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Zia Underwood

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Everything posted by Zia Underwood

  1. Congrats. Im happy you arent affected that simply means you arent who is being targeted. These mechanics are designed to pull in and exploit a certain type of person who is susceptible to the addictive qualities of this gambling mechanic.
  2. Okay so the first one isnt a credible source. The fact that one of the first paragraphs states that cellphone gaming was the the origin of gacha mechanics is enough to prove that. EAs UEFI Champions League is where it began. The now CEO put them into use and its why its called the Wallace Lootbox. and the other isn't relevant to the discussion at hand. Logical fallacies wont be how you win this argument.
  3. Its gambling. No matter how it is legally defined it behaves the same way as gambling does within the brain. Which means it runs afoul of the same problems and should be held to the same regulatory standards as a baseline response.
  4. https://www.pcgamer.com/behind-the-addictive-psychology-and-seductive-art-of-loot-boxes/
  5. https://www.theverge.com/2021/8/10/22618221/gaming-video-games-loot-box-blizzard-trahan-markey-castor
  6. I don't even know who you are. I don't see Linden at the end of your name so my guess is you aren't in charge of policy. So to reiterate the rest of my cherry picked post. This wasn't for you.
  7. Yes, I know. But one can hope they might see that future laws could broaden the definition and push them to make a more broad definition of gacha. So these loop holes are no longer exploited.
  8. If you came here thinking you'd change my mind or you had some clever argument I haven't heard before. You're unfortunately wrong and you can sod off. I'm not here to argue with you or try to convince anyone who thinks "Just don't buy them." is a suitable argument. And I'm definitely not here to argue with people who are profiting off of gacha. I'm here to communicate my displeasure with Linden Labs for doing a good thing than undermining it by allowing a loop hole like this to be exploited.
  9. The just don't buy them. Argument only works for people who aren't susceptible to these manipulative tricks. Not everyone is neuro divergent and prone to this sort of addiction. The micro payment is designed to entice someone in with a low payment and the possibility of a big reward. Once your in the game people who have a problem breaking out of the loop will sit there and keep spending. These games are specifically designed to trap these types of people in the loop and keep them spending. They're called whales. And the whole industry is marketed upon this.
  10. https://www.ign.com/articles/heres-how-loot-box-addiction-destroys-lives
  11. You can see what you're buying but players are not playing for the thing they are buying. They are playing for the next thing to be revealed in most instances. Also I've been seeing bots on these gacha sims running around collecting the unclaimed rares. It's a racket. An anti consumer predatory racket. It isn't right when EA does it it isn't right when SL content creators do it. Why am I not happy? Because it's exploitative, predatory and anti consumer. If an artist wants to charge 3500L for a top than by all rights do so. If they feel that's the cost for their work. But don't disguise that cost behind an unregulated slot machine. It's not like any of us know what the ratios on these things are going to be and lets be real LL isn't going to go around and make sure every content creator is being fair and above board.
  12. Can someone at LL please tell me why these Gacha substitutes are being allowed? You guys did the right thing by banning them from SL now you're undermining your pro consumer deed by allowing content creators to exploit loopholes in your policy. Bellatech's Nextup and creations like it are still Gacha they even say this in their promotional material. As if flaunting the fact that they found a end run around LL TOS. A customer is still playing for a blind pick even if they can see the next up item. It just means that the item they are playing for is the one that is going to be revealed with the purchase not the one they are receiving. It triggers the same dopamine responses for those neurodivergent people who are susceptible to these sorts of games. People who fall prey to gambling. Which is what Gacha is. And unlike other games where they try to shrug off the gambling because there is no cash value to the items. In SL there is a cash value associated with the items being won as they can be resold. With the possibility of minors playing SL even allowing these things is to allow the chance at minors being allowed to gamble. Linden Labs did the right thing by banning the unregulated gacha gambling market. Please put a stop to content creators who are looking to exploit the loopholes you left in the policy now.
  13. Looking for the location of the top and shorts in this Mons ad. I think it's from around 2018 maybe 2017.
  14. Feel free to contact me in world. I try to remember to check the site but in world communication is best.
  15. Im looking to buy a full region off someone.
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