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Raena Parx

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Everything posted by Raena Parx

  1. This is the weirdest thing. I have a mesh syringe with a tube atttached (flex). It rezzes from a rezzer then waits to be worn. Once avatar touches it to attach it, one part of the syringe turns invisible. When I went to right click it to go into edit mode, I had'nt even gone into edit mode yet---just the right click made it visible. Any ideas? Here's a picture.
  2. Hi Michely, I just saw your message. Sorry for the delay. Thank you for your help. I do have Atmospheric shaders on. The only ambient occlusion setting I'm seeing in the sl preferences is for Sky. When I enable that, my video becomes very choppy, so I usually leave it off. Was there's somewhere else I should be looking?
  3. Thank you so much, both of you! Quistess, I was unable to get that code working, but I really appreciate the effort. Wulfie, it seems that's exactly what I needed. I didn't think to stretch out the "if" segment to include the second dialog box after the "listen" command. I can definitely make that work! Thank you sooooooooooooooo much!!!!
  4. So I found an example on the LSL Wiki of using two listening channels: LlListen - Second Life Wiki I'm using the LSLEditor to get feedback on the code. The way the script is written it works perfectly. But if I try to move the listening sequence of code into a function, it gives these errors: } expected, and Type or namespace definition, or end-of-file expected. Without putting the listener into a function, I wont be able to call it up twice after each menu dialog. Any idea why this is giving these errors? Here is the modified code, just moving the listening sequence into a function:
  5. Thank you so much Frionil. That looks like a great solution for the listen command. But I will need to call it twice as the menu dialog comes up tiwce. I'm hoping I can put in a function, then call it more than once - after each menu dialog? Will play with it some more. Thank you for the suggestion!
  6. Is it possible to have more than one llDialog menus in the same script? I'm trying to get an answer from one menu dialog on touch, then automatically open a second menu dialog for a second answer. What the script does afterward depends on the combination of the two answers. I've been racking my head trying to make this work. But as soon as I add the 2nd "listen" command, the script gives a syntax error. So, I commented it out so the script could be saved. But consequently, it's not bringing up the second menu. The script is below. Any help is appreciated.
  7. Thank you Wulfie. I realize they are different, but do you have any suggestions on how to make them more similar between previews? Not sure how the camera angle makes a difference? Thank you.
  8. Hello. I'm fairly new to Blender, but have been playing with procedural textures and having a lot of fun. The problem is I get the object looking beautiful in the material preview, but then when going into rendered preview, it changes drastically. I have to add lighting and a white plane under it to get it light enough to even show up. THEN...I bake it, and save the baked image. And when I apply the baked texture in Secondlife it looks even MORE different. And that's IF I can even get the textures to align when I apply them. In addition, my texture may or may not align when I apply them to the object in SecondLife. Any time I make a change to the structure of the object I "apply all transformations", then recreate a Smart UV map, then bake the texture, then while the same exact objects are selected I export to .dae. Is there something I'm missing? Can someone please tell me.. 1. A technique to keep consistency from what I made in blender to what it looks like in Secondlife. (Picture attached) 2. Why is it that half the time when I apply the baked texture, it's out of alignment? Any help is appreciated. Thank you in advance
  9. Thank you so much for your help Quistess. I actually did have some debugging llOwnerSay statements, but left them out of this post for simplicity. lol. But I LOVE how you simplified the code - MUCH better. I am however still having the same problem - my results for llOwnerSay ("State ANSWERED is: " + $SavedState); comes up empty. It's not reporting what the current state should be. Here is the revised code. Any idea why the $SavedState is not replying correctly? Thank you again
  10. I have a listening script that listens for specific message "green", "red", or "ask". If the value heard is "green" or "red" it's assigned to a $SavedState variable. If the value heard is "ASK", the $SavedState variable would be spoken to the asking prim. Problem is, I think the $SavedState value is re-initiating each time it hears a message. Is there a way to keep the $SavedState value to stay entact, so it can be replied to the asking prim? Below is the code I'm using: ...and thank you in advance
  11. Thank you so much to both of you. And...KT, that did the trick! Thank you for explaining the llListen command. I thought that was only used for Linked prims. lol. Thank you again!!!
  12. Hi. I have two unlinked prims trying to talk to each other integer CH = 925529; The listening prim has this listener: listen(integer channel,string str,key id,string message) The speaking prim only needs to send the channel number (CH) and a message ($msg) (because the key is not relevant) to anything in the listening script. so technically it could just use: llSay(CH, $msg); which by itself gives no syntax errors. But because the listener has 4 parameters, I'm unable to create a syntax that works for the speaking prim. I've tried: llSay(CH, "Toggle", NULL_KEY, $msg); (among others) which seems like it would work. But instead I get this error 3 times: (27,34) : ERROR: Function call mismatches type or number of arguments (27,34) : ERROR: Function call mismatches type or number of arguments (27,34) : ERROR: Function call mismatches type or number of arguments and it wont even let me save the script. I wish I could make the listener just listen for 2 parameters, but I guess that's not an option. Can anyone tell me why the llSay(CH "Toggle", NULL_KEY, $msg); is giving me a syntax error? Thank you so much.
  13. Hee Hee, I couldnt wait to try it. You were right! My alt avi had edit permissions, so regardless of group settings she could edit stuff which really confused me. I turned off her permissions as friend. Now everything is working perfectly! Thank you soooooooooo much, you fixed it!!!!
  14. Wow Qie. Thank your for pointing that out. It never even dawned on me. I did check and yes, my alt HAS permissions to edit my objects. I must've set that up years ago when I created her and forgot about it. When I have more time to test it, I'm anxious to see if that fixes the problem. Will post later to let you know. Thank you again!
  15. Do you mean in the group settings? so...my alt has 2 titles. One is "everyone" like all other group members, and the other is "assistant" that gives all permissions like an owner. I unchecked her assistant assignment. Thought that would do it. But I even ejected my alt from the group to test it, and she STILL had access. Very confusing.
  16. Hmmm...so to continue with this post, I read the Secondlife Wiki re: sharing notecards here: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Editing_someone_else's_scripts_and_notecards I've done everything as explained, and testing permissions with my alt avatar. But now, even tho the notcards and containing prim are set to Group: Share, my alt avatar has access whether or not she's wearing a tag, whether or not she has edit permissions withing the group settings, and whether or not she's even a group member (i tested that too). I'm very confused why she still has access after all this. Any ideas?
  17. Thank you Quistess. That worked! After I made the notecards group shared, it worked. My alt avatar was able to access the files and edit/save. But I did a test by removing my alt from the group and she was still able to access it. I think there's a delay from when someone is add/removed from a group. Will have to test this futher. But for now at least it's working! Thank you!!!!
  18. Thank you all for your help. I actually did try to share edit permissions with someone and they said they still could not access it. I'll have to ask which viewer they were using. If it's viewer-specific, then this build is probably not a great idea for the common folk. I was really hoping there was a simple command that asks the owner if they permission to someone else to edit. Ah well. Thank you all so much. I appreciate your input!!!!!
  19. I'm working on a project where a prim would hold several notecards that would be editable, and are Full Perm. Of course as the owner, this is no problem. But I am unable to find a way to allow someone else to share the option to view/edit the notecards within the prim. I tried setting the object to a GROUP, and using a GROUP tag, which did not work. And I even tried sharing edit permissions with someone, and that did not work either. I also searched the LSL commands but couldn't find anything. Does anyone have an idea of how to go about something like this? Thank you so much, Raena Parx
  20. Thank you Aquila and Chic for your help. That was the problem exactly. The video helped tremendously! Once I fixed the backface culling, it uploaded perfectly. The more I get into blender the more I realize I've only touched the tip of the iceberg. But WOW...so many cool tips and tricks to make things easier. Now if I can just figure out how to get the beautiful texture qualities (light, gloss, etc.) to upload, that'll be great - that's my next learning curve lol. Thank you both again, I appreciate your help!
  21. Hi. Blender is really new to me but I"ve been watching several tutorial and having a lot of fun with it. I made a very simple cabinet with one unlinked drawer. I've added color faces, unwrapped it, applied all tranformations, decimated it, not necessarily in that order lol. When in blender you can see all the faces, it's low vertices (only 246),. But for some reason when preparing to upload into SL, the preveiw shows missing faces. And when I actually did do the upload, sure enough those faces were missing. When I go to upload I select I generate normals, checkmark include textures, and set physics for lowest. The calculations show 2.080 Land impact and L$12 upload fee, which seems pretty normal. I attached two photo. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong.? Thank you in advance.
  22. Thank you so much Fluffy. After trial and error I did eventually re-upload the mesh with joint offsets included. I never got as far as trying animations yet, since just wearing the mesh created the bone monster. As far as animations, I usually use QAvimator with joint limits enabled...tho maybe I need to disable them for the mini avatar? I'm not familiar with translations or rotations in the animations as QAvimator doesn't show those options. But i'll play with the animations next lol. Thank you for your help! 🙂
  23. I decided to play with taking a basic female avatar mesh model and reducing it to 25%. Exported to .DAE file. Imported to SL fine. When rezzed it looks perfect. Allows me to edit textures. HOWEVER, when I wear it, I turn into a few bones, like a monster. There's a head like a dragon and hands are long hanging claws. I wear a full body alpha to cover up my SL body., but the bones still show. I am not able to wear my mesh avatar without it deforming. Any suggestions? Thank you.
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