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sunshine Juneberry

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Posts posted by sunshine Juneberry

  1. Eon Peterson wrote:

    Wouldn't it be nice if, once in a while, one of the Lindens read these forums and popped in to provide answers - however briefly?

    I would imagine for every hour that Marketplace is offline not only LL lose revenue but merchants as well.

    They said they were gonna pop in and provide some answers but caught in traffic so they sent this memo.

    "So sorry to keep you waiting we'll be right back"

  2. Rolland Messmer wrote:

    Yes, I'm well aware of the current system. But as a soon to be merchant (as soon as I can get a script from my scripter)  the lack of ability to have anything I might sell in world be reviewed on MP is kinda making me want to avoid in world stores all together.




    Tonight trying to shop on MP was next to impossible. Pages kept timing out and i'd get a MP "sorry to keep you waiting" message over and over. 

    I finally gave up and went to the merchants inworld store. Something to consider when thinking about having a store. 

  3. MyAlt4099 wrote:

    This has always bothered me, not because of buying items inworld, but just the fact that you can't review an item you haven't bought. I understand the reasons for it, but they could easily add a separate comments section for people who haven't bought the item.

    Actually you can comment on a review without buying an item. I left a comment to a merchant once that it would be nice if she provided a demo for the a high priced mesh. That i wouldn't spend a lot of money without trying a demo.

    Really though, when it comes down to ratings, it's so gamed that it isn't very reliable. I bought an AO with over 50 five star ratings that was the biggest piece of junk i ever saw. Or once looking at a store noticed EVERY item had like five or six 5 star ratings, all written by the same people.

    I do write ratings if i REALLY like the quality of a product, or bad ratings if i feel the picture has been photoshopped and the product is awful or  has incorrect perms and merchant wont fix and few other peeves

  4. I got rid of tons of items by typing "demo" into search window and deleting....you can click onto one item....scroll down and hold shif and right click again and it selects everything in between and delete.

    "object" is another one, especially if you build things. i figure if i never bothered to name it it must not be important.

    Another thing that i used to get my inventory way down was just quit being such a hoarder....i had tons of stuff i never wore, freebies from when i was a noob....tossed it all and got my inventory cut by almost 10K items

  5. Seems kinda funny that a CEO would have a yahoo email as his contact lol.

    And invest in a SL business other than sex and apparel.......what's left  lol

    Oh...and it's possible to make money in SL....lot of people make enough to buy Latte a day.

    Anyways i need working capital....i'm running short on prims and need to buy some more...also my mesh is running out....and i could always use a few more pixels.

  6. I was thinking that, but i found another item folder somehow full of all the same boxes....so not sure how i could have accidently drug the exact same items into two separate folders.

    Also all the items have their own folders. They uploaded correctly and are listed. Seems like if they were loaded into another folder they wouldn't be able to be listed.....so not sure what happened.

  7. I'm one of the unfortunate who average around 7-8 FPS...it's doable, but can dip to around 2-3 where basically i'm stuck. good days i get 12 FPS for my highest and i'm really happy :P

    Even with FPS like that though, i wouldn't want higher if it meant turning back the clock on the new features like mesh. I absolutely love mesh and i'm hoping soon to get a new computer to handle the higher demand on graphics.

    The only thing i am REALLY concerned about is bandwidth requirements. I live in rural Alaska and 1MB is the maximum i can get. It's the all that's offered and not sure thats gonna change anytime soon.

    I'm one of those people who says "but it was a fine a year ago" lol ...really around last September is when it really seemed to become an issue with constantly being logged off. I will be logged off after every teleport now.  Even with turning draw distance down. It's my new normal and i'm used to it.

    I would hope there might be something that can be done to stop SL from being so hungry for bandwidth.

    P.S. turning draw distance to 32 is not a suggestion i follow.  I feel like i'm standing in an empty sim. Walking around like in a haze cause i can't see beyond 32 meters. I'll just deal with log offs before i do that.

  8. It could be a gesture as well. I had a gesture that would trigger all the time and make me go into this stupid pose...drove me crazy till i figured out it was a gesture triggered to common key.

  9. this is the Jira about the massive packet loss and insane bandwidth usage


    the fix says its its a duplicate of this Jira, which says fixed


    Like your saying its right after a teleporting. Its happening to a lot of people. hit Ctrl- Shift -1 and watch your bandwidth when you teleport to a new sim with a decent amount of draw distance.

    I see in the new release notes they turned down the server messaging to try to bring bandwidth down, but im still getting sustained bandwidth usage over 600kps for several minutes before being logged off.

    600kps is down from over 1000kps i was seeing, but still pretty high.

  10. Theres been Jira's about this and they all say that the problem has been fixed. It hasn't. I get logged off, after every teleport unless i turn my draw distance down to 32 or lower. After landing if i turn my draw distance up, my packet loss shoots up to insane number. I saw 147% packet loss, and my bandwidth shot all the way to 1000 kps.

    My internet is only 1mb so its using every bit of juice its got, which isnt enough, and i end up being logged off. Usually afyer teleportingto a new sim i will have to log in about 2 or 3 ...sometimes more, times before my bandwidth and packet loss settle down and im able to keep my draw distance turned up.

    This is my new normal. Im not gonna walk around SL with my draw disance set at 32 so i just deal with the constant logging off and try not to visit too many other sims


  11. i was in two different stores today and got IM'd by two different Av's with exact same IM.

    The IM is all friendly and i actually thought i was having a convo with someone the first time and was kinda miffed when it turned to asking for 300L$.

    It wasn't till later the day in the second store when the second av IM'd me that i realized it was an automated program. The second girl was telling me the EXACT same story the first was telling me earlier, except instead of me sympathizing, i was telling her i knew it was scam because i heard the exact same thing earlier.

    Even after me saying i knew it was scam, the IM played out exactly the same way, ending with her asking for 300 L$

    I know people going around asking for L$ is not that big of a deal, but this is the first time i had seen it automated like that. And twice in one day on two separate sims aver 12 hours apart, makes me think it might become something of a nuisance.

  12. i was two stores today and got the exact same story from two different people.

    The first one i just thought was was maybe i little self absorbed and that why i didnt get appropriate responses to my responses. The second time, i realized it was automated, especially after i called her a scammer and told her to f&^% off, and she went on and on telling me her problems while complimenting me.

    maybe its not a scam but tell me if these IM's seem very familiar

    AV #1 omfg it's been so long!!! How have you been

    just kiddddding we never have met before! Sl takes forever to rez and you're the only person I can see!


    AV#2  omg how are you, it's been so long since I've seen you!

    just kiddddding we never have met before! Sl takes forever to rez and you're the only person I can see!


    Both go onto say how their BF made them leave SL and how theyre starting all over again...OMG did i tell you how nice your av looks, did you do that shape yourself?....and then back their problems, and then get around to asking for 300L$

    I know people asking for L$ is not that big of a deal, but this is the first time i had seen it automated. To get it twice in the same day at 2 different stores, makes me think someone is running a serious scam. Hopefully no one is falling for it.


  13. Theresa Tennyson wrote:

    Personally when I search for something I always start off on "Everything" just because that's what it defaults to. If I'm looking for a place I'll use the "Places" button which has the icon of a landmark. Have you found anyone else who assumes all places would be under "Destinations"?

    no...but the topic of how you search doesnt come up very often,

    I'm curious. Do you skip over the destination guide because you know what it is? Or do your eyes just automatically gravitate to "places" instead of  "destination"

     im really curious how many people actually know what the guide is. If i wouldn't have looked it up i would have gone on believing that is was a seach tool for narrowing search.  What else would i think it was there for? there is no explaination of what it is unless you google it.

  14. Yeah i've read it. My point in posting is that when people search, the first thing they see after a searching for a place is the destination guide. The destination guide isn't really a search result as many places are omitted.

    People may inncorrectly assume as i did..for months...that the destination guide is showing them all of the results pertaining to their search. People are being short changed because the search page is poorly set up.

    I am not a noob, i have been in SL for years. I thought when i searched...for a destination....that the most likely place to narrow my search was in destination guide.

    I have a shop on a combat sim. I searched the term combat. I assumed i would see all results in destination guide.

    The only reason i questioned results was because i knew the sim wasnt there.

    People who have no idea this sim existed will not question and now will not go searching any further assuming they got all results.

    Something else I noticed. I TP'd to one of the sims listed in the "destination guide" under my search term "combat"...it no longer exists...so the destiantion guide is guiding people to sims that no longer exist while omitting sims who hope for traffic.

    Is LL hell bent on sabotaging itself and the residents of SL?

    Destination Guide needs to be reworked and relooked at, and it should NOT be used in search unless it is made clear that the results shown there ARE NOT ALL THERE IS!!!

  15. I was using the search inworld trying to find different things using different search terms. I wanted to see how easily i could find the sim my store is on.

    I was amazed that no matter what i typed in, the sim never showed in results. I had incorrectly assumed the "destination guide" would show me all the destinations pertaining to the search term i used.

    I mean when you type in a search term, you are then shown these categories to choose



    destination guide

    land & rentals





    I look down the list and the first thing comes to mind is "destination guide".

    I mean i been going off of it for ages now. I had no idea these "search results" arent search results at all. I can only imagine how many times someone has searched for my sim and has no Idea it even exists because they too are incorrectly assuming the destination guide is showing them all the results.

    The only sims that appear in destination guide are hand picked by who knows at LL...its kinda frustrating.

    The destination guide should not be included in search results. or they need to make it in BOLD PRINT, that Destination guide is only a fraction of actual results and that all results can be found in "places".

  16. Hi Suki,

    i use i lighter skin and got the same thing. I had been using phoenix and thought everything looked fine but as soon as i updated to the newest Firestorm and the increased graphics of the V3, suddenly i looked all creased and wrinkled...and well you know the story lol.

    i went back to phoenix so i can at least see myself normal.

    I figure people will set their viewers to see themselves correctly and that way they'll also see you correctly. If not then they see everyone all dark shadowy, crinkly and youll look the same to them as everyone one else lol

  17. I really like items that are copy for making outfits. i put together an outfit i like and make a new outfit folder. It's also easier for me to find..."oh wheres that cute skirt i like"....its in the cute skirt folder :P....the shoes i like are in this folder...the same shoes different skin shade are in another...right at the top of my inventory.

    As for MOD...I've bought so many nice things that just will not fit me...they get thrown in trash!!! total waste of money. 

    Now i really think twice before i ever buy anything NO MOD. Unless they have resize scripts that will let you resize/reposition single prims...single axis...its hard to get them to fit correctly without being MOD.

    I personally sell all my items as Copy/Mod

  18. Pamela Galli wrote:


    Oh you mean like if I went to View>Source Code in my browser and saw this list of keywords for a pair of boots? Yes that would be annoying.



    WOW!!! I didnt know you could do that!!

    Thats so cool...its like the day i found out about Shift Ctrl R inworld and getting a glimpse at how the computer sees things

    now i'm checking all my keywords lol :P

  19. If they were doing the rolling restarts at same time they also warn residents about making purchases. enough people might actually listen to warning to make a noticable drop in sales.

    For me my sales seems to spike at certain times then go back to normal/slow :P

    I think the spike times are when my  products are occasionally allowed off the last pages and get bumped up in search and can compete with some of the more well established vendors. Then after a couple days of hearing the CHA CHING thing its back to normal :P

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