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Jaime Spingflower

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Posts posted by Jaime Spingflower

  1. 46 minutes ago, Fox Wijaya said:

    they díd change that. Traffic bots are not allowed since years, and so reportable by AR.
    Bots need to be registered as so at the accountpage, if so, they aren't counted as traffic.



    ps.. in your last post you put the place name, better remove it, reports go between you and LL, naming on the forums isn't allowed.

    That would explain why they attacked me for asking if they were BOTS.  I did remove the city name, thanks.

  2. 1 hour ago, Alyona Su said:

    If anything, bots reduce "traffic". What @Fox Wijaya says notwithstanding, if I pop into a place and see AFKers or Bots, then I immediately TP back out. I'm sure I speak for a lot of others who do the same.

    Yeah, I do the same...the other thing I wonder about, is why would you have only bots in a rp sim.   People come to roleplay so of course they won't stay without someone there that is active.  I'm speaking of The City of *** btw.

  3. 34 minutes ago, Fox Wijaya said:

    the mistake many people make is thinking that traffic, as shown on the landtab, is the same as vistors ... and it isn't  :)
    The traffic, very basic in short: the total time spend by visiting avatars, and only counting after being there for a short while, not just hop in and you have numbers added, they have to stay around for a good amount of time.
    A visitor count doesn't care for the time being there... hop in and you have one more on the numbers, there's only one thing that some who count their visitors do very well... they filter all double visits out during a certain set time. Lets say you tp in 5 times that day, will count as only one.

    Thank you Fox...that makes sense, because the bots just stand there 24 hours a day which drives up the numbers.  I spoke to a few sim owners who didn't know that.  I wish the Lindens would change that.

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