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Ember Ember

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Everything posted by Ember Ember

  1. The SL local chat to Discord relay that I use is fully compliant with SL's TOS and privacy agreements because it announces and directly messages avatars within it's range that it is relaying their messages. And it does so after the very first message a user chats within it's range and then continues to so do on either a timer or every certain # of messages so that users are fully aware.
  2. Because Discord increasingly seems to be the communication platform of choice for outside of Second Life "instant" comms, I am curious to know if Linden Lab would consider implementing an official way to use a webhook to relay an SL Group Chat to Discord. Maybe this is an idea more for 3rd party viewer developers and/or LSL scripters? (Firestorm does have Discord integration where Discord will display your avatar's location if you choose to connect. *nods approvingly*) But it would be awesome to see an option in the official SL Viewer's Group Profile UI where a group owner/officer could input a webhook URL so that Group Chat messages can be sent to Discord. It would be even cooler if this somehow worked both directions (for a Discord channel's messages to be sent back into an SL Group Chat!) I know this kind of integration would have it's caveats and potential security risks and I won't even pretend to understand the code required to achieve this, but I think the positive benefits could enrich Group Chats in SL by making them a lot more accessible and in a lot of cases more active. Also of note, there's a really great SL to Discord Relay on the marketplace by @Peter Stindberg. (I am not affiliated with or paid to promo this resident's products, I'm just a big fan. I highly recommend them and wanted to include this plug because it is relevant to my topic for those who may also be interested in SL/Discord integration.) If anyone else has any successes and even failures that they want to share about any and all attempts at SL to Discord integration, I'd love to hear about it. πŸ˜„
  3. Thank Ooh ok. Thank you for the tip in the right direction, @Fenix Eldritch!
  4. Is it at all possible to script an object that will teleport a vehicle along it's seated avatar to a different location within the same sim without unsitting the avatar?
  5. Thank you Profaitchikenz. That thread wasn't coming up for me in search no matter what I searched for ("projector", "projection", "projected", "projection texture"), so I really appreciate you linking it. This Jira request therein certainly makes me hopeful. ☺️ https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-6961 Thanks again!
  6. Do you have a link to that mention? I’m having trouble finding anything else about this topic on the forums.
  7. Bumping this because it is 2020 and I'd like to know if Linden Lab has by now implemented a prim parameter for setting the Prim light projector image. I'm guessing by the looks of the wiki, they still haven't implemented anything but I just thought I'd ask because it would be really amazing if they did and just forgot to update the wiki. πŸ˜…
  8. The +1 is so that it returns the prim-count value, not the UUID value in the list. And thank you for making me look at the notecard because that was the issue all along! There were spaces in it in front of each UUID, so "Builder" was showing an additional space in front of each UUID. *facepalm* Thanks for opening my eyes wide enough to find that. πŸ˜… It works as intended now. I really appreciate your help Wulfie!
  9. Hmm I tried this and made sure I changed the global variable from "key Builder;" to "string Builder;" but yielded the same results. integer x; for(;x < gLines; ++x) { Builder = llList2String(builder_UUIDs, x); llOwnerSay("Builder = "+ Builder); string Prims = llList2String(OwnersCounts,llListFindList(OwnersCounts,[Builder])+1); llOwnerSay("Prims = "+Prims); } llOwnerSay output: [13:25:47] Prim Counter: Builder = 40f0a24b-d94e-4c6e-8575-716d586bc62a [13:25:47] Prim Counter: Prims = 0f6747a6-ea64-4f41-ba4f-30df2ddbb370 [13:25:47] Prim Counter: Builder = 0f6747a6-ea64-4f41-ba4f-30df2ddbb370 [13:25:47] Prim Counter: Prims = 0f6747a6-ea64-4f41-ba4f-30df2ddbb370 [13:25:47] Prim Counter: Builder = c9088b10-94b0-99b2-9e66-e6f936506033 [13:25:47] Prim Counter: Prims = 0f6747a6-ea64-4f41-ba4f-30df2ddbb370 [13:25:47] Prim Counter: Builder = d8f9f59d-a86e-20f8-151c-aa9262e2495c [13:25:47] Prim Counter: Prims = 0f6747a6-ea64-4f41-ba4f-30df2ddbb370
  10. I am attempting to script a prim counter that will count only the prims rezzed by specific team members (not every single prim owner on the parcel) and it gets their UUIDs from a notecard provided by the user. I understand that the below code will get the prim count for a single user (where "Builder" is the key/UUID of an avatar.) But I'm stumped as to how to make "Builder" rotate through the UUIDs from the list to get the counts of only the few specified avatars in the list. OwnersCounts = llGetParcelPrimOwners(llGetPos()); string Prims = llList2String(OwnersCounts,llListFindList(OwnersCounts,[Builder])+1); The above only works for one avatar so I tried the following, where "gLines" is how many UUIDs are in my list (currently 4) and "builder_UUIDs" is the list created from the notecard (notecard reader part all properly tested and working as intended), but "string Prims" returns the one same UUID for all 4 lines and not a prim count at all. Any help pointed in the right direction is greatly appreciated! Thank you! integer x; for(;x < gLines; ++x) { Builder = llList2Key(builder_UUIDs, x); string Prims = llList2String(OwnersCounts,llListFindList(OwnersCounts,[Builder])+1); }
  11. Oh, I see. Looks like Linden Lab has more than a few issues to iron out regarding the profile problems then. πŸ˜…
  12. I am having the same issue and my question is: did you all who are experiencing the same thing recently change your names? I changed my name April 15, 2020 and noticed that my in-game snapshots were no longer posting to my.secondlife feed at all. Yesterday was my first successful Profile Feed post (got a popup with a link to the post in my viewer) and when I clicked the link, it dawned on me that the link went to a completely new profile URL with my current/new name https://my.secondlife.com/ember.ember yet all of my old feed posts still exist on the URL with my OLD name https://my.secondlife.com/isolte.ember! I do hope that LL consolidates the feeds and profile pictures to the URLs with the new names because having 2 my.secondlife profiles was not a caveat they (really should have) warned us about before going ahead with a name change.
  13. Thanks a lot for your help! This is good info to have for future uses. πŸ™‚
  14. @Fritigern Gothly The notecard with the supplied UUIDs will be editable by the end user and that's where the script is pulling the list of UUID's from. And the user who is entering the UUIDs will already know which is a Group and which is an Avatar, so I could just leave it up to the user to enter Group UUIDs under a separate flag in the notecard than the Avatar UUIDs. XD
  15. Ooh! I feel silly for not thinking of this beforehand! Thanks!
  16. Ah ok thank you, Fritigern. I'll give llRequestAgentData() a try. πŸ™‚
  17. I'd like to use the URI name space to print a list of individual Avatar and Group profile links to chat from a notecard of supplied UUIDs (up to at least 20 individual UUIDs with the possibility of more), but I'm having trouble figuring out how to test if a UUID is an Avatar or if it is a Group. Below is the simplest general idea of what I need. (I've already got the dataserver event figured out so it reads the notecard lines and puts them in a list. if (UUID == isAgent) llOwnerSay("secondlife:///app/agent/" + (string)UUID + "/about"); else llOwnerSay("secondlife:///app/group/" + (string)UUID + "/about"); I tried using something like the code below but the errors said that the HTTPRequests were "too fast" and failed. I also attempted looping through the data within the dataserver event but I'm still too noob to understand what I am doing wrong. XD integer x; // Where x = the number of lines that contain UUIDs in the notecard that was read. for ( ; x < count; ++x) { key agent_request = llHTTPRequest( "http://world.secondlife.com/resident/" + llList2String(UUIDs, x),[HTTP_METHOD,"GET"],""); -OR- key agent_request = llRequestDisplayName(llList2String(UUIDs, x)); } http_response(key req,integer stat, list meta, string body) {if (req == agent_request) [do the things] isAgent = TRUE; dataserver(key req, string data) { if (req == agent_request) iSAgent = data; return;} // ??? Is there a more efficient/effective way to determine if a UUID is a Group vs. an Avatar? I know I'm leaving out a lot of code but I can provide more details if needed. Thank you in advance for any help pointing me in the right direction!
  18. But does anyone ever ask β€œHow is Bellisseria Slenderman?”
  19. Went for a drive and tried to pick up this hooker. I don't think she was on the clock cuz she didn't seem to wanna come with me.
  20. I honestly don't know who I'd be more afraid of... 😱
  21. White hair + teal top = best aesthetic. But I'm probably biased. XD Gorgeous windlight (and avatar 😍) in this pic. Thanks for sharing.
  22. Had the pleasure of joining Gem Parker (gem.oxygen) for her fun and informative "Fish n Chips Tour" over Bellisserria today. More information about the TOur here: https://sites.google.com/view/fish-n-chips-tours/home And more pics (15 more) in the full album on Flickr here: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmMf2m6d
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