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Mac Giano

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  1. My Partner and I own a urban roleplay sim, we are both PROUD OWNERS OF THE RED ZONE SYSTEM. I have been in the game for pushing three years and ran this sim for a year and a half. We heavily relied on Redzone NOT to find out personal information, but to defend our sim from all the dim people who find enjoyment of making peoples Second Lives miserable. SL is supposed to be fun, but people like to grief and cause havok. RedZone prevented that. Thanks to the creator, he has stopped made everyone aware of peoples hidden alternate accounts. According to Second Life Linden Lab TOS, there is a limit on alternate avatars. We pay so much to be on SL, we feel we need protection from any griefers. People who are afraid of the RedZone system, means they have alternate accounts to hide. And if they have alternate accounts to hide, normally that means that they are doing stuff inworld of questionable legality. If Linden Lab would prevent and uphold the Alternate avatar TOS, and keep a limit on alts, then RedZone would not be needed, But since people feel they need to hide, people complain. RedZone is NOT by any means an invasion of privacy, as it does not give out any type of information to the owner of the system. The only thing is your alternate avatar names, thats it. Please take this seriously to protect our land from anyone who likes to threaten people out of the game, and threaten people in the game.
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