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Lulu Lysette

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Blog Comments posted by Lulu Lysette

  1. It's all interconnected.  It is possible in some cases to connect dots.  For instance, now that I'm curious, I'm searching every acquaintence to see the groups they are in.  I scan the group names to see if they might be private groups.  You can usually tell if it's not a store or a venue, etc.  Then, I look inside the group at the members to see if perhaps there are alts in there.  Now, mind you, this is only a test to prove how broken the viewer is in all instances.  The point is...people have created groups they want hidden IN SL (forget RL for now), yet viewer 2.4 and 2.5 show these hidden groups in some instances.  People don't even realize it!

  2. Oh and one more thing....if you've checked the settings in your viewer so that you do not come up in search, it is possible to do a search on your name and bring up the groups that you are in.  At that point it's just a matter of looking at the group members and low and behold...one is able to bring up your profile that way!  OMG...this is CRAZY.  But of course this doesn't work every time because search is BROKEN and names and groups do not always show.  Good lordy...this is getting nutz.


    I'm in 2.4 and have tested that not all groups that you have intended to hide are hidden.  I have a group I have hidden in Imprudence, yet when I log onto 2.4, I can see the group and everyone in it!  So beware...if you have alts you don't want anyone to know, they are there for everyone in SL to see.

    Once again our privacy has been infringed upon!  So much for Linden Labs caring about our privacy.

  4. @Fender:  While I appreciate your grace, there is the other side of the coin.  Would we have racial equality in the U.S. without someone to stand up for people's rights?  Would Eygpt be free without people standing up for what they want?  I'm one of those people who stand up.  Sorry, but I can't lay back and say nothing or "whatever" without a fight.  :-)

  5. @Fredrick -

    You forgot to add the bullet about deleting the profiles opening up in a separate window.  It is CLUTTERING THE SCREEN.  Isn't SL about being IN-WORLD and seeing what goes on there?  It's getting harder and harder to see.  Believe it or not, you have created the reality of people seeing less of SL.  Is this what you really want?  The reality of more and more people leaving is not far behind I fear.  I mean, if we can't see the world, why be in it?

    This should be optional not mandatory.  Put the profiles back on the sidebar please and put a link there to open in a browser if we want to.  OPTIONAL please!

  6. Reaching out is one thing, but not testing it completely in regard to privacy is another.  Also, not covering up the entire screen with a profile would be nice.  I turned off cookies and disabled javascripts.  I'd rather not see anyone's profile than to let myself and my IP address be exposed across the web.  We are slowly giving up our privacy in case you haven't noticed!

  7. I agree that there is a master plan behind this whole fiasco; however, there are more friendly ways of accomplishing their ultimate goal than the way they've been handling things.  They are ass backwards when it comes to figuring out how to roll out betas and how to program the UI to satisfy existing customers plus getting new ones.  The least they could do is test their viewer on a few different machines and a few different browsers.  I mean, really???  They can't even do that?  Unbelievable.

    The problem with this is that a lot of existing customers who are frustrated are the ones that spend the most money in SL.  We have land, we build, etc.  I'm very frustrated with it, and am now back on Imprudence once again until something comes out for the Mac by Phoenix or Imprudence.  And frankly, I'm re-evaluating the need to be in SL at all anymore.  Is it really worth all this frustration?

  8. I suggest that we email the CEO with our concerns directly.  Conveniently enough, he elected to share his profile with us via Second Life on the web!  If you search rodvik linden, you'll find his profile on the web and then keep clicking and you'll find his gmail address.

    Linden Labs, you are going down a slippery slope.  With your half-ass testing and horrible coordination if the Viewer 2 project, surely there will be privacy lawsuits in the near future.  Cookies for facebook??  Seriously??????  OMG!

  9. OMG..I just logged into SL with the new viewer, went to my profile and tried unchecking the box that says i want to share my profile on the web.  I clicked 'save' and then I got an error message that said:  "Frame load interrupted by policy change".   I was unable to save my change!  This is CRAZY.  It makes me want to leave SL.  I'm tired of all the issues with the viewer, lag, tp problems, etc.

  10. It's so disheartening to know that LL does not listen to their customers.  They say they do, and maybe they want to, but bottom line is they don't.  To release 2.5 with a web-based profile that further clutters the screen and is wasted space is truly incredible to me.  I even tried to get on board with Viewer 2 fighting all the way, but with the release of 2.5, they've taken yet another huge step back!


    I'm back to Phoenix or Imprudence.  Being in SL is supposed to be fun and not make RL more frustrating.  I give up!

  11. Also, besides the profiles opening up in a separate window which covers the entire SL experience (ugh), I cannot stand the worn or current outfit tab!  I have all my things in folders and prefer the way Imprudence or Phoenix manages the folders in the worn tab.  I can clearly see all the FOLDERS *and* the items in the FOLDERS.  I don't want to create outfits and I know a lot of my female friends are the same.   What use is a list of alphabetical items?  I can't find my shoes or much else because things are not grouped by my folders which is how I store my things.  If only Linden Lab would get a user group of people to test their ideas prior to working on them!  Even ask them for input would be a wonderful idea.  Sheesh.

    I'm back to using Phoenix now.  I'm on a Mac so I guess I have to wait for the Firestorm release. Hopefully the folders show up in the worn tab.

  12. Two things about this profile. (1) It would be my preference to not share ANY of the information on the web whether it be RL or SL info.  It is none of anyone's business what my avatar name is even though I have nothing in my profile I should be ashamed of.   (2) I would rather have the profile open up in the sidebar as it did before.  If I wanted to see the web version, it would be nice for that to be an option in preferences.  As it is now in this Beta version, the sidebar space is only 25% occupied when you click to see someone's profile and a huge window pops up which further covers my screen.   I don't understand this at all.

    I really detested viewer 2 for a long time but realized that there was no use fighting it and decided to start using it.  For the most part I do like it, but implementing features which further cover the screen is mind boggling to me.  Obviously they didn't listen to everyone who was complaining about the sidebar in the first place otherwise they wouldn't have the profile pop up in a separate, huge screen.


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