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Tender Venus

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  1. Hi friends! So as someone that bought TMP forever ago, I'm pretty mad at them as a business still for at least not explaining why they let the SL community down. That being said, I still invested in this body with full awareness of the problems it may present. Visually, it's an amazing body. Functionally, the only real issue is the HUD and the lack of omega support. Granted, if they really want to settle on some dumb system, they did it better than they did last time. It isn't half as invasive on my screen as it was the first go around, and with their anticipating baked on mesh, omega support will (hopefully) be a non-issue in this case. I sincerely hope they dominate Maitreya on the market, because I've been ready for Maitreya to hit the side line since the coming of Maitreya Exclusives. Fellow Belleza stans, hello! I wear Maitreya for some of my RP characters, but I do not like feeling like the lower half of my body was made out of silly puddy, and I love Belleza but I'm often stunted in some aesthetic pursuits because it's lacking support, so I have to switch bodies from the one I prefer often times.. Resulting in me spending over a day working on outfits, switching bodies, etc to create characters on top of the writing aspect. So if Legacy because the new "It" body, I'm super okay with that on a visual standpoint. But I also respect that no one is going to willingly give TMP their trust until they've proven themselves good for their word in time. So, hopefully, really really hoping they do prove the community wrong. Even though I'm on the side that doesn't TMP, I'm gonna sit on the little bit of hope I've got. As far as the 5k price tag goes, all I can do is point at Catwa, Lelutka, and Genus with their bento heads. The 20-some-odd-dollar price tag has been validated a long time ago. Although here's what I would also like to know: How many creators have they just given the dev kit to? Because I can't help but think anyone that's currently creating for it was just given the dev kit to drum up interest - unless they actually changed the way their app system works. Edit: I also felt like a filthy consumer when I bought the body. I felt like everyone should know. But I think I just accepted that I am one a long time ago.
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