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Thormec Micheline

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Everything posted by Thormec Micheline

  1. I see this all too often. I look for an answer to a question or a solution to a problem and see a thread that's 5 to10 years old. The comments are either no longer applicable or require an assumed knowledge of technique. A basic tenet of communication is that one should never assume that the audience has a foundation of knowledge in a subject. Are there experienced teachers who, for a fee, can guide both new and old SL users to a practical learning of a technique or process?
  2. How do I create a new gesture using an animation that's not in the animation drop down list?
  3. How do I create a gesture with an animation that's not in the "Animation to play:" list?
  4. When I sit on an object, the camera angle changes 180 degrees. Is that setting? How do I sit and not change my view?
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