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Sharie Criss

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Posts posted by Sharie Criss

  1. Not sure which sim I was in when it happened, but ALL of my scripted attachments broke - all the scripts even in no-mod items stopped running. I had to set scripts to running again, and all the saved state was lost. Fortunately my nocopy items were mod, but I had several copy items that were NO mod, and those scripts are dead. Thank god I wasn't wearing nocopy / nomod or I would have lost those items. Guys: You need to investigate this and possibly do a roll back. This is bad, and potentially can cause very significant loss for residents.

    Edit: I spent a fair amount of time in LeTigre sims, and noticed the issue when in a couple LeTigre sims. Note that removing / re-attaching attachements or relogging had no effect, the items were dead until the scripts were manually reset to running again (on the items that I was able to due to permissions.)


    As a side note, it SUCKS that I can't reset scripts, remove scripts,  or set them running / not running on nomod items. The nomod permission should not apply to those (and only those) attributes.

  2. I use noob not in the derogatory sense, but just a newbie. I will call out an older avatar though on "noobish" behavior - old enough to know better. There is another class though - the "permanoob" - those older avatars that just look like hell, no AO, generally poor behavior, etc. In a visual medium like SL, with so many amazing content creators and a lot of great free content as well, there is no reason to look like a noob past your first month in SL - especially not for a 5 year old avi.

  3. I just responded in another similar thread...

    The rental market isn't easy, but you can do well if you do it "better." Have a theme, and require that your residents adhere to it at least on the ground level. Provide "protected land" buffers which helps with aesthetics too. If you go with a rental group rather than assigning ownership, you can make the lots a little smaller and just play with prim allotments to help with this "buffer" space. Help your residents get setup - customer service is everything. Respond to issues quickly or you won't retain your renters.

    I got my sim because mainland was so awful, and the landlord for the private sim I was on never responded to issues. If you are in it to make money, don't bother. It costs more than you make.

  4. Oh the rental market is far from dead. When I have open parcels (which doesn't happen often,) it's rare they are open more than a few days. I do have fantastic renters though. Yes, there is a LOT of inventory, but a lot of it is trash-filled mainland, run by landlords with no "building codes" or behavior standards, and poor customer service. Many private sim lots are also rented at inflated prices which doesn't help the landowners any either. If you have attractive communities, good customer service, good policies, and good prices, you won't stay empty. Fixing the mainland issues is a whole different topic :)

  5. Mesh brings more realism to SL - clothes that don't fit! I'm afraid we can blame the Lindens on this one - releasing Mesh without a parametric deformer (which would allow clothing to fit your shape MUCH better) without all this standard sizing nonsense and alpha layers (in most cases - something like a corset will probably always require an alpha.) I think the issue is more of awareness and attention to detail. Most dresses and skirts will flare at the bottom (there are exceptions of course) yet the designer's alpha has been designed to go to the very bottom edge of the mesh. This results in the issue described in the original question. The alpha COULD be stopped much higher as there is no need to mask bits that will never show no matter what parameters you have for your shape. And yes, creating your own alphas for just about everything you buy seems to be the only answer. Some designers have a little more foresight and have created masks in several sizes to help with this problem.

  6. Yes, there have been a few improvements, but in my nearly 5 years here it's still not enough and the cost of SL is still too high. I can STILL not teleport reliably, where the only way to get out of some (isolated) sims is to logout and re-log to home (the other solution seems to be to fly to a neighboring sim and TP, but frequently there isn't one.) LL talks so much about region crossing issues that they forgot that most people TP from one location to another. Bleh. Frustration after the 10th failed TP attempt to get out of a sim is pretty damn high. It's no wonder people quit. Marketplace is great. It's also nearly killed in-world play sims that rely on malls and donations to exist. The fact is that sims still cost as much as they did years ago despite hardware and bandwidth costs dropping by a factor of 4. I'm still limited to 15K prims for $300 USD / month. That's insane. In this down economy, you can not charge that much for a "luxury" optional service. It drives people away. I've seen all too many places vanish due to cost. KILL the freakin bots already. Yes, bots can be useful in very limited cases, but mostly they are used to artificially inflate land traffic. LL needs to ban that practice and give us better LSL functions to manage group, land, and inventory functions. I should be able to do anything via a script that I could with a bot (or at least the 90% use cases.) LL is so busy making "improvements" that nobody is asking for that they ignore all the requests for things we really need such as TP reliability and LSL functions or things that will keep SL alive such as more affordable land and a better financial incentive to use in-world vendors (higher transaction fees on Marketplace which can subsidize land costs) I know some people will squawk at higher marketplace fees, but low fees are meaningless if nobody is left in SL to buy anything from you. I'm very very seriously considering giving up my land in SL. It simply costs too much and there are fewer and fewer (non-bot) people in SL to play with. It's the worst its ever been. If viewership wasn't declining there would be more praise for LL. Clearly they are not doing something right.

  7. Failing TPs isn't a new problem at all. It's worse trying to TP out of a busy region than into it, and region crossings (walking from one region to another) almost never fail. The bizarre part is that trying to TP as opposed to walking to the next door region will usually fail. Some regions fail trying to TP out of them 9 times out of 10 no matter what. Failing TPs is a bug - they should NEVER fail if the system is working properly. Getting LL to address the underlying problems is pretty much impossible. It's really unfortunate that almost everything in SL is implemented in a half-assed way... Most of the functionality is there, but not all of it. Implementing wearable mesh without having it automatically fit your avatar is another example of this mentality.

  8. It's not just the mac, it doesn't work on Windows either using the latest official LL viewer. I guess I don't have the magical crack pipe needed to blow the magical crack smoke into my PC in order to get the Outbox to accept drag and drop. Oh yes, I've cleared cache, relogged many times, logged in and out of marketplace, cleared cookies, danced naked in front of the windows while chanting voodoo curses, nothing works. It won't work on the 3 totally different COMPUTERS I've tried it on. It won't work with a brand new viewer install into a new directory. It's crap. Clearly the DD system isn't ready for prime time. LL, please go back to the drawing board and fix this crap before you turn off the magic boxes as DD won't work AT ALL. I am totally fed up with the TOTAL CRAP code LL is releasing, Marketplace performance being in the toilet as well. Bleh. I guess when the magic boxes stop working I'll just remove my store from Marketplace and give up. FSCK it.

  9. Dear Commerce team, This is a horrible idea. Instead, change the default filter for the Recent tab in the viewer to 2 days instead of Since Last Logoff. You are trying to fix a problem for new residents right? This will address that. Existing residents don't need your change and don't want it.

  10. God no. It's bad enough that LL wants to change where things go (which will break existing content) without needing to remember HOW you got something to find it. Bad bad bad ideas all around. As mentioned before, the Recent tab already works, and filters make it even more useful. Instead of changing the SERVER, change the CLIENT so that the "default" (that we can change already) is changed from "Since Last Logoff" to "2 days" to make the Recent tab more useful. This is the problem right? People can't find new things? Clearly the existing default filter in the viewer is the problem, not the server. I call on the TPV's to all implement this default filter change to show LL how to do things right. Do NOT make this server side change!!! Can you PLEASE stop doing new stupid stuff and instead spend the time and energy (and money) on fixing existing problems like unreliable inventory, group chat, etc?

  11. People use facelights because the SL avatar mesh is so horrible. The sharp lines cause horrendous shadowing and whatnot that face lights "fix." Some of those mesh issues can be mitigated to a certain extent by playing with the shape sliders, but - it's not a viable solution for many. That said, I can't stand facelights and have a welcome message at my landing point asking people to disable or remove them as they "destroy the carefully created local lighting." Some facelights are worse than others - some are very subtle, close to the avatar's face at a very low intensity and those aren't so much of a problem. It's the facelights with 10 or so lights arrayed around the avatar all at max that are just horrible.

  12. The true online status should not be in a viewer, but to remove it from scripting is irresponsible. Due to the fact that inventory and message delivery to offline residents is totally unreliable with inventory and messages being lost regularly, taking this feature away harms the residents. Fully half the people I've polled after sending IM's and inventory automatically claim they have never received it. How the hell can I reliably deliver notifications and updates now? Answer - I won't be able to. Thanks LL, Thanks a lot. I just can't wait for more of LL's brilliant ideas.

  13. LL usually doesn't have a good reason for not incorporating some of the wonderful features that TPV viewers have. As far as server load, since 99.999% of the features don't affect anything server side, that's kind of a red herring. I'm not a firestorm fan for a number of reasons, and not a fan of some of the team personalities, but the fact is that it's the number one viewer because it delivers what people want and LL isn't doing that. LL has a very very long history of ignoring what users want and listening instead to their marketing department's polls of 10 year olds. (I think the 10 year olds designed the Viewer 2 UI - it showed!) When LL ACTUALLY starts listening to residents (and listening means more than JUST hearing) then I'll have a little more respect for their decisions. Some of these decisions, such as breaking scripts that have a VALID need to check online presence due to the total unreliability of offline message and inventory delivery, are just incredibly stupid showing a gross disregard for the huge issue of inventory loss and reliability.

  14. I am most concerned about the planned script breakage. Tools were created to ensure reliable delivery of inventory and messages to users as delivery when the uses are offline is VERY unreliable. Before this change is implemented, a few things must - MUST be done. 1) Inventory must NEVER EVER be lost due to a user being offline. 2) The "Too many messages, delivery capped" needs to go away and ALL messages MUST be delivered, even if the user has been offline for months. Implementing this change before such fixes are in place is totally irresponsible and harms your paying customers, causing inventory loss. The stifling of innovation with the "if we are too ignorant or lazy to implement it, you can't do it either" policy is a desperate strike at the TPV community whose volunteer efforts make LL look like it is as badly managed as it really is. For shame. The TPV community has innovated because LL has refused to actually listen to what it's users REALLY want (and NO, it wasn't the usability disaster that was Viewer 2) and you want to shut that down. How pathetically small of you LL.

  15. Yes, unfortunately, LL has totally ignored all the Marketplace issues and it's pretty much completely broken now. You are LUCKY if it works. In the mornings (Midnight to 5am SLT) deliveries basically don't occur at all but may eventually show up hours later. I have not had a delivery take less than 2 hours if purchased in the early morning hours for many months. I've had to put a warning on my marketplace listings because of this.

  16. "They need to move the midnight chores OFF that machine and put them on one of the empty Sim servers they have .. unless they aren't powerful enough to handle the job." Well, clearly they aren't :) They aren't powerful enough to handle a typical region now! I can't find any hard documentation on the hardware used, but the class 5 servers (which my sim was on when I bought it) were old AMD dual CPU dual core boxes with 4G ram and a SATA drive. I've read some articles that suggest that sims are now virtualized on much beefier boxes but many more to a physical server and thus performance is even worse than it used to be. But as I said, no hard facts on this. I would love to know. For the amount of money I'm spending on my full region, I could rent a fairly high-end server in a datacenter. with lots of bandwidth.

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