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Posts posted by SoniaStrummFan

  1. I'm like that too sometimes. I can understand wanting a friend too. I'm not sure how fun I really am, but I would be happy to be friends with you if you're interested. I've only been around SL for a little over a month now, and I only have four friends. Most of the time, only one of them really talks to me, so I'd love to be able to get together with a friend on SL. If you want to be friends with me, send me a message however you can. My username is SL is SoniaStrummFan if you need to find me. 


    P.S. - My avatar is a girl, but I'm a guy. If you don't think that's weird or anything, I'd be happy to be friends with you.

  2. I know, huh? I'm not going to change how my avatar looks just because some people say it's weird. This is how my avatar is, and if they don't like it, they don't have to look at it.

  3. In a KimonoNow, my avatar doesn't normally wear a kimono, but since I found this Japan themed area, I thought it would be the perfect attire for her. I'm pretty happy with how this photo came out. Definitely a personal favorite of mine^_^.

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  4. Okay, I get a lot of trouble from people on SL because my avatar is a girl but I'm actually a guy in real life. I'd rather not say what some people have said about it. I've always just preferred a female avatar if I have a choice. It's just a preference. People can call me weird, but I am who I am. Anyway, here's a pic of my avatar.SoniaStrummFan The picture on the left is how my avatar normally looks, and the one on the right is my avatar in a silk kimono. Feel free to ask if you'd like to see more photos of mine^_^.

  5. Have you tried the "Talakin Boatyard" yet? It's an area that sells all these different Tegatti vehicles. Just past the boat yard, there's a beach that's great for taking photos. There's a campfire, towels to sunbathe on, a swing, lots of swimming water, and lots more. You can actually swim in this water. You'll see little points along the water that let you do it by sitting on them.

  6. Try looking up the "Silver King Grill". I go there to rez new items and drive all the time. It has a big network of roads that go through the mountains and along the coast. I'm new to the whole sim thing, so I don't know how many it spans over, but the roads will take you to a lot of different spots. You usually don't pass too many other drivers down the roads, but there's lots of beautiful scenery. Have fun^_^!

  7. I like to buy ground based vehicles that use a fuel consumption system because it adds more realism to it. The problem is that only some merchants don't say whether or not the vehicle they're selling uses fuel, so I've lost a lot of Lindens taking chances. Stupid, I know. I was wondering if anyone could help tell me which ones actually have a fuel system. I already have a good fuel based air vehicle. I am looking for any cars, motorcycles, and tanks in SL that need fuel to operate. If anyone knows any vehicles sold by anyone but Haru Motors and Morigi Steam, could you tell me the name of the vehicle or the seller please? Thank you for whatever help you can offer.

    I currently am having troubles with my card, so I can't buy Lindens. As such, please make sure that the vehicle(s) are sold in the SL market place. Sorry for the inconvenience. I suck at building and scripting. That's why I need to buy all my vehicles:(

    Also, if anyone spots a T-74 Tank in the market place, please let me know. Thank you all for your time.

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