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Posts posted by Aethelwine

  1. Yes so I think you need to track down the location of the objects sending out the spam messages.

    From the forum post I found about it there should be a preference setting for chat such that messages from objects reveal their location. You can then block them in the viewer.


    Sí, creo que es necesario rastrear la ubicación de los objetos que envían mensajes de spam. En la publicación del foro descubrí que debería haber una configuración de preferencia para el chat de modo que los mensajes de los objetos revelen su ubicación. Luego puedes bloquearlos en el visor.

  2. I think it is just you that will see the messages in nearby chat because that is where the objects message goes.

    I am taking this from another forum post for you to try.
    Go to Preferences > Chat > Visuals > “Mark objects with (no name) when they speak...”. The next time you get the spam it will give you the location of the object spamming you, and you can go to it and block it.


    Creo que solo tú verás los mensajes en el chat cercano porque ahí es donde van los mensajes de los objetos. Lo tomo de otra publicación del foro para que lo pruebes. Ve a Preferencias > Chat > Visuales > “Marcar objetos con (sin nombre) cuando hablen…”. La próxima vez que recibas el correo no deseado, te dará la ubicación del objeto que te envía el correo no deseado y podrás acceder a él y bloquearlo.
    • Like 1
  3. 11 minutes ago, Miyoko01 said:

    Okay but if you were a store owner trying to compete with stores that used traffic bots, and you were not offered a legitement way to try advirtise your store, do you not see why that would be frustrating?

    What would you suggest she do now to help her store?

    I doubt traffic bots help stores much anyway. Don't people primarily either shop on marketplace or at events. If they like what they see then they will check out the store. But then if they search for the store then they are looking for that specific makes store not the most popular.

  4. 1 hour ago, Rowan Amore said:

    Whether or not the AFK places use scripted agents or not, those idling avatars do not count in LL's search metric.  

    This is the top place using LL search when I use SEX as the search term...


    This is using Firestorm Legacy search...


    So as far as LL is concerned, there is no problem.  The LL search metric is new and the FS legacy search seems to rely merely on 'traffic'.


    So many do sex in boredom.... it passes the time I suppose 😴

    • Haha 4
  5. 11 minutes ago, Istelathis said:

    It would be a hard call to make, considering it is election time.  Plus, automatically associating Trump with anti-LGBT views, as well as Covid denial (I'm assuming) would be problematic because of how shifty his views can be.  That is the problem with it all, he is a greasy weasel, trying to catch him on anything is just going to result in him slipping out of your hands.

    I think you are over analysing it. The context of the large political attack Ads is adjacent to a memorial garden, a place intended for people to show respect for departed loved ones. 

    The neighbours reasons for spoiling that space with their political signage clearly disrespectful, tasteless and intended to cause grief. It is harassment.

    • Like 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    Actually, there is at least one way in which these signs violate the rules quite directly. I haven't seen them in person, but if you look at Coffee's pic of them, which includes an avatar to give a sense of scale . . .

    . . . these signs are WAY larger than the 8m from the ground that the rules stipulate.

    I think you are referencing rules for networked advertising that don't apply.

    I would argue it is the context of it overlooking a COVID memorial garden and that they appear to be a response to that which makes them harassment and reportable on those grounds.

  7. 4 hours ago, Anastasia Loxingly said:

    Saw a massive Pro-Kamala billboard floating over a marina while I was doing a Grid Drive the other day, I didn't report it but it just made me sigh. As someone who isn't American and does not want to hear both sides screeching and squawking at each other any more than I have to, I just can't  seem to escape it at all. It really comes off as deranged, like I went shopping for Dinkie stuff and one store killed the complete cutesy vibes with anti-trump seething plastered everywhere. Why make your own store like that?

    People advertise their political allegiances because they feel strongly about it.

    They will think they have a good reason to, I can think of any number of good reasons why their personal experience might be such that they want to and may even feel it inecessary. Eg. perhaps they or someone they know has had a miscarriage and been treated as a criminal for it

  8. Bellisseria has this in the Covenant

    "*Activities and/or displaying items that could be construed by Linden Lab as political campaigning is not permitted in Bellisseria."

    (Note formatting for that section is messed up- but it is there in the code)


    My memory is when that was added to get yard signs removed from Bellisseria it was in the context of if you want yard signs get a mainland parcel where that is allowed.

    • Like 5
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  9. 1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    The words are "In addition, advertisements must comply with these requirements."

    NOT "In addition, ad farms or networked advertisements must comply."

    To be clear, I'm not making an argument to take down these signs. I think they're ugly and really dumb, but that's neither here nor there: I don't much care, and I'd rather we permit ugly and really dumb than that the ban is too sweeping.

    My point is that the written regulation is not as specific as you are suggesting.

    Yes but they don't need to add that clarification because the context for the rules are given in the name of the Policy being quoted from "Policy on ad farms and network advertisers".

    What I find weird is that the rules as written appear to ban Landlords with more than 50 empty parcels advertising their for sale parcels on the parcels that are for sale as these will be networked and that there is a general rating restriction even in Zindra.

    Neither of which are enforced, and if they were would ruin some of the big businesses that keep Zindra running. The rules have been written in a way that makes them seem ignorant of the way mainland works.

    • Like 1
  10. I can't make head nor tail of the policy.

    It reads like landlords with more than 50 empty parcels with adverts for their rentals on them would violate the policy.

    Most adverts in Zindra aren't "general" or a lot aren't... and why would they be... but Zindra is mainland too isn't it? is this saying they are banned?

    Why can't they just write rules and make them specific to what they want to deal with rather than using sweeping generalities to make rules that make no sense and are going to be widely ignored because businesses depend on them.

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