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Foyla Shadow

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Everything posted by Foyla Shadow

  1. Are you looking for a full 30k remote island sim to rent? If so, PM me in-world. Already beautifully landscaped with country farmland feel. Move-in ready as is or re-do it to meet your own preferences and needs. 16,000L/week - Full admin rights - No covenant
  2. Thank you for the in-world responses! Purchase in process. Request CLOSED.
  3. Please IM and drop a notecard in-game if you are selling a grandfathered full sim.
  4. Hello -- I have a grandfathered sim for sale. Tier is due on the the 23nd. If you'd like to discuss, contact me via email: eppanypalisades at gmail.com.
  5. Price reduced to $400 USD. Sim must sell by Sept 1 or will no longer be available for purchase. _________________________   Secluded Full Sim for Sale 15,000 prims Name and Location can be changed by buyer Ideal for either residential or commercial Beautiful level terrain ready for personal landscaping Tier ($295) paid in full for August and not due again until September 3 Selling for USD $500 (includes closing costs)   If interested, contact Eppany Palisades in-world via notecard entitled "Land Buyer - Your Name" (IMs cap so a notecard is the only way to truly reach me in-world) or at eppanypalisades@gmail.com.  
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