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Rejha Vuckovic

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Everything posted by Rejha Vuckovic

  1. Lets Compare: Steam USA: 4,79us$ = 4,00€ Germany: 4,79€ = 5,69us$ = 18,9% (less than 19% VAT + no currancy fee exchange + full suport in German and respecting EU Laws) How LL is handling: Pay LL something (Tier, Premiummember,..) worth 4,79US$ = 6,58€ = 7,88US$ = 64,5% more than US-Citizen So more than 19% (German) VAT + no support in EU + not respecting EU Laws (you simply can't judge them in Europe like Steam, you have to do it in California). You see, 45,6% more than Steam for not being able to get full support in Europe.
  2. Ok take 18,5% for currancy exchange is not ripping off? Maybe my English is not so good so what would you say to that? Fair Play?
  3. Yes, I have Steam and I am not aware that I pay massive more for a game than an USA-Citizen is doing. Or does anybody pay for a game more ouside of USA there? According this Database not! https://steamdb.info/app/1222670/ This is related to € currancy, so Counties with harder Courrancy it is more in €
  4. Are you sure? I have checked it with californian postcode and delevery to germany and deliver to California. Same price!!!!! (Above 22€ I would have to pay 19% VAT, below not, only LL charge it) Take Amazon as an example: For same products in USA and Germany they don't charge us 37,5% more, mostly same price or cheaper as 1€=1,20US$ Just check the Amazon Fire Stick USA: 49,99US$ Germany 39,99€ If it would be LindenLab it would cost us 68,73US$ These are a fair companies and this is how most other companies are doing it, not Linden Lab!
  5. I blame LL for letting us pay the EU Vat but not to reduce the Californian VAT ike it shoudl be. o we pay the VAT on Gross not on Net prices! So to pay a Sim tier / fee I have to pay additional 37,5% on what US-Citizens have to pay! 19% VAT + 8,5% Echange Fee for Tilla / LL So is it fair? Is it a EU law to pay VAT on Gross price? No, it is on Net price, like most online shops and companies are doing. No digital good buy on Ebay / Amazon from the USA I have to pay 37,5% additional. And by the way: Physical goods cost less than 22€ from the USA are VAT free but LL/Tilla charge us 30,25€ now only to exchange € to US$ ! This is a LL Decision, not EU regulations!
  6. OK Secondlife. We in the European Union have to pay VAT additional to every payment, so between 17% - 27% more than anybody from America has to pay! As far as I know no other Gaming Platform wants additional Fees / Pricing from Euopeans than Americans. Same with Money Exchange Now with Tilla the € to US$ Exchange Fee raise to >11% + 7,5% L$ to US$ fee = 18,5%!!!!!!! Before Tilla the exchange fee was fair now it is usury, especially with these additional 7,5%! What are we Euopeans for you? Diary Cows you can milk for Money more than anybody else? So the only thing we can do is stopping supporting the ecconomy, buying L$ and move to any other Gaming Platform wich don't see us a Diary Cow. That is one of the reasons why Secondlife has less and less active players from Europe and people are moving in groups to other games as Covid has also impact at our money wallets.
  7. Here in Germany it I pay 44% of my sallary for Taxes, Gouvernmental Insurances (Healthcate, Unemployment, Pension, Care) and some other Taxes. Back to Secondlife and Topic: Additionally I have to pay 19% VAT for all I pay related to Secondlife And as written before the US$ Exchange-rate is a joke regarding €. Example 10.000L$ = 43,33US$ = 36,16€ (official exchange 18.04.2021) What Tilla wants: 40,27€ = 48,37US$ --> 5,04US$ more --> 11,63% exchange fee ==> This is usury and according EU laws forbidden as the exchange Fees are regulated It is funny to see what is all allowed in the USA As far as I saw they don't have any licence in Europe at the ECB and so no european Laws apply. So the only thing Europeans can do is not to buy Linden anymore and stop support economy in Secodlife as long as they see us as Cows they can milk!
  8. I have question: My sim was a Magnum Server and I could see it when i take a loot at places and region, there at Version was written: Magnum Server. i took a look today and see as Version not Magnum anymore, there is Second Life Server 2019-...... Does anybody know why not Magnum Server is there written anymore? Did LL changes something?
  9. I have some Beachlots for sale with sea-view. Each 5000l$ for 1024m². So premium users don't need to pay extra fee to Linden Lab. Just take a look at them: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bermuda/138/183/27
  10. Several Beach lots for sale, some of them are waterfront and most 1024 qm. Some at Sunspiral: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sunspiral/53/141/23 and some at Bermuda: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bermuda/153/204/25 Just take a look inworld at them and IM me if you have any questions.
  11. I sell my Mainland-beach at a nice lag free area. Size is 8944 m² with 3070 Prims allowed. I set the price to 60.000L$ but it is negotiable. You can take a look at it here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sunspiral/55/122/22
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