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Dario Waddington

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Posts posted by Dario Waddington

  1. 25 minutes ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:

    Try teleporting to a sim called "Debug1" or "Debug2", after that things should be looking normal.

    LL is currently having an issue which is affecting some common textures (including default water), which are failing to load.

    I went back again, and now it seems to work. I'm sending all the people i asked inworld and having the same issue. Thank you again. big hugs. Me happy! 🙂

    • Like 2
  2. yes yes, i went to both places and i highlighted. nothing. they go highlighted, but fully solid as you can see in the pic. i asked to some guys around, they have the same problem since this early morning. Maybe a bug. i will wait. :)

    Thank you :)


  3. Hello. Suddenly since this morning , i have this wierd issue with transparency higlighted. They are completely solid. No more red/transparent, but solid red, everything on the screen, even huds.

    Could you help me?

    Thank you in advance.

    Schermata 2022-08-25 alle 17.51.48.png

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  4. 23 hours ago, Oz Linden said:

    Please create a Jira bug report for this Create a bug

    How to report a bug

    In particular, please include the SL_Launcher.log file from your log directory with your report.



    Thank you for answering me.

    As I wrote before, i'm with Mac.I don't see this file in the logs folder. I've checked lot of time, but there is not. Attached is what i have into the Log folder. :(

    Schermata 2018-01-26 alle 16.01.04.png

  5. Hello. I've just downloaded the latest SL Version 5.1.0(511732) and i can't launch it anymore. I am with mac. It says impossible to open. What happen? It worked fine, then i had to download and install the last update. First I've got an error message, telling me to download again from the website, then, after doing that, i can't open it.

    Hope someone could help me,

    Thank you

    Schermata 2018-01-25 alle 15.24.05.png

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