is more a chore for me than entertainment so I don't go wandering around looking for new designers in world.  If one opens in world that is really good, I generally hear about them from shopaholic friends anyway

    As far as security, I don't have many problems with either marketplace or inworld.  I've been 'ripped' off by inworld merchants as many times as I have on MP.  At least on MP you can get a redelivery through LL if the merchant doesn't respond to a failed delivery. You can also write a negative review to warn others and in some cases, have them removed from the MP if there was fraud involved.  In world you have zero protection other than word of mouth.


    Pretty much what Amethyst said.  Marketplace is a tremendous time saver for me in that I may like 50 items on Marketplace, but I don't have to wait for all that stuff to rez nor would I want too!!!

    For me, I've been disappointed with my purchases inworld either because I chose too fast, was put in a bad mad because of waiting for rezzing, can't fly in the store to get around quickly, or it was an item on a hanger instead of on a model where I couldn't see the detail of both sides of the artwork on the clothing.  (Beware of items without front and back pics and on models -- I've bought about 5 items of things on hangers instead of modeled front and back and all were bad, so I won't do that again.)

    I do shop inworld though if I want another item of the same thing but in a different color.  I just use the landmark in the folder and go pick up another color. 

    I think it depends on your age and lifestyle.  If you are single teen or young adult living at home, you probably have a lot more time than me, a person who has a rl relationship and just uses SL to listen to music. 

    I started on Marketplace, whereas some other people are more used to shopping inworld.  I love MP and get very frustrated with having to wait for rezzing of a store, walking my avatar around, etc, or looking for the one item I want from the store and can't find it inworld in the store after walking my avatar around for 10 minutes.  By that time, I'm done, logging off and logging back into checkout and VOILA, next time I log into SL there are my items in less than five minutes.  There is no comparison for me.  I'd chose MP any day. 

    If a SL user doesn't have a house or place to open boxes though or they are a contest goer (which I am not), inworld is most likely better.

    I'd say it depends on rl/sl lifestyle. 

    p.s.  If you can't decide, store items in your favorites on your Marketplace page.  If you can't find the favorites area, ask, cuz it's great. 


  3. 1. Describe yourself in two words?

    Permanently exhausted.

    2. What surprised you last?

    ...that there are some people I cannot forgive. 

    3. What is your current favorite song or album - one you are obsessing over?

    Always Donald Faegan's "The Nightfly".  Worthy of obsession. 

    4. What is your mood or feeling today? (Or for you NT types, if you prefer: What is most occupying your thoughts?)

    Permanently exhausted.

    5. What do you most hope for this year?

    To feel better (have energy), and world peace (i.e., the Iranian situation,etc.)

  4. Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

    Personally I don't like DJ"s who have only a static playlist and don't take requests at all and most people don't.  Most people like DJ's that are flexible to the mood of a room and choose music accordingly.  Thats why they go to the clubs with live DJ's and why clubs that play a radio are dead.  So providing a specific guaranteed play list in advance if you charged a cover charge or even under the present system wouldn't work anymore than playing a radio.  However if a cover is charged it should be made clear what the format (genre) of music will be or it should be stated clearly that it a mix.  I do think and most people agree that a DJ should stick to the advertised format and shouldn't play requests outside of it.  If I go to a heavy metal club and the DJ plays Britney Spears, even if it is a request, I'm out of there.

    My entire point is that if you are entertained you should tip or expect to pay some other way if you expect quality entertainment in SL to continue.  I don't advocate tipping any entertainer that doesn't entertain you.  But if  you stay and turn your own music on you are benefiting from the club's venue even if the only thing your enjoy is that the club brought people together to socialize with or you enjoy the scenery and  you should tip the club once in a while. 

    I wish there were more RL professional club DJ's in SL, but professionals are paid RL money and SL DJ's aren't.  So there is no incentive for a professional to work here.  There are a rare few in SL willing to work for their tiers, but if they don't make enough in tips they won't work.

    One last point is about RL companies footing the bill through sponsorship.  This has been tried and has always failed miserably in SL.  Experience and marketing study after study has shown that a huge majority of people don't want RL companies advertising to them in SL or even want to go someplace and see RL company logos. In fact they will go out of their way to avoid it.  People come to SL to escape RL and live they way they choose and the last thing they want to be reminded of when they go to clubs is RL.  Maybe this may change in the future if patrons have to foot more of the cost of entertainment. However, it will be very hard if not impossible to overcome RL companies not being interested in sponsoring things in SL due to the past track record.

    Well, see I'm looking for something in music beyond just a genre.  I'm looking for something with some thought to it that would be interesting.  For example, you don't need to be a professional to look up the top 40 songs of a particular year.  For example, some interesting ideas could be the best of the British invasion; or take any year, say June 1987 and play the top 40 hits of that year, then do July 1972, and so forth.  Something interesting, something different, and something other than just a vague "genre".  There are lots of websites, magazines, TV stations to get ideas for a themed music event (not themed clothing event), such as VH1 Classic (lots of voted polls there for best this or that), Rolling Stone magazine (lots of insight into great music of the past with votes including best guitarists of all time, etc, etc).  I am so desperate for some good music in SL, I almost was going to post something in the Wanted section a few weeks ago.  Wanted themed MUSIC event, not themed clothing event.   lol 

    As to one of your posts above about sponsors and it bringing in to much rl, well there are clubs that are already giving away free sponsorship whether a beer company or Coca-cola.  Many clubs are just giving away advertising; however, the free adverts do not bother me.  Also, rl is full of sponsors, just watch any sporting event or go to any concert or watch a movie, there are tons of sponsors there, some hidden and some on billboards (especially sporting and concert events).  It's part of life and it's also how the business world operates or ticket prices would be way more expensive than they are now. 

    Also, I would not mind a way for SL to allow paying for downloading songs legally, which would then belong (more or less) to that club, and then the patrons could pay a small price to make that song play, that way the money goes to support the club.  It's just an idea as you did ask for some ideas in your other post as well.   I don't want to get into a discussion about SOPA though because I don't think it will pass in it's current form and not in an election year.  But, does that mean LL should just keep shoving the problem of illegal downloading under the rug?  I'd say not necessarily since this is their business and a business which consists of a lot of free entertainment as it is. 

  5. Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

    Mayalily wrote:

    kinda Fallen wrote:

    As of late clubs used to encourage ppl to come in for traffic to help rent out mall space, with the downfall of malls due to the convenience of the Market Place...should clubs and venues start charging for entertainment or still ask (grovel, plead and beg) for tips as usual in the past?

    How do ppl feel about entertainment in SL, is it or should it be considered free like television?

    Has anyone else noticed the decline in tipping as of late? (could be the economy, or so many alts in SL, the expense to clothe and house them takes precedence over tipping)

    I know most will tip if the entertainment is good, and they are enjoying themselves, but it seems to me its becoming an issue in alot of places now.

    Just some random thoughts about SL as an entertainment outlet ..let me hear from you guys !



    I used to tip, but after several months, SL gets to be like the radio, only radio is far, far better.  There are only a few good live singers in SL and only a few good Dj's worth tipping.  Most Dj's are playing crap, and I will not tip for that.  I think it would be better to have a really good internet radio station playing and let people tip the venue, or for clubs to try to get a sponser, but getting serious sponsers could only happen IF SL went age verified only as adult sponsor's would not be interested in sponsoring clubs with adults and teens in them.  The Moderate rating is a joke as it's practically the same as adult and I've seen complete nudity in Moderate rated sims.  SL keeps the M rating because people want anominity and adult, which does not work too well, especially if you want sponsors. 

    When the entertainment is worth it, I tip.  As far as a cover charge, yes I would consider it BUT ONLY IF given a song list of what will be played beforehand in a notecard.  However, griefers could ruin that by requesting crappy songs, and then what? Would we get a refund?  In some ways, I might be more inclined to tip if a notecard was sent out with the play list.  If the playlist was horrible for my taste, I simply would not go to that event.  If the playlist was great, I'd go in a heartbeat and pay a cover charge, depending on what the price of that cover charge is. 

    In all honesty, there are very few clubs with great music... took me three hours yesterday to hear one good song on SL, and that song was "Little Wing" by Jimi Hendrix. 

    Ideally it would be great if most clubs had live musc, but live music costs the owner thousands per hour.  So, DJ's are in demand in SL. Show me a club that only has a radio station playing and I'll show you an empty club that will die a quick death.  I would never go to a club that only plays a radio station.  I can stay home and do that.

    A good DJ doesn't use a play list.  A good DJ monitors the mood of the crowd and what things people are talking about in public chat and chooses the songs to play in response.  They also take requests and work them into what is being played in a way that segues  the song in so there is no jarringly abrupt change.

    I don't understand what you mean by a griefer.  Just because someone requests a song you don't like doesn't make them a griefer.  I'm sure you like songs that others don't like and don't want to hear, does that  make you one?  DJ's have a right to refuse to play songs out of format.  Meaning if the club is a jazz club and someone requests heavy metal rock the DJ will or should tell them no.  So how can someone grief by making a song request?

    Maybe you don't like hosts because they aren't do their job properly.  A good host does more than hit a button on an auto greeter and play a gesture once in a while.  If that's all they are doing, then they don't deserve to be tipped.

    Maybe you feel hosts are not needed.  However a DJ cannot do everything a DJ does and be responsible for greeting everyone and answering questions etc. and stimulate room chat while they are choosing music and dealing with technical issues you probably aren't aware of.  Some DJ run two computers, one for streaming and the other to be able to view SL. The reason for this is so if the computer running SL crashes, the music doesn't end or if the computer they stream from crashes, they can instantly switch to the other computer to continue to stream. I know one that runs three, the third being the backup in case one or bot of the other two fail and this does happen.  But this means that they can't always see everyone the instant they walk into a club or respond instantly to room chat or a question.  DJ's rely so heavily on hosts that many have one they work well with that teams with them hosting only for them and travels to various clubs where the DJ streams.

    Hosts field a lot of IM's from people that you probably aren't aware of.  Its not uncommon for a host to be in multiple IM's from patrons answering specific questions as well as having to greet people and stimulate room conversation and answer other questions posed in public chat at the same time.  Patrons won't do this.  While some will say hi to new arrivals you can't rely on that and people are insulted if they are not acknowledged when they arrive.  Other patrons can't be relied on to answer questions either such as where to find the dance ball or even teach a newb how to use one.

    Yes, I know clubs are empty or almost empty with no Dj.  I've seen that also, even though the empty clubs without a Dj are playing a better stream from a professional internet radio station, and the music is simply superior because that playlist is done by professionals, but I dance in those empty clubs some times just to escape the bad music they were playing the day before or the day before.  Sorry my griefing point was unclear.  I meant IF there were a cover charge for a specific playlist event that people want to attend, but then griefers show up and request a bunch of crap songs like "Disco Duck" or let's say it's a greatest guitar riffs song event and then people show up and request rap or trance (both of which I cannot stand, and both of which do not have any great guitar riffs).  So, the point that was unclear is that if it is a cover charge event with a playlist, then no requests should be allowed, because people came to hear the playlist that was given to them in a notecard about the event, and that is why they paid the cover charge.  Why people actually need Dj's is odd to me.  I notice people pointing their avatar towards a stage with a Dj.  Why?  The Dj is just streaming music, not entertaining where you need to have your avatar look at the stage. 

    SL's music cannot compare to some of these extraordinary internet and TV radio stations I have access to now.  TV radio is getting really exceptional for some stations, and I don't know how SL can compete with the incredible TV radio stations we have available to use now.  I think SL entertainment in regards to Dj's would and could compete with the exceptional TV music channels IF SL and individual sim owners had access to sponsorship from product companies.   If think total and complete lack of sponsorship is where SL fails. 

    I said this when I first came here and I'll say it again, I think SL should spin off into something called Music Life for music nerds.  In this Music Life idea I have is for LL to charge a far lower fee than Itunes to download a song.  I think Itunes is way over-priced in this economy. 

    However, with the way clubs run now, if the music is 50 to 80% awful, why should I pay?  I know SL has a high turn-over rate and just when you find a Dj you like, they're gone in a short time span.  Also, there was this one club listed as rock, but several of the Dj's sets are country every single day.  They should just become a country music club already. 

    What might be better than Dj and host/hostess jobs, is to create an event planner where song lists are sent out in a notecard or posted on a board in a club.

    I also do not attend contests as too many people friend each other just to vote for each other and split it.  A real genuine scripted object that gives out a raffle number, SL seriously needs something like that.  A raffle from an object, not a person vote.  Also, the music isn't much better at contests, it's the same old bad recycled playlists.  It is extremely hard to be a professional Dj.  You have to know your audience and you need to keep your audience. 

    And, why should I pay if I have to result to turning the sound down or off it's that bad, or I have to result in just turning my own music on at home? 

    More event planning IS needed, or some groups and clubs for music nerds is desperately needed.   LL should have spun off into something called Music Life and created a system to download music much, much cheaper than Itunes for example. 

  6. kinda Fallen wrote:

    As of late clubs used to encourage ppl to come in for traffic to help rent out mall space, with the downfall of malls due to the convenience of the Market Place...should clubs and venues start charging for entertainment or still ask (grovel, plead and beg) for tips as usual in the past?

    How do ppl feel about entertainment in SL, is it or should it be considered free like television?

    Has anyone else noticed the decline in tipping as of late? (could be the economy, or so many alts in SL, the expense to clothe and house them takes precedence over tipping)

    I know most will tip if the entertainment is good, and they are enjoying themselves, but it seems to me its becoming an issue in alot of places now.

    Just some random thoughts about SL as an entertainment outlet ..let me hear from you guys !



    I used to tip, but after several months, SL gets to be like the radio, only radio is far, far better.  There are only a few good live singers in SL and only a few good Dj's worth tipping.  Most Dj's are playing crap, and I will not tip for that.  I think it would be better to have a really good internet radio station playing and let people tip the venue, or for clubs to try to get a sponser, but getting serious sponsers could only happen IF SL went age verified only as adult sponsor's would not be interested in sponsoring clubs with adults and teens in them.  The Moderate rating is a joke as it's practically the same as adult and I've seen complete nudity in Moderate rated sims.  SL keeps the M rating because people want anominity and adult, which does not work too well, especially if you want sponsors. 

    When the entertainment is worth it, I tip.  As far as a cover charge, yes I would consider it BUT ONLY IF given a song list of what will be played beforehand in a notecard.  However, griefers could ruin that by requesting crappy songs, and then what? Would we get a refund?  In some ways, I might be more inclined to tip if a notecard was sent out with the play list.  If the playlist was horrible for my taste, I simply would not go to that event.  If the playlist was great, I'd go in a heartbeat and pay a cover charge, depending on what the price of that cover charge is. 

    In all honesty, there are very few clubs with great music... took me three hours yesterday to hear one good song on SL, and that song was "Little Wing" by Jimi Hendrix. 

  7. Lindal Kidd wrote:

    Now there are TWO forum posts from LL, neither of which can be replied to.

    What is this, a dDoS attack?

    Of course not.  How could a thread started by Linden Lab be locked unless it's the mods here?

    When you see a word highlighted in green someone changed the url into a GREEN word, such as 'click here' or just 'here'.

    ETA:  Oh duh Lindal, you have a highlighted green link in your signature. 

    Get ready for Spamurday everybody.  Starts tonight, somewhere, sometime, but tonight, not now!

  8. Perrie Juran wrote:

    Mayalily wrote:

    Perrie Juran wrote:

    Mayalily wrote:

    For Wall Street Occupiers or other decriers of the “social injustice” of college tuition, here’s a curveball bound to scramble your worldview: a totally free college education regardless of your academic performance or background. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) will announce on Monday that they intend to launch an online learning initiative called M.I.T.x,which will offer the online teaching of M.I.T. courses free of charge to anyone in the world.


    The program will not allow students to earn an M.I.T. degree. Instead, those who are able to exhibit a mastery of the subjects taught on the platform will receive an official certificate of completion. The certificate will obviously not carry the weight of a traditional M.I.T. diploma, but it will provide an incentive to finish the online material. According to the New York Times, in order to prevent confusion, the certificate will be a credential bearing the distinct name of a new not-for-profit body that will be created within M.I.T.


    The new online platform will look to build upon the decade-long success of the university’s original free online platform, OpenCourseWare (OCW), which has been used by over 100 million students and contains course material for roughly 2,100 classes. The new M.I.T.x online program will not compete with OCW in the number of courses that it offers. However, the program will offer students a greater interactive experience.



    Students using the program will be able to communicate with their peers through student-to-student discussions, allowing them an opportunity to ask questions or simply brainstorm with others, while also being able to access online laboratories and self-assessments. In the future, students and faculty will be able to control which classes will be available on the system based on their interests, creating a personalized education setting.



    Just an FYI post for anyone who may be looking to further their education and find a new job, etc.  Maybe helpful to someone, or pass it along. 

    Now while I think this is an awesome thing, why you should target OWS'ers, etc, is totally beyond me.  So let me scramble your world view because it is obvious that you don't understand what it is about.

    I suggest you read this: 

    It's about the declining buying power of the Dollars I earn.

    It's about being offered jobs today that I have to work more hours for less wages than I did just FIVE years ago.

    It's about Families not being able to live on just one parent's income.

    It's about not having to work two jobs or 55 hour work weeks to make ends meet.  The last sales job I applied for, when I did the math based on what they told me their average sales person earned working 55 hours a week, it worked out to just $.15 (fifteen cents) an hour more than minimum wage.

    It's about CEO's taking huge bonuses while giving their employees nickle raises.

    And while I have absolutely nothing against any one making money or being rich, it's about me not being worked to death just so I can have a job. 

    It's about the fact that I have worked hard all my life and I am still a hard worker.  But I object to my life and the value of my labor being devalued.

    So read the linked article before you deride my wanting to do something about social injustices. 


    edited to correct a spelling error


    Oh, I didn't write the above OP.  That's a copy and paste from the Forbes article.  Times are tough and people need education.  So, I thought I'd pass the information along as this is the whole world here on SL and it said people from all over the world are welcome to look into their FREE college courses and to read the WHOLE Forbes article on it provided in the link.

    Then I do hope your response here means that you don't agree with the opening sentence of that article.  Cause quite frankly it sucks.  And if you don't agree with that opening sentence I apologize for aiming my stern words at you. 

    Thank you.

    No problem.  The opening sentence is a little odd I will grant you that; however, that's the way it was written.  I would not have written that article with that particular opening line to tell you the truth, but then I'm not a journalist, and I don't really have the time to try to decipher why the journalist of that Forbes article chose to include the occupy WallSt movement as the opening line for the article. 

    Article also says internet classes will start in Spring and an affordable price will be charged for the certificate, the price of which they haven't decided upon yet.  But, it said "affordable".  Maybe someone or several people can benefit from this, or pass it along to relatives and friends.  It's free, except for the price of this affordable certificate which has yet to be decided upon according to the Forbes article above.  However, I don't have time to debate... just passing the info along to the whole world here on SL. 

    p.s.  If you don't want to open my link, try keywords like free MITx college courses, Forbes, etc, etc. to find the article or to search for more info. 

  9. Perrie Juran wrote:

    Mayalily wrote:

    For Wall Street Occupiers or other decriers of the “social injustice” of college tuition, here’s a curveball bound to scramble your worldview: a totally free college education regardless of your academic performance or background. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) will announce on Monday that they intend to launch an online learning initiative called M.I.T.x,which will offer the online teaching of M.I.T. courses free of charge to anyone in the world.


    The program will not allow students to earn an M.I.T. degree. Instead, those who are able to exhibit a mastery of the subjects taught on the platform will receive an official certificate of completion. The certificate will obviously not carry the weight of a traditional M.I.T. diploma, but it will provide an incentive to finish the online material. According to the New York Times, in order to prevent confusion, the certificate will be a credential bearing the distinct name of a new not-for-profit body that will be created within M.I.T.


    The new online platform will look to build upon the decade-long success of the university’s original free online platform, OpenCourseWare (OCW), which has been used by over 100 million students and contains course material for roughly 2,100 classes. The new M.I.T.x online program will not compete with OCW in the number of courses that it offers. However, the program will offer students a greater interactive experience.



    Students using the program will be able to communicate with their peers through student-to-student discussions, allowing them an opportunity to ask questions or simply brainstorm with others, while also being able to access online laboratories and self-assessments. In the future, students and faculty will be able to control which classes will be available on the system based on their interests, creating a personalized education setting.



    Just an FYI post for anyone who may be looking to further their education and find a new job, etc.  Maybe helpful to someone, or pass it along. 

    Now while I think this is an awesome thing, why you should target OWS'ers, etc, is totally beyond me.  So let me scramble your world view because it is obvious that you don't understand what it is about.

    I suggest you read this: 

    It's about the declining buying power of the Dollars I earn.

    It's about being offered jobs today that I have to work more hours for less wages than I did just FIVE years ago.

    It's about Families not being able to live on just one parent's income.

    It's about not having to work two jobs or 55 hour work weeks to make ends meet.  The last sales job I applied for, when I did the math based on what they told me their average sales person earned working 55 hours a week, it worked out to just $.15 (fifteen cents) an hour more than minimum wage.

    It's about CEO's taking huge bonuses while giving their employees nickle raises.

    And while I have absolutely nothing against any one making money or being rich, it's about me not being worked to death just so I can have a job. 

    It's about the fact that I have worked hard all my life and I am still a hard worker.  But I object to my life and the value of my labor being devalued.

    So read the linked article before you deride my wanting to do something about social injustices. 


    edited to correct a spelling error


    Oh, I didn't write the above OP.  That's a copy and paste from the Forbes article (link at bottom of opening post).  Times are tough and people need education.  So, I thought I'd pass the information along as this is the whole world here on SL and it said people from all over the world are welcome to look into their FREE college courses.  Best to read the whole Forbes article through and research more before just diving into it.  Just a for your information (FYI) post.  People can comment on free college if they'd like to though or the Forbes article, but I have no desire to debate... just passing it along. 

  10. For Wall Street Occupiers or other decriers of the “social injustice” of college tuition, here’s a curveball bound to scramble your worldview: a totally free college education regardless of your academic performance or background. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) will announce on Monday that they intend to launch an online learning initiative called M.I.T.x,which will offer the online teaching of M.I.T. courses free of charge to anyone in the world.

    The program will not allow students to earn an M.I.T. degree. Instead, those who are able to exhibit a mastery of the subjects taught on the platform will receive an official certificate of completion. The certificate will obviously not carry the weight of a traditional M.I.T. diploma, but it will provide an incentive to finish the online material. According to the New York Times, in order to prevent confusion, the certificate will be a credential bearing the distinct name of a new not-for-profit body that will be created within M.I.T.

    The new online platform will look to build upon the decade-long success of the university’s original free online platform, OpenCourseWare (OCW), which has been used by over 100 million students and contains course material for roughly 2,100 classes. The new M.I.T.x online program will not compete with OCW in the number of courses that it offers. However, the program will offer students a greater interactive experience.

    Students using the program will be able to communicate with their peers through student-to-student discussions, allowing them an opportunity to ask questions or simply brainstorm with others, while also being able to access online laboratories and self-assessments. In the future, students and faculty will be able to control which classes will be available on the system based on their interests, creating a personalized education setting.



    Just an FYI post for anyone who may be looking to further their education and find a new job, etc.  Maybe helpful to someone, or pass it along. 


  11. Awwwwwwwww!  I'd have to pick Surprised Kitty.  The video may also be found under America's Cutest Kitten for a better version.  This video I'm sharing is so adorable, and it ended up in an American commercial as well, and it is my favorite You Tube video.


  12. newsue wrote:

    I've been with SL for about 6 weeks now, I've aquired some nice outfits, some free and some purchased but now I'd like to get more specific items but have great difficulty finding items which show up in a search and after I TP to the store.

    I'm trying to find a denim skirt and some decent tops, can't seem to find the skirt and all the tops appear to be part of an outfit.

    Or is it very much like real life and one often has to wander aimlessly trying to find something one likes :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:



    Oh yes, I've wondered aimlessly in quite a few inworld stores, and it is my least favorite thing to do, also.  Marketplace is right here on this main website page.  Just point your cursor to shopping (not community) and you will find Marketplace.  And yes, you can just type in demin skirt in the Marketplace search bar and there are lots to chose from.  Also, click open 'see all categories' and a pricing menu will appear.  You can narrow your search in all kinds of ways on Marketplace including how many prims you might be looking for, for an example.  In other words, Marketplace is not rezzed nor inworld, it like shopping on Amazon.com for instance with a shopping cart and checkout.   There is a favorites area where you can store your items also, somewhat like eBay favorites, so you don't have to buy all right away, and you can tp to any store when you have the time.  So many ways to make Marketplace work for you and save time.  

    p.s.  If you don't know what mesh is, perhaps avoid that for now.  LOL  Or if you like a demin skirt in mesh, at least with mesh, you can try a demo. 

  13. GothGirl Demonia wrote:

      <---- A way to stop SOPA, Its funny just like the LibSL Clients in Second Life the companies going for SOPA are the ones actually hosting and making pirating DRM removal programs. I support things like DRM Removal when you legally purchase something as DRM in Books, and games, and music makes it a pain to share legit content which you have legally purchased between your other devices and such.

    Pass it on to your friends if you do not wan't SOPA, Even if their video gets removed I will ReUpload it with hundreds/Thousands of accounts on YouTube that is.

    People who are against SOPA, Lets pass this on, and make this go Viral.

    Do not forget about the ACLU its free to send notices.

      <---- The Debate

    Support our
    United States Constitution,
    Do not let the U.S start internet censorship which will effect many users of many MMORPG based titles, games, and even users of Second Life.

    1)  The internet already IS CENSORED!  See bleep bleep bleeps, capice?  Not to mention inworld songs are also censored with bleep bleep bleeps.  Capice?  True pirate radio was to allow songs that were banned by governments simply because of an f-word or two. 

    2)  A copyright is a copyright is a copyright.  I am for artists and some form of SOPA, but not in it's current form.  It should be for those who sell at least $100,000 dollars or more in pirated content, not $1,000.  As far as drugs being bought in Canada and mailed to the USA, I think that guy in the video has been taking a lot of those.  LOL  Or else he needs some medication?  All I could say to that guy is calm down, dude, or stop drinking so much coffee and eating so much sugar.  He's quite a "hyper".

    3)  President Obama has to pass the bill.  After what this Congress has done to the American people while they haggle over the debt ceiling and budget cuts, does anyone think President Obama will pass that from Congress?  I'd say not a chance President Obama will sign that. 

    4)  Interpretation:  Don't sweat it.  It's not going to pass this year, imo, not by Obama and not in an election year either.  The USA has bigger problems to worry about, and Congress is trying to pass this now?  It's not going to pass.  So, breathe and go enjoy SL.

    Conclusion:  Wake up people, the internet is already censored!!!!!!!

  14. RoseBeMine wrote:

    I turned off group tags. Well I put it on to none. I use the ctrl alt shift 4 thing sometimes and that helps a little.

    Where do I go to check if something I'm wearing has scripts?

    You don't need your tags showing for them to change; they will change without a need to view them on your screen. One excellent thing about Marketplace is seller's tell you it's a resizer (script and delete) item.  Even if you don't want to shop on Marketplace, you can still see which items are resizer before you teleport to the actual store inworld.  Also, just click on items on your avi and if a menu pops up, it's a resizer.  For instance, click on your hair, if a menu pops up you need to resize and then delete all scripts and confirm....etc.

    I was also thinking it might be your internet connection because the worst lag I've experienced with my new computer was New Year's weekend.  When holidays occur, tons more people on the internet from checking weather, to menus at resturants, to traffic, to endless stuffs.  Also, if you always log on after work in your local area, those are higher traffic times on your ISP because most people get on the computer after work; checking email, facebook, etc.  Are you always logging on during what are considered high internet traffic times and especially after work?  A lot of ISP's in America especially are getting bad raps for being so slow.  IMO, they weren't built very well.  Call you ISP and tell them of your situation.  Or call around and talk to the service departments of the ISP's (internet service providers) before you chose another one.

    It could very well be your internet connection, but if you want to check for items with resizer scripts, just click on each item and a menu should appear.  If no menu, it's probably edit the old way.

    Log onto SL very early in the morning in your local area and see if it is your ISP and internet traffic or not, but change your group tag, even if you have to change group tag several times, it usually works (however, group tag doesn't need to be shown to change). 

    ETA:  Hud shoes have thousands of scripts, so perhaps avoid those.  Get some low lag sneakers or some resizer boots where you can delete the scripts, and try that.  Jewelry usually has about 40-60 scripts running as compared to hud shoes which have thousands.  However, there is some resizer jewelry now where you can delete the scripts.  But, hud shoes are a 1000 times worse. 

  15. RoseBeMine wrote:

    All the places I like to go in SL lag really badly for me. Are there any nice places just to go walking through that have hardly anyone there so there isn't so much lag?

    I like going to a couple of nice clubs and the area takes ages to load and then all the avatars are grey instead of showing what they really look like.

    It's really quite frustrating.

    Aside from changing group tag which helps stuff to rez, you can also hit control + alt + shift + 4 to make all avis disappear until your computer is ready to rez.   Also, turn your avatar camera view away from all the avis until at least the background appears.

    There are some clubs that are laggy and there are some clubs that allow NO scripts now.  Also, designers have been making clothing with scripts that can be deleted, as well as jewelry, so make sure all your scripts are deleted from your clothing, etc.

    I bought a hoodie that fit great and didn't even notice it had a resizer and a delete option until I just bought some more in diff colors today. 

    Be sure to fit your items whatever they may be from clothing to jewelry to hair and DELETE ALL SCRIPTS.  Our avatars are the laggiest things. 

    Also, on V3, on the start up page, it states HOW MANY AVI'S there at present, and a lot are empty when I log onto the V3 viewer, so if you want to explore alone, V3 is worth downloading, especially if you like to hunt alone.  You don't even need to log into the viewer to see which sims are empty.  You could download V3 and still log into the viewer of your choice.  Write down the empty sims, and then teleport there after you log into your preferred viewer.  V3 also shows which sims are currently active and full of avi's, so always something to find to do with V3. 

  16. Persephone Emerald wrote:

    I know SL still has problems & Linden Lab could still improve our experience as users, but I'd like to take some time this holiday season to thanks Rodvik & the rest of the crew for a few nice things they've done for us.

    1. Thank you for not raising tier prices for 2012. High tier costs has been driving many users away from owning land. I'm glad you guys apparently figured this out & decide not to try to squeeze more money out of users who are often already struggling to pay for their SL recreation time.

    2. Thank-you for getting rid of the Basic viewer, which just confused new players & didn't give them an enriched experience.

    3. Thank-you for more free sandboxes (even if they are just for Premium members).

    4. Thank-you for the gifties to Premium members. The items you've offered aren't really that important to most of us, but I appreciate that you're trying to find ways to reward Premium membership.

    5. Thank-you for the Linden Realms games. I don't need the few free lindens I can get from playing the game, but I think this is a great way for newbies to get used to using SL while also earning a few lindens. More people joining & staying means more money for Linden Lab, which is good news for us regular users, because we want SL to stay around for us to play here.


    If I might offer few more suggestions for improving user experience at little cost to Linden Lab:

    1. Increase the "free" land for Premium membership to 1024 m. This would make owning land & having one's own home on it comparable to using a free Linden Home. As the situation stands now, a user gets more prim usage with a free Linden Home than they do from owning their own land & rezzing a low-prim house or sky box on it. If you can encourage Linden Home users to own their own land instead of using a "free" Linden Home, some of them will inevitably purchase more land & pay tier for it. Some of them will also learn to improve the appearance of land that is currently abandoned & empty.

    2. Continue to develop public spaces that all users can use, especially roadways, waterways & parks. These look much nicer than large tracts of abandoned land & encourage users to explore this virtual world & get to know each other better.

    3. Offer users, especially newbies contacts for in-world training on how to enjoy SL better. Newbies need help leaning to use the Edit menu & basic building. Almost everyone needs help with managing their Inventory better. I'm pretty sure all the huge inventories many users have is a drain on the servers, so if people can learn to delete duplicate items, that will help the servers as well as the users.

    4. If this hasn't been done already, abandoned land should automatically send back prims to the previous resident & be set to disallow others from rezzing prims on it. Allowing just anyone to abandon objects on abandoned land creates an unsightly mess that may include Adult objects on Mature & General land.

    5. If possible, keep General land separate from Mature land. If you have to keep one continent that is General, one that is Adult, and all the others Mature, then do that. Placing land that is supposed to be appropriate for 16 year olds next to land that includes Mature images & items for sale makes no sense if you want SL to be used by people who believes SL should be "family-friendly". I don't personally care what the teens in SL do, but I don't want Linden Lab to be sued by parents saying their children were exposed to inappropriate material.


    Hi Pers, Yes I have personally been working on my inventory and deleting items I don't use, old landmarks, old notecards, all kinds of stuff.  Torley Linden has a tutorial on You Tube on how to make a box and store a bunch of items in that box that are rarely used.  So, thank you Torley for that very interesting video. 

    As far as Adult, Mature, and General.  Mature requires no age verification but Mature is becoming more and more ADULT every day.  People are constantly pushing the limits on mature sims.  I find more nudity on Mature sims than on Adult, and that's WITH teenagers?  I believe LL should just have General and Adult, and forget the Mature altogether because on Mature they don't have to be verified and could steal someone's guilable teen off SL and right into rl.  That's pretty scary.  People want anonimity and adult at the same time, and there is no logic to that, and all the while there really isn't much difference at all between Mature and Adult, except one is age verified and the other is not.  But, mature is looking more and more Adult every day. 

    All I can really say thank you to Rodvik for is for listening to some of his customer's, which he has as per shown in his feed.  But, I think the Mature/Adult thing does need to be addressed as they both should be age verified or just go with Adult and General.  

    I'd love some free sims for exploring as per your suggestion No. 2.   



  17. Pussycat Catnap wrote:

    Mayalily wrote:

    Ceka Cianci wrote:

    Let me try this one more time lol

    i see a lot of people
    that did not know
    they could see mesh with their V1 viewer..that they are only an upgrade away.....because they were not aware that V1's could see mesh..

    I didn't know they upgraded V1 to mesh until I read this.  Why on Earth did LL put us through all that waste of time with the V2 and V3 viewers when they just could have upgraded? 



    On MP's look and the images. I hope people here realize that product images there are made by individual merchants to sell their individual goods. LL's just provides the platform. This isn't an Amazon model. Its closer to eBay - LLs has no ownership or control over 90-99% of what you see on MP.

    No, no and no, the OP is NOT talking about the individual photos on MP nor how the MP places are set up and look by each individual.   She is saying the front cover and the start page lack creativity, which they do.  And, I said the front page or main page of SL has bad pictures in it that look like old avatars and dresses with polka dots to entice potential customer's to shop?  And, that odd looking photo of the Vampire is blurry and just not well done.  The picture of two looking like a sheik and a harem girl is a terrible picture.  It's not sexy, it's not well done, the colors are awful and all yellowed.  There is nothing good about that photography.  And, also on the front page, pencil skirts?  It makes SL look so 40's and dull. 

  18. Ceka Cianci wrote:

    Mayalily wrote:

    Ceka Cianci wrote:

    Mayalily wrote:

    Ceka Cianci wrote:

    thats pronbably just buy options for the shopper..just like buying lindens only you get the content and the lindens would go to the seller minus LL's cut..

    i couldn't see them crediting pay pal accounts and credit cards with those realy tiny amounts..they want the cash out money too i'm sure..

    Sure they could credit small amounts.  Ebay is full .99 cent items, tons of them.  Take tiny jewelry parts and beads for an example.  Buyer's usually buy a lot of .99 beads and then the shipping isn't very much, as those same strings of beads sold for .99 cents on Ebay are in stores for about $8 dollars a strand.  Anyhow, go visit eBay, there are tons and tons of .99 cent items and at buy it now prices, also.

      However, yes, in a civil case, the seller has to pay the court fees, the lawyer, all the expenses; there are no civil cases where a courtroom is paid for you.  Not to my knowledge.  In a civil case, a seller here on SL would have to pay.  If they win, then the court fees would have to reimbursed to them.  However, with legal copyrights, seller's stand a far better chance of winning.  That's why registering a logo or trademark for your designs would help seller's quite a lot in winning such cases, and also photoshop words directly on your creations with your logo, copyright, date created, all that stuff.  However, of course, the lawyers fees are not returned.  Lawyers cost a small fortune.  

    Anyhow, I'm done with the thread and want to move on.

    i was talking about how LL would pay the seller when we may decide to buy market place content using a credit card or pay pal..

    LL probably pays the seller in lindens..i wasn't talking about if visa or pay pal would transfer those tiny amounts..

    i've had pay pal since they started up before they were with Ebay..i know how they work..

    anyways..i was responding to Perrie with that stuff incase you thought i was responding about something else..it had nothing to do with court..just market place purchasing..

    Well, I thought I would bring up court here because 1) For a few hundred dollars lost, what lawyer would even touch your case?  I'd suspect the lawyer would simply tell you to stop selling on the internet.  2)  Even after the seller pays all the costs for the lawyer, the court room time, all of those fees, there is no guarentee they will even be reimbursed for their court costs because what if the copybotter is poor or a teenage.  Yes, they could garner future wages on that person, but not if the garnishing proves financial hardship to them or their family such as food and shelter and necessary items needed to live.  Also, if the person has no equitity in anything, there won't be much anyone would recover even if they won. 

    there are fines that make it worth it for content creators..and if it were a teen under the age..they go after the parents..

    the responsible adult..just as if they were 16 years old broke a window in someones house..the parents are the ones that would have to pay..how thye settle that with their child is up to them..

    they have a computer and internet..so they can't be too bad off..they would end up paying even is it were in payments..they do that here..when pitbulls killed my horse  the lady was already working two jobs to make ends meet..

    still she has to pay 25.00 a month  until it is paid off..

    law doesn't care if you are broke and on food stamps..they don't care if you are half dead from hunger..they don't care..

    you don't escape penalties because of your financial situation..


    That's because she had two jobs.  If the person ends up having no job, there isn't anything to win.  And, if they have no equity in anything, there isn't anything to win. 

    As far as the parents having to pay, it's a possibility.   What I'm saying is in a civil case, rewards are only a possibility not a guarantee, and every state is different. 

  19. Ceka Cianci wrote:

    Mayalily wrote:

    Ceka Cianci wrote:

    thats pronbably just buy options for the shopper..just like buying lindens only you get the content and the lindens would go to the seller minus LL's cut..

    i couldn't see them crediting pay pal accounts and credit cards with those realy tiny amounts..they want the cash out money too i'm sure..

    Sure they could credit small amounts.  Ebay is full .99 cent items, tons of them.  Take tiny jewelry parts and beads for an example.  Buyer's usually buy a lot of .99 beads and then the shipping isn't very much, as those same strings of beads sold for .99 cents on Ebay are in stores for about $8 dollars a strand.  Anyhow, go visit eBay, there are tons and tons of .99 cent items and at buy it now prices, also.

      However, yes, in a civil case, the seller has to pay the court fees, the lawyer, all the expenses; there are no civil cases where a courtroom is paid for you.  Not to my knowledge.  In a civil case, a seller here on SL would have to pay.  If they win, then the court fees would have to reimbursed to them.  However, with legal copyrights, seller's stand a far better chance of winning.  That's why registering a logo or trademark for your designs would help seller's quite a lot in winning such cases, and also photoshop words directly on your creations with your logo, copyright, date created, all that stuff.  However, of course, the lawyers fees are not returned.  Lawyers cost a small fortune.  

    Anyhow, I'm done with the thread and want to move on.

    i was talking about how LL would pay the seller when we may decide to buy market place content using a credit card or pay pal..

    LL probably pays the seller in lindens..i wasn't talking about if visa or pay pal would transfer those tiny amounts..

    i've had pay pal since they started up before they were with Ebay..i know how they work..

    anyways..i was responding to Perrie with that stuff incase you thought i was responding about something else..it had nothing to do with court..just market place purchasing..

    Well, I thought I would bring up court here because 1) For a few hundred dollars lost, what lawyer would even touch your case?  I'd suspect the lawyer would simply tell you to stop selling on the internet.  2)  Even after the seller pays all the costs for the lawyer, the court room time, all of those fees, there is no guarentee they will even be reimbursed for their court costs because what if the copybotter is poor or a teenage.  Yes, they could garner future wages on that person, but not if the garnishing proves financial hardship to them or their family such as food and shelter and necessary items needed to live.  Also, if the person has no equitity in anything, there won't be much anyone would recover even if they won. 

  20. Ceka Cianci wrote:

    thats pronbably just buy options for the shopper..just like buying lindens only you get the content and the lindens would go to the seller minus LL's cut..

    i couldn't see them crediting pay pal accounts and credit cards with those realy tiny amounts..they want the cash out money too i'm sure..

    Sure they could credit small amounts.  Ebay is full .99 cent items, tons of them.  Take tiny jewelry parts and beads for an example.  Buyer's usually buy a lot of .99 beads and then the shipping isn't very much, as those same strings of beads sold for .99 cents on Ebay are in stores for about $8 dollars a strand.  Anyhow, go visit eBay, there are tons and tons of .99 cent items and at buy it now prices, also.

      However, yes, in a civil case, the seller has to pay the court fees, the lawyer, all the expenses; there are no civil cases where a courtroom is paid for you.  Not to my knowledge.  In a civil case, a seller here on SL would have to pay.  If they win, then the court fees would have to reimbursed to them.  However, with legal copyrights, seller's stand a far better chance of winning.  That's why registering a logo or trademark for your designs would help seller's quite a lot in winning such cases, and also photoshop words directly on your creations with your logo, copyright, date created, all that stuff.  However, of course, the lawyers fees are not returned.  Lawyers cost a small fortune.  

    Anyhow, I'm done with the thread and want to move on.

  21. Perrie Juran wrote:

    Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

    From the LL TOS Section 4

    You acknowledge that you will be exposed to various aspects of the Service involving the conduct, Content, and services of users, and that Linden Lab does not control and is not responsible or liable for the quality, safety, legality, truthfulness or accuracy of any such user conduct, User Content, or user services. You acknowledge that Linden Lab does not guarantee the accuracy of information submitted by any user of the Service, nor any identity information about any user. Your interactions with other users and your use and purchase of User Content or user services are entirely at your own risk.

    From Section 5 of the LL TOS:

    Linden Lab makes no guarantee as to the nature, quality or value of the features of the Service that will be accessible through the use of Linden dollars.

    So unless you are paying a merchant directly with your paypal account directly to their paypal account paypal offers no protection to you and LL doesn't have to make it up to you either as you agreed to this when you used SL. 

    If you have a VIsa and use it to buy things in RL store, you are protected under whatever protection VIsa offers.  But if you use the visa to  get cash from an ATM and then use the cash in the store, visa offers you no protection.

    LL will never allow direct payment to merchants because they make money when you buy lindens and the merchant sells them for RL money.  If they allowed direct payment, then that entire revenue stream would be cut off.

    You read things and think they mean what you WANT them to mean not what they actually mean.  The TOS trumps every 'protection" you are alleging that PayPal offers because you agreed that LL has no liability to you in this regard when you created an account here.

    Even if LL got complete identifying RL information on every person in SL, and you got ripped off they are not going to give it to you nor are they going to give you the lindens back or give you what you paid for.  So PIOF is useless to you.  You can argue the point until the cows come home, but you have so far not offered one valid reason to require PIOF for anybody other than something you've made up in your own mind and are so desperate to hold onto that you completely ignore the facts. 

    Here is the one touchy phrase in this equation:

    Linden Lab makes no guarantee as to the nature, quality or value of the features of the Service that will be accessible through the use of Linden dollars."

    This is what I am not sure about because purchases can be made on the Market Place using PayPal or a Credit Card.  When you make a purchase on E Bay, your payment through PayPal does not go through E Bay.  It goes directly to the merchant.

    But in the case of the Market Place, You can make a purchase using PayPal or a Credit Card.  You pay Linden Lab, not the seller.  Linden Lab transfers the funds to the seller.  It's been too dang long since I worked in retail mgt so I don't remember all the details, but basically speaking, when you sign up to receive payment via Credit Card you sign an agreement with the Credit Card Company that says essentially their  terms supersede your terms.  So it is interesting to note that section 5 only mentions using Lindens and does not mention purchases via pay pal or credit card.

    The devil is in the details here but because LL makes a profit as the facilitator of the purchase they may not be completely immune.

    I dealt several times with disputed charges and it was always a pain in the butt, but not every disputed claim flew with the CC company.  Again, the devil was in the details.  I think this one may really need a lawyer to decipher. I can see points on both sides of the equation.  Why does the TOS not mention Credit Cards and Paypal?  We know that Linden Labs attorneys always err on the side of caution.  That would be a huge oversight on their part.


    But back to the other point, POIF still will not protect the buyer in and of itself in SL.


    p.s. I removed my previous post cause I got to thinking about this a little more.

    No, under the current TOS, it is completely buyer beware as it also says where I posted above they (LL) can remove "any content", and it doesn't explain what "any content" is.  It's just any content LL wishes to remove, even on innocent people.  What I was suggesting was IF SL went Paypal, then the TOS WOULD CHANGE obviously.  That is what I was talking about (about a better SL), but my point seems to be completely lost on some people.  I don't find it a particularly "good" business practice to deal with people who, like the OP said, are "ghosts".  Also, I can't think of too many lawyers who would take a case of stolen content on SL if it were a mere few hundred dollars.  The cost for the lawyer and paying courtroom time and all of that falls upon the seller, not LL or the buyer.  The seller would, in most cases, I'd suspect have to pay more for a lawyer than the amount of what they lost.  However, with Paypal, a seller can be banned, that's the main reason Paypal is better, but too many people want a "ghost" market and a buyer beware market because there is no transparency in SL in regards to sellers. 


  22. Perrie Juran wrote:

    Mayalily wrote:

    Perrie Juran wrote:

    Mayalily wrote:

    There is no danger if an account is hacked as credit cards and Paypal take care of that with buyer protection plans.  The credit card company may lose money, but the hackee won't. 


    So then what is you worry as a consumer on SL????? 

    The next time LL removes an item from your inventory because it was stolen just file a claim with Paypal or your Credit Card Company and get your money back!  And then use your recovered funds to buy the item from the legitimate source.

    But really your posts show a lack of understanding of how payment protection plans work overall and who gets hurt in the system.  IfCredit Card Protection actually worked the way that you think it works then Linden Lab would set it up because they have a vested interest in protecting their money.  But it doesn't.  And given the difficulties in verifying non U.S. accounts many legitimate non U.S. creators could find themselves shut out of the Market Place.

    You think that Linden Lab is intentionally trying to make it difficult for non U.S. folks to arrange for ways to buy Linden Dollars, Pay tier, verify, etc?  While we may feel that Linden Lab does some very dumb things from time to time they are not that stupid.  IT IS NOT AS SIMPLE AS YOU THINK.

    And to reiterate what I said above,
    if your concern is being protected as a consumer
    , and if the system works the way that you think it works, then the next time Linden Lab removes an item from your inventory because it was stolen, file a claim with your financial institution and then go and purchase the item from the legitimate seller with your retrieved funds.


    You can't now under the TOS.  The TOS here


    4.4 If properly notified, Linden Lab responds to complaints that User Content infringes another's intellectual property.

    Intellectual property infringement on the Service is a violation of this Terms of Service, and you agree not to engage in such infringement. It is our policy to respond to notices of alleged copyright infringement that comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and to terminate the accounts of repeat infringers in appropriate circumstances. We operate an intellectual property complaint process for complaints that User Content infringes another's intellectual property, the details of which are available in our
    . Linden Lab reserves the right to disable, delete or terminate, without notice, any user's Content or access to the Service if that user is determined by Linden Lab to infringe or repeatedly infringe.





    Notice the word ANY, I suppose that means those who just merely shop.  Also, my Paypal point has been ungoing through the thread in that SL would be better if Second Life were all Paypal as unsuspecting buyer's could then be protected.

    As for solar, your points are pointless, so talk to the hand.  Or as we say here where I live, and I say to Solar.... "whatever". 

    You can't now under the TOS.  The TOS here" 

    You can't what?  You can't file a claim with your financial institution? 

    My son purchased a used cell phone on E bay.  Payed for it via Pay Pal.  When he tried to activate the phone he was informed that the phone had been reported stolen and was unable to activate it.

    He reported this both to E Bay and PayPal.  E Bay suspended the sellers account pending investigation and Pay Pal refunded his money.

    And as others have pointed out above, despite your misreading of the TOS, there is still nothing in there that stops you from filing a claim with your financial institution.  (Actually, I do no what the possible stopper is but I also know how to avoid that stopper.  But I'll leave that for you to figure out).

    Yes, but all seller's are Paypal now, and Paypal and eBay have a good policy that protects the purchaser's against this kind of thing... that's what I've been talking about.  See, if SL were all Paypal.. actually, I give up. 

    We were earlier talking about as RyOta has suggested putting a buyer beware on Marketplace... remember?... earlier in the thread... I give up.

  23. Perrie Juran wrote:

    Mayalily wrote:

    There is no danger if an account is hacked as credit cards and Paypal take care of that with buyer protection plans.  The credit card company may lose money, but the hackee won't. 


    So then what is you worry as a consumer on SL????? 

    The next time LL removes an item from your inventory because it was stolen just file a claim with Paypal or your Credit Card Company and get your money back!  And then use your recovered funds to buy the item from the legitimate source.

    But really your posts show a lack of understanding of how payment protection plans work overall and who gets hurt in the system.  IfCredit Card Protection actually worked the way that you think it works then Linden Lab would set it up because they have a vested interest in protecting their money.  But it doesn't.  And given the difficulties in verifying non U.S. accounts many legitimate non U.S. creators could find themselves shut out of the Market Place.

    You think that Linden Lab is intentionally trying to make it difficult for non U.S. folks to arrange for ways to buy Linden Dollars, Pay tier, verify, etc?  While we may feel that Linden Lab does some very dumb things from time to time they are not that stupid.  IT IS NOT AS SIMPLE AS YOU THINK.

    And to reiterate what I said above,
    if your concern is being protected as a consumer
    , and if the system works the way that you think it works, then the next time Linden Lab removes an item from your inventory because it was stolen, file a claim with your financial institution and then go and purchase the item from the legitimate seller with your retrieved funds.


    You can't now under the TOS.  The TOS here


    4.4 If properly notified, Linden Lab responds to complaints that User Content infringes another's intellectual property.

    Intellectual property infringement on the Service is a violation of this Terms of Service, and you agree not to engage in such infringement. It is our policy to respond to notices of alleged copyright infringement that comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and to terminate the accounts of repeat infringers in appropriate circumstances. We operate an intellectual property complaint process for complaints that User Content infringes another's intellectual property, the details of which are available in our Intellectual Property Policy. Linden Lab reserves the right to disable, delete or terminate, without notice, any user's Content or access to the Service if that user is determined by Linden Lab to infringe or repeatedly infringe.



    Notice the word ANY, I suppose that means those who just merely shop.  Also, my Paypal point has been ungoing through the thread in that SL would be better if Second Life were all Paypal as unsuspecting buyer's could then be protected.

    As for solar, your points are pointless, so talk to the hand.  Or as we say here where I live, and I say to Solar.... "whatever". 

  24. Ceka Cianci wrote:

    Tari Landar wrote:

    Ceka Cianci wrote:

    Innula Zenovka wrote:

    Cat Slade wrote:

    And to above posters - there are plenty of viewers that don't 'see' mesh yet.

     LL's 1.23 doesn't see mesh, and neither does Imprudence (I think) nor old versions of Phoenix.   Which other ones don't?

    ya i see a lot of people that didn't even know that a phoenix upgrade would be letting them see mesh..a lot think they have to switch to the newer viewers to see it ..

    so most may be just an upgrade away from seeing mesh..

    Yep, that's the biggest "culprit" of all, imo. If you honestly don't believe there are plenty of people out there using a viewer that cannot see mesh, I don't know what to tell you.

    Oo how in th world are people seeing me say something i didn't say?


    how does me saying.."I see a lot of people that didn't even know they were an upgrade away from seeing mesh"..

    come off as.."people just need to upgrade their viewers"?


    Let me try this one more time lol

    i see a lot of people
    that did not know
    they could see mesh with their V1 viewer..that they are only an upgrade away.....because they were not aware that V1's could see mesh..



    I didn't know they upgraded V1 to mesh until I read this.  Why on Earth did LL put us through all that waste of time with the V2 and V3 viewers when they just could have upgraded? 

    How many "bugs" on the mesh V1 viewer? 

    On topic here, I agree with the OP that the presentation on MP looks cruddy and they could be a little more artistic.  Presentation is a lot in the business world.  And, the presentation on Mp and on the LL opening website is dull, has old looking avatars, etc.  LL presents itself as if they don't care, especially in their photos.  But while fixing bugs is more important, good presentation is just that good presentation. 

  25. Solar Legion wrote:

    Who am I? I am someone who understands where her "rights" end and everyone else's 
    , unlike you.

    want to entrust
    related to
    finances to a company that has been hacked three times now? How about a company where their customers regularly have their accounts hacked into?

    No other gaming/entertainment comany allows you to directly dump your real money into their service - aside from Turbine.
    No other gaming/entertainment company allows you to cash that same money back OUT.

    I'm not here to make money - I grew up long ago and realized that deriving an income from SL on any level was quite silly.

    Do your homework yourself - Better yet, try looking through the old archives.

    I've been here long enough to know that there are users unable to get what Linden Lab wants as payment information. I have also been here long enough to know that the people clamouring for this sort of utter
    are the ones that have
    had to deal with bad credit, hacked accounts (no matter the strength of their password) or any other sort of financial hardship.

    They can all go off and make their own bloody grid.

    And do keep to the facts - several in this thread have brought forth requiring payment information for

    You have
    right to demand or "suggest" that
    put their financial information (whatever that may be) in any sort of danger whatsoever.

    And that is all I am saying on it - to you and to the others who presume to put others' security above their own.

    Welcome to Second Life - if you have a problem "buying from unknown sellers" -
    get out.

    There is no danger if an account is hacked as credit cards and Paypal take care of that with buyer protection plans.  The credit card company may lose money, but the hackee won't.   Also, on Paypal you don't put your main household account bank on there, you open a very small business account and keep the balance like $1.00 just to keep the account open.  If there is no balance on your bank excpet an amount like one dollar, what are they going to hack -- some lindens?  Well, that could happen to everyone, so what is the difference?  You are more protected with a credit card or Paypal.  If someone hacks into a credit card and charges upteem hundreds of dollars worth of stuff on SL, there IS A protection plan for that and no money of anyone's is lost except to the credit card company.  Credit cards are far better for online use BECAUSE they have that protection.  My pattern and budget stays regular on SL every single month, so credit card companies and Paypal can see that right away if suddenly hundreds of dollars were charged, not to mention it's the safest way to do business on the internet.  You simply transfer your money out of Paypal the day it becomes available for transfer, but simply leave $1.00 in there just to keep the bank used on your Paypal open.  Banks NOT through Paypal do not care unless it's caught like perhaps within a day or two.  I've mentioned Paypal because at least the consumer's is protected and able to file a claim up to 45 days to retrieve their stolen monies back or if merchandise got taken out of their inventory that they paid for.  ETA:  Just looked up some things on Paypal, and Paypal user's can have up to 60 days to file a claim against items that we paid for that could suddenly go missing from our inventory. 

    So your point is invalid, especially since credit cards are the safest way to protect against hacking and fraud.

    And, yes, I do believe that everyone should be age verified, full name, address, phone number, driver's license, the whole nine yards as this is a business that does exchange very real money.  So, I say that and that's my feeling about it.  Is my feeling and thinking actually going to hurt you?  No, it isn't.  You are responsible for your reactions or over-reactions to another's POV on this subject. 

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