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haar Shelter

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Everything posted by haar Shelter

  1. Try installing ubuntu linux, and use the linux viewer. That will provide a system boost. (ubuntu ... Or more specfically wubi, will install linux as a dual boot with a minor hastle involved Of course this solution might be way hard... But the only other solution would be to upgrade your computer, because 512Mb isn't really enough RAM to run even windows XP at it's best. Also if your computer has on board graphics you will not be able to run SL at it's best. Thus, the ultimate solution is a new computer or, as a stop-gap, "climb-the-mountain-that-is-linux" and dual-boot ubuntu 11.04.
  2. Ha ha that's a g.ood one... What is your precious viewer one going to do when MESH arrives on the grid?. The only update that viewer one will get is to be able to ignore the mesh. IF THAT. To the original question asker: BTW, aside from the minor "danger" that the development viewer brings (i.e. It is not production) I would suggest downloading the lastest viewer 2 development viewer from the snowstorm wiki, to see if that fixes the problem.
  3. BTW, SL does not know who is male or female or furry or robot so it was an accident.. Everybody is the same; one big happy family. How ironic that the word "queer" is used in a answer section about abuse. Did you mean "weird or odd" ok, but I consister the word "queer " in the context that you have used it as Abuse. Unless it was in jest.
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