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Static Magic

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  1. I absolutely agree. They have made many changes for the better to this site in the past year or so, but over all its still one of the most useless websites I have ever tried to navigate. Nothing is clear, there is hardly any consistency in the navigation patterns, and trying to find one simple thing often takes me way way way longer than it ever should. More often than not, I end up going in game and asking friends and random people how to do the thing I am trying to do, which is usually faster than trying to be self sufficient on this website.
  2. There are a couple things I would like to know for this. As any of you who have ever had to list many things at one time know, being able to perform one action on multiple items all at one time is a life saver. But, not every item is always going to have the same exact settings.. But, there are still times when editing the individual listings, that being able to do MORE THAN ONE AT A TIME comes in handy. Are any of these possible, or will they ever be? - Upload more than one image at a time, WITHOUT having to click on upload over, and over, and over - Add more than one related item at a time. If you allow us to add more than one related item, we should be able to add more than one at a time! Makes sense to me. Are these possible already and I just can't seem to figure it out? It might not seem like a big deal when you only have one or two things to list, but when you have 15 things to list at one time, this process is already painfully tedious enough as it is. The faster, the better. Also, it would be nice if when you check off multiple items and it turns out you've overlooked some listing option that prevents it from being actively listed - it will tell you the reasons why these items ALL cannot be listed. The only time it tells you WHY you were unable to list your items is if you try to do it one by one. Does anyone get the sense that I HATE doing things one by one?
  3. When I am listing my items on the marketplace, I see that my items say they are listed, but also that when I am editing their listing there is a radio box for Active and Inactive? By default it is on inactive, what does this mean?
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