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Sakairi Melodious

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Everything posted by Sakairi Melodious

  1. perhaps even just a door with a locking script that asks a question to be open.. like a riddle
  2. i am starting an rp in my land and i need either a temple that you must solve puzzles to get through or some doorways that have puzzles on em to put in a temple.. any idea
  3. i need to find someone who can make me 2 shapes... the 1st shape is a basic hollow octagon. the 2nd is sort of the same shape as the superman emlem. a flat diamond like shape, if you can make me these shapes please lemme
  4. im looking for a long blonde hairstyle that covers girly bits (boobs, and.. the other parts) anyone know where i can get one?
  5. do what with a what? srry i know nothing about scripts
  6. ok.. im trying to make a prim thayt plays a group of sounds in order (a song that i have in 9 sec segments) but i cant find the script to do it... yes ive seen psyches music script, and i tryed to make it but it didnt work.. i just got a syntax error can i get some ideas?
  7. i need someone that can download a song and put the full song in a prim that will play it..... the song i want is called Celtic dream by enigma.. if you can leme know^^
  8. you rock dude.... glad to finally meet another mechinima artist that is still in the business for the art
  9. ok to whoever msged me about being a mechinimographer.. plz msg me back... someone convinced me to use a different viewer and i was on it when you msged me.. and i lagged so bad i crashed before i could get your name
  10. Ok i tried to make a ballet music video on myself a few days back but due to my crappy computer it turned out laggy..... i need someone who is experienced in making sl music videos to shoot it and put it together for me..... any takers?
  11. what is the name of that dance where you tise into the air spinning
  12. i make custom tattoos and build pets, furniture, and other things... if you need my services, contact me inworld
  13. i need someone who can make a custom riding horse... anyone?
  14. i need an animation or pose of holding your hand out like your holding something out for a plate.. anyone know where i can get one?
  15. Still wanting people who needs custom tattoos^^!!! msg mew inworld^^
  16. ok my character in sl is an angel in an rp i am doing. she is currently battling a great evil in her land. to make this short, i need a white or gold paericle effect (prefferably a beam of light or something) that can come our of my hands at a person as a magical attack. our rp isnt combat meter based (such as azora or dcs or anything) so the spell doest actually have to do any damage or be push or anything..... just a simple effect is fine..... ideas?
  17. i sent you a msg inworld.... when you get it.. msg me back
  18. if you can make magic huds using particle effects and animation, plz either pm me or reply here.
  19. if you can make magic huds using particle effects and animation, plz either pm me or reply here.
  20. i need a script that will allow something to be shot or rezzed out of an object when touched
  21. i need a sound of that thing yoshi says.... not a gesture, just the sound.. pref one that is full perm.. anyone got one?
  22. i have a set of custom duel swords i have that fit my avatar... problem is there scripted for azora. can anyone script them for dcs2 of give me the scripts to do it myself?
  23. ok i need someone who can make me a jessica eabit skin or makeup with the purple eyeshadow and red lips and if you can a shape to match with the eyebrows.. anyone up to it?
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