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Sunder Avedon

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Everything posted by Sunder Avedon

  1. Thanks for your quick response. I haven't used Panther in ages. I'm on 10.4 Tiger and will be on 10.5 Leopard in a few days. Only the last Mac OS, Snow Leopard, doesn't support PPC, all the rest do. So the decision to not support Panther really has nothing to do with this. There are soo many Macs out there that are PPC and cannot run Snow Leopard. I can't understand why you would lock out what's really the majority of all the Macs. Intel Macs are recent, and Snow Leopard (the only one that is Intel only and doesn't support PPC) only came out a few months before Windows 7. How many versions of Windows OSs do you support with V2? I'm sure Windows 7 isn't the only OS on the Windows side that you support. It's a shame that you are turning your backs on all PPC based Macs. My computer is fast and so is the graphics card. I use it to edit and convert HD video using some high end program suites. I thought Second Life was an open community, not a closed one that's open to just the most recent hardware. You are forcing many users to quit SL. It's a bummer cause I have put a lot of money into SL, have bought lots of lindens. And I get stuck on your first Viewer.
  2. Some people would love to use a V2 based viewer but Linden Labs locked out all the PPC based Macs with V2. It's only Intel based. So I can't upgrade no matter what. So it's not a matter of time, it's a matter of being able to log into Second Life or not. If V2 was Universal, like most responsible programers do, then I would have upgraded a long time ago along with many others I know.
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