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Gabriella Marshdevil

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  1. I've been selling shapes since 2012 or 2013 I think... at first, I did provide demos. But then I started to see many shape creators, that were more popular and sold LOTS of shapes, didn't provide demos, and people still bought from them (here's an example: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/AMIRA-BRAZIL-Shape-Lelutka-Legacy/24237198 ). Then I discovered that people could easily copybot shapes, that's why I decided to remove all the demos. Once I got a really rude notecard of a customer saying "you want people to buy your stuff, but why don't you put DEMOS available?" I also saw I had a bad review on a DEMO from this same person, saying that it was a scam, that the shape looked nothing like the picture and had huge hands and feet LOL It happened a couple of times, and I never understood why would someone give a bad review for a demo??? I was a blogger from 2010-2020 and it also helped in popularity, (that's why I started to sell my shapes in the first place, because people asked for them lol). I noticed a decrease in sales since I quit blogging ☹️ But I still sell one shape or another. I'm planning to post casual pictures in my flickr account, in order to promote my shapes. By casual pictures I mean: photos where I don't credit what I'm wearing, since this info is sold in a notecard with my shape. Flickr REALLY makes a BIG difference when you want to sell your stuff. So my advice is, if you don't have a flickr account, create one NOW. You don't have to be a blogger if you don't want too, you can just post photos of your avi/vendor pics with high resolution and a link to your store.
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