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Tsuki Rae

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  1. I can agree, It's been so hard, I am 5' 7" in real life, and my friend I was roleplaying as a twin of is shorter then that, she worked tirelessly on a beautiful avatar that was proportionatly beautiful. Breasts wheren't huge, hips well shaped. We went on a sim to rp in and where told we had to change our shape because someone started screaming that we looked like children. On top of that she accused me and my friend of playing child avatars and how terrible we where to be rping in sims with adult content, didn't even listen when it was explained to her we where not child avatars, just kept saying, everything about our avatars was childlike. I never acted like a child and I can say for damn sure the shape in no way looked like a child to me. But this is a such a common occurance I have since put in my profile my real life height is 5' 7", I am an adult, and my avatar is around 5' 9"- 6' tall as all the scripted height scales tell me. I love being a different shape then I am in rl, in rl I am short and sturdy. I like being delicate looking in sl. I have told one person I refused let any one call me a child avi. Children are not built like my avatar. I get very irritated with the shape sliders, because they make looking anything like I draw or imagine nearly impossible. Not to mention they allow for large breasts but the mesh becomes terribly deformed if you go anywhere about 60 in the slidersm but that is for nearly all the sliders. I came across this post when I was working on a shape and found the proportion chart.
  2. I hope they keep this just found it and love it. It makes my avatar quiet a bit more cute and think of all the unpeople are going to have with it.
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