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Fluffy Sharkfin

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Posts posted by Fluffy Sharkfin

  1. 2 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

    Noted and thank you.

    Apologies as I do my best to take care of my things and react rather negatively to what looks like carelessness.

    I suppose if one can actually afford to be such, they ought to be allowed to waste their money without being chastised for it.

    No apology necessary! :)

    As I said I'm of the opinion that what others do with their possessions is entirely up to them however detrimental it may be but at the same time I do take exception to people trying to misrepresent those actions as completely harmless in order to try and convince others to follow their example.

    • Like 3
  2. Just now, Solar Legion said:

    Heh, just pointing out that the attempted analogy was based on an absolute absurdity. Driving one's vehicle at such a slow speed is not even remotely similar to using a PC within operational parameters as opposed to continually pushing it to its limits..

    Absolutely, there's very little similarity between a combustion engine and electronics equipment and the speed of a vehicle is mostly irrelevant in comparison to the speed at which the engine is running but the basic premise that using something carefully and not overtaxing it is far preferable to running it at its maximum capacity remains the same.

    When I said it wasn't a bad analogy I meant it from the perspective that it actually proves your point quite well. 😅

    • Thanks 2
  3. 2 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

    Meh, the "analogy" fell flat the second it was attempted as not a single word of any response even tried to claim anything remotely similar with regard to computer components.

    I don't really see a dissimilarity.  Regardless of if it's a car or a pc or anything else if you continually push something to its capacity you will most likely shorten it's lifespan considerably.

    However I'm merely making an observation as a mildly bemused bystander so I'm happy to yield the floor to your righteous indignation since I'm not particularly invested in whether other people abuse their possessions as long as they aren't abusing mine. :D

    • Like 1
  4. 49 minutes ago, steeljane42 said:

    it's like buying a car and driving it 5km/h, because it's "safer" and will prolong car's lifespan.

    Not a bad analogy since the effect of continually running an engine at maximum rpm is not entirely dissimilar from what happens when you run your pc hardware at its maximum capacity 24/7.

    • Sad 1
  5. 9 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    Can someone -- anyone -- explain what this is supposed to mean for those of us with a fairly basic understanding of how LOD works?

    I assumed it was intended to highlight that maxing out your own LOD doesn't have any effect on what others see, and that those with high LOD settings may not be aware that the clothes and hair their avatars are wearing suffers from inadequate lower LOD models.

    I suppose there are some who would be appalled to discover that other people can't see their avatar in all its finery and others who feel that as long as they can see their avatars properly it doesn't matter what other people see. 

    Personally I tend not to worry about what other people see on their screens when dressing my avatar but who knows, perhaps we have a social/moral obligation to care more than we do since our appearance & behaviour can have a direct effect on the user experience of those around us?

    • Thanks 1
  6. 53 minutes ago, EliseAnne85 said:

    I can't stand a low draw distance in the 60's (forgot what number for low draw) because the world half collapses at that low of a draw.

    It's a scientifically proven fact that a residents draw distance is inversely proportionate to their level of narcissism, the more self-involved they are the smaller the radius of their attention becomes and vice-versa! 😅

    I think one of the more frustrating things about SL from a creative perspective is the lack of continuity in regards to how content is displayed for each resident.  It's bad enough trying to accomodate the ALM vs non-ALM users without having to worry about wildly varying LOD settings and all the other things people seem to tinker with.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
    • Confused 1
  7. 19 minutes ago, Rat Luv said:

    We have everyone's vote with the chocolate cake...actually, we don't have to do anything else we promised to

    Technically, if you want the political RP to seem realistic, then you won't actually deliver on the cake either but will instead send out tiny samples of cake a few months prior to the next election along with a solemn promise to deliver even bigger cakes should you get re-elected?! ;) 

    • Like 5
  8. 3 minutes ago, Rat Luv said:

    I am now officially standing for the SL Neko Party 🐾

    Don't listen to  @AmberJoyBliss! Vote for me. My policies are

    1. Replace $L with Catcoin 🤑 https://catcoincrypto.me/

    2. Free RL chocolate cake posted to you on your rez day 🎂

    3. Cut TP times by 50% 👍

    4. Set up a court and get involved in all resident disputes 👨‍⚖️👩‍⚖️

    5. Change the company's name to Linden Labs 😎

    But when is the election date? :S

    Honestly, you had me at "free chocolate cake"... where do I sign up? 😄

    • Like 5
  9. 4 minutes ago, belindacarson said:

    You keyboard warriors should hang your heads in shame.


    This post implies to me a post of comedy intent but lo and behold our resident army of killjoy keyboard warriors has to jump in.


    Shame on you all.

    Online humour can be a tricky thing.

    I'm always hesitant to judge peoples responses since, while it's possible that others have mistakenly taken a humorous post too seriously, it's equally possible that I'm just not recognizing the humour in their replies.  Better just to assume everyone is joking and laugh at everything!

    • Like 1
  10. 19 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

    You'll love it, it has sliders for everything, even for the finger joints.

    That's got to be a lot of sliders given that there are 130 bones in the SL avatar skeleton, most with multiple rotational axis.

    Even assuming the poser only supports the standard bipedal avatar rather than also supporting things like hind legs, wings, etc. and doesn't provide posing sliders for the facial bones that's still a lot of sliders!

    I hardly ever take photos myself but still I'm curious to see it in action.

  11. 5 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    I think that you're absolutely right that there may be all sorts of interesting and worthwhile spinoffs of this, if it is implemented well, and in a way that makes it extensible.

    As for the BD poser -- it is EXCELLENT. In fact, it's almost too powerful: it provides so much control over your avatar that it's not hard to "break" your body with it. I strongly recommend playing with it.

    It will be interesting to see what ingenious ideas people come up with (one of my favourite things about LL giving us shiny new features is seeing all the innovative uses SL residents manage to find for them).  Perhaps one of these whizzkid AI coders will take some time off from putting artists out of a job and write an AI that can analyze a music stream and automatically generate dance animations that sync up to whatever song is playing? 😅

    I keep meaning to try BD but lately my primary concern when selecting a viewer has been performance, since my PC is sorely in need of an upgrade.  As it is I can't really spend time in-world when doing anything in 3D apps although that's unsurprising given that the software I use generates millions of polygons, I suspect I need some pretty expensive hardware to be able to run SL smoothly at the same time.

    • Like 2
  12. 12 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    I can see this kind of use for puppetry for sure, but this seems maybe rather more complicated than is necessary? Learning Blender or Maya is not a trivial thing. How much easier would it be have an in-viewer poser, as BD does.

    I agree it's an undeniably cumbersome solution and having someone write a simple lightweight app that allows you to pose a figure and have that data relayed to the puppeteer plugin would definitely be preferable.

    I was just thinking more in terms of what would be the simplest solution to implement in order to test how well the theory works in practice and since the puppeteer plugin uses Python which is supported in Maya & Blender that seemed like a logical first step.

    I must admit I've yet to try BD so haven't had a chance to try the in-viewer posing tool but I assume that would be the easiest solution of all (if LL were inclined to implement it).

    • Like 2
  13. 10 hours ago, CaithLynnSayes said:

    what if i dig deep into this puppeteer thing and add new code to davadub's bvhacker so it'll stream it's data as i edit and play animations from within that to the viewer so it will preview on my avatar(s) in real time

    I was actually thinking about something similar, i.e. using Blender or Maya to pose the SL armature and have that information mirrored in real-time on your avatar in SL via the puppeteer plugin.  That could potentially be useful for SL photographers wanting to fine tune poses when taking pictures.

    • Like 4
  14. 1 minute ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    My generation (I am 56) were sent mail addressed to "Master" [First name Last name] by our older relatives.

    I am not making this up.

    As a child I was raised by my fathers oldest sister who was around 70 years older than me (she was born in the early 1900s) so I had a very "traditional" upbringing myself. 😅

    • Like 2
  15. Hmm no thank you, I already cringe whenever I meet an english person with a first name like "Sir" or "Lord", let's not encourage them further! :P

    Anyway, as has been pointed out, the british monarchy is too divisive a subject and, despite her unusually long reign, I see no real reason to single out this monarch for special treatment over any other head of state or world leader.

    • Like 3
    • Confused 1
  16. 2 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    There are a great many reasons why someone might not choose to drop money on a mesh body. It's surely not necessary to stigmatize them as "too cheap"?

    I already own several mesh bodies but if the new NUX avatars are of reasonable quality then I fully intend to start using it instead for a variety of reasons (none of which are "because I'm too cheap").

    Having a readily available dev kit so I can make my own clothes, etc. is definitely the most compelling reason to swap and, as has been pointed out, the successful adoption of LLs new mesh avatars will rely heavily on the amount of content available for it so I'm eager to pitch in because while I believe there will always be a market for third party bodies, I think it's about time that market became a little more niche and less an essential component of avatar creation. 

    New users sign up to SL for a multitude of reasons, some of which don't actually require the level of realism or functionality that aftermarket bodies provide, so this weird "mesh snobbery" that seems to have developed over the years is a little misplaced.  The assumption seems to be that if someone isn't wearing a mesh body and clothing they are not invested enough in SL or simply don't care about their appearance.  However the truth is that, for some, spending lots of money on their avatar appearance does very little to enrich their experience (beyond avoiding the derision of those aforementioned "mesh snobs") so judging people for not wearing mesh is essentially discriminating against them because they don't share your interests.

    I expect there will still be those who turn their noses up at people using a "freebie" body, however at least they won't be able to hide behind the excuse of "it's not mesh" and will instead be forced to admit they're just snobs.

    • Like 7
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    • Haha 1
  17. 100% agree with Rolig, the LSL wiki has been in my browser bookmarks since the day I signed up for SL and is an invaluable tool.

    Another invaluable tool when it comes to learning to script is this forum.  Use the search function liberally and on the rare occasion that you can't find an existing thread containing an answer to your question, you can always start a new one and ask it yourself.  There are some very knowledgeable (and equally helpful) people here who will be happy to point you in the right direction.

    • Like 1
  18. 16 minutes ago, x902xXipher said:

    Hello guys...
    I have studied Programming in the past and learned a bit...
    But LSL looks so confusing to learn...
    I would like to take classes in it but I don't know where to begin.

    Anyways, I have a Bed and a Beanbag Chair I want to put Sleep and Sit scripts in...
    I have already bought the Animations but they do not animate on the bed in the right direction and on the beanbag chair I have my feet where I want to sit and I am sitting on the top of it.
    I have tried using Pose Balls to make the scripts work, but at this point I am considering that I need to learn scripting...

    I will learn scripting even if I have to pay for classes.
    But can someone point me into the right direction to make an Animation Script place the Avatar in X,Y,Z Position?


    Take a look at llSitTarget on the wiki, which allows you to set the offset and rotation of an avatar when sitting on an object.

    • Like 1
  19. Hopefully LL will either provide it in a widely supported format like gltf or will release it in multiple formats to accommodate as many creators as possible.

    If not then no doubt it won't be more than a day or two before someone goes to the trouble of converting the dev kit so it can be used in other software, SL residents are very resourceful and quite adept at stepping in and providing solutions when LL drop the ball on little details like this.

    • Like 3
  20. It should be a relatively simple process to set up a full-bright background in SL and then set the SL window as a source in OBS so you can overlay your puppeteered avatar onto whatever live video you're capturing/streaming.

    It will be interesting to see if any streamers will risk the wrath of Twitch moderation and try using their SL avatar as a cheap alternative to the more expensive custom made Vtuber avatars some streamers currently use and just how seriously Twitch takes that infraction (assuming the feature ends up working well enough to be a viable alternative of course).

    • Thanks 1
  21. While it's nice to theorize on the possibilities a feature like this may present I doubt things like working collision bones or IK are going to be part of what LL delivers at the end of its development.

    On 9/1/2022 at 2:50 PM, Coffee Pancake said:

    ZOOM calls but with avatars

    I suspect this is essentially what we're getting, turn on your webcam and you can wave at other avatars and nod or shake your head.

    I personally don't see any point in developing it beyond that, it's a neat toy that some people will enjoy and a few will use when making machinima or tutorial videos, if LL want to do something to improve avatar interactions or provide new features for creators I think their efforts would be best spent in other areas.

    • Like 3
  22. 5 hours ago, Coffee Pancake said:

    Have you tried playing any modern AAA games on your not potato computer? You might be somewhat blown away by what your hardware can accomplish.

    SL, at its absolute best is generations behind. Modern hardware can do in real time what we need photoshop to do for flickr ..

    You have to possess a lot of dedication to the platform to want to spend days (if not weeks) creating something like this in Second Life


    when other platforms running on modern hardware are capable of this...


    • Like 2
  23. 1 hour ago, Quistess Alpha said:

    I agree, The test image isn't really a fair comparison. I'd have to see a control using baked textures to mimic SSS' (perhaps only at specific viewing angles) or a more fair color balanced example. one on the right just looks redder.

    Technically speaking most (if not all) current skins already make some attempt to mimic SSS by using subtle changes in the colouration of the skin to accentuate certain features. 

    In reality a persons skin isn't different colours on different areas of the face, the reason the cheeks are redder and the boney areas are lighter in colour is due to subsurface scattering, so any skin which uses colour variation to highlight features like cheeks, knuckles, etc. is emulating SSS.

    • Like 3
  24. 1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    That can't be baked into existing skins?

    Subsurface scattering is basically a lighting effect so trying to bake it into the texture works about as well as baked lighting or reflections.

    A good real world example of SSS is the effect you get when you hold your hand up in front of strong sunlight, that red glow you see around the edge of your fingers is the result of subsurface scattering (i.e. light passing through the surface of your skin and scattering as it bounces around on the blood vessels, etc. beneath).  Obviously as you rotate your hand the glow continues to only appear on the edges of your fingers where the light can pass through.  Essentially the effect is "dynamic", which is why you can't fake subsurface scattering using the skin texture.

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  25. 23 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:

    Avatar realism (and in world can be far more uncanny that flickr) could easily be one of the fundamental thing's we're doing wrong & train wrecking a new users experience in the first session without even registering as the cause.

    If that's the case then I think LL are in a catch 22 situation because if they make the avatars more stylized and less realistic then new users are going to instantly feel out of place once they start mingling with the general population.

    I think a big part of the problem is that the standard SL avatar has hardly changed at all in the last two decades and most of the improvements to their visual quality are the result of innovation and hard work by creators/residents, the downside of which is that the majority of the avatar customization process is now essentially out of LLs hands, so even if they came up with a groundbreaking new system for avatar creation it will still have very little impact since there's no way to integrate the vast wealth of user created options available which are necessary to create the type of realism that you see in-world.

    Personally I'd be surprised if avatar realism was an issue since the characters in BDO are arguably just as realistic and detailed as most SL avatars and yet people seemed to love the character creator and happily spent hours in it tweaking their characters (they even have a gallery where people can share their creations with other players).


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