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Loviathar Hellman

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Everything posted by Loviathar Hellman

  1. Let me illustrate this case. You are renting a little space on a sim with a few prims. You are not renting the land properly but are paying a rental box (hippo for example) and your landlord checks that you are not going above your prim limit. You pay your rent regularly. Let's now imagine that you paid your rent for six weeks yesterday and today, your landlord announces that he's closing the sim in 2 days but that you won't get refunded before 8 weeks... Is it allowed ? Are there any rules saying : "a landlord is supposed to refund a renter just when the contract is ended on his side" or is allowed to make you wait for weeks before getting your refund ? Is this considered as a fraud if he refuses to refund you even when the sim has closed ? TY.
  2. On my side, I think that mesh is worth it for the reasons that : 1. clothes look more realistic, 2. hair isn't floating around you anymore, Now about the fact that some people will see you bald and nekkie, well... I'm fine with that cos I don't care. I don't dress for olther residents, I dress for myself and yes I'm pretty selfish about that but if they want to see me as I am, they should update their viewer ^-^. Nah I mean, when sculpties got released it was the same problem. You can't say that a technology isn't worth it just because some people are laggy at updating to some better viewer. It's all I'm saying.
  3. Mine, obviously. To be serious, if I want to wear proper jewelry, the kind of jewelry you'd wear RL in circumstances that requires to wear formal, I'll go to Mandala, Miel, Earthstones, Loulou&co, ... If I want to wear something funnier, original, something that you could find in RL @Accessorize or in H&M or clothes' stores accessories department, I'd just wear my stuff because it's the way I created my brand. Loulou&co also works for these circumstances, HOD is badass and sweet to wear for original people... Kosh too. And since I prefer the second circumstances, this is where I'll get my jewelry : I'll make it myself, get it from HOD, Kosh or Loulou&co. But I won't spit on Mandala or Miel, Earthstones and others mentioned above because it's very quality good stuff too. Just not *always* my style.
  4. On my side, I only wear complete avatars for fun. Like a bunny avi I had in some fair somewhere last month. It's more of something funny. Now if some people want to have a fun avatar all the year, it's cool too !
  5. Never had any issue with Truth in the past, he always was quick at answering. In your case, I'd suggest you to check his profile for customer service policy in case you missed something. Every single designer has different ones, so it's always good to check twice. He may have a CSR - he didn't the last time I got in touch with him-, or a FAQ. Also, people often send IMs while designers tell clearely that IMs get capped and don't go to mails, and it happens that notecards get lost. In your case, it would be weird since you seem to have repeatedly contacted him, but well. If your question's answer is included in his FAQ, he may not answer. A lot of designers don't answer to questions already answered in their profile. I won't suggest that you may be muted but it can also happen that a designer, for some spam or personal reasons, mutes someone. I doubt it is your case... But try maybe with an alt if you have one ? Who knows.
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