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Beach Nightfire

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Everything posted by Beach Nightfire

  1. At Last, A system that will allow me to get rid of "lists". Mainly as they don't clear when using list name = []; So much debugging time spent tracking that stack error. At least LSD seems to delete when you tell it to.
  2. I looked up the ascii table, i figured it was the case. Not what I am used to. There should be a comment in the wiki as to the sort sequence method. Thank you for your time in answering.
  3. Hello, Is there a way around the LlListSortStrided seeing an "a"(lower case) being sorted higher than a "Z" it is not mentioned in the information/wiki. I could write a script to convert the first character to upper case. Or would this be classed as a bug. Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Zulu, aaa The above is how the strided list is being sorted I am using this model list myListSortedNew = llListSortStrided(myList,2 /*#elements per stride*/,0 /*sort based on the 1st element of each stride*/,TRUE /*ascending order*/);
  4. I have run into something interesting. Based on this model.. list myListSortedNew = llListSortStrided(myList,2 /*#elements per stride*/,0 /*sort based on the 1st element of each stride*/,TRUE /*ascending order*/); Alpha, Bravo,Charlie,Delta,Zulu is all sorted correctly. However, a lower case character at the beginning. If i used the above list and added aaa, the aaa is sorted after the Zulu. It would seem a lowercase "a" is sorted after an uppercase "Z" If i convert the first "a" to an "A" uppercase, the sort works as expected. Is the sort using ascii character codes based on number of code rather than the actual character? Should i make the script convert the first character to :makeupper" or something
  5. Hello. I have noticed that when a script is updated, sometimes a residual script seems to affect the new one. Even list data is retained, even though the ON_START section has a list myList = []; comment. I have tried a prim scrubber, however, that is only clearing a few items. ON_REZ i do a llRest(); is it possible for a prim to retain "memory"? i have been scripting for years, maybe there is an issue (as there is with prim rezzing " at the moment. How it showed up was when i was doing a remote script update experiment and notice the new script was showing old data in a list. Another example is, upon restart i get the current prims location, when the prim is playing up, the location vector is <0.0,0.0,0.0>
  6. Not sure what this means? Was it mentioned? The guides do say leave it ticked, yet you say MONO is arcane?
  7. Once again, Thank you all. I will set a limit on data. delete places in the list if new data comes in under the same name. I tired the sorting, and using this line list myListSortedNew = llListSortStrided(myList,2 /*#elements per stride*/,0 /*sort based on the 1st element of each stride*/,TRUE /*ascending order*/); With changes to suit my lists, works well/ Once again, thank you for your time.
  8. Is this code meant to work? I get syntax error on line 2. I was just going to play with this. Thanks
  9. Thanks all. I think i am relating to using relational databases in RL. Ie sorting using a key. THank you all for your time I had two lists as i read you cant store much in a single list. I have 300 elements to save As a lot of information can be 10 years old, maybe the limitation isnt there. Lets assume i have one list. With two elements ie index 0 ["some string of some sort", <123.45,123.45,123.45>] index 1 ["some other string", <123.45,123.45,123.45>] if i sort, i only wanted to sort based on the first element
  10. I have two separate lists one list has text the other list has vectors. Maybe you are explaining correctly and i am taking it as one list with a mix of strings and vectors.
  11. Thanks for the reply. To be honest, i looked at the strided list on the wiki and i was lost. The example didnt make sense. I will have another look. Cheers. Just to be clear, the sort is in alphabetical order and keep the vectors linked to the respective alphabetic character.
  12. Hello, I have spent days trying to get(what i think) is a simple task done, I have two lists. List A is text data whilst list B is vectors. When the two list are added to by external data feeds, they are fed using the same index number. I am trying normal C++ type logic and not getting anywhere. I have tried examples on here, however a lot have errors. psudo code is List A += "Some text"; List B += a vector; I have spent days on this, so i am not being lazy. TIA
  13. I have noticed all the same things CTL ALT T Then click to edit. CTL + SHFT This will show the bounding box of the mesh. Animesh inside a mush bounding box will not work.
  14. I have Firestorm I select a link set Set to "Edit linked" Click on a prim Hold control key down When i use the arrow keys, my AV just moves in the direction of arrow keys. the CTL key does bring up the edit rotation menu.
  15. I have tried searching, to no avail. I have a complex build with bounding boxes. Is there a way (using keys/keyboard) to select a child prim, ie cycle through the child prims in order until i get to the one i wish to edit.
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