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Eiagra Oldrich

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  1. This is way after the fact, but I was searching for problems related to taking the IP test on the Preview Grid and found this post. If you click the link on the Preview Grid's mesh upload window that tells you how to find out how to get approved to upload mesh, it takes you to an outdated URL. You need to go here: https://secondlife.aditi.lindenlab.com/my/account/ip/tutorial.php Once you pass the IP test, you'll be able to upload mesh on the preview grid. Passing the test on the main live grid doesn't carry over (unless it was a case where my info on Preview was just sorely outdated--if someone has taken the test on Agni and then logged into Aditi and found they could also upload mesh there, please update this post). Note, if the URL changes again between now and the next time Linden Labs decides to restructure their web resources, you may have to do a little sleuthing to determine the new one (all I had to do was put in the correct domain name).
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