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Rand Linden

Retired Linden
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Knowledge Base Article Comments posted by Rand Linden

  1. Thanks for bumping, Irene.  This just fell through the cracks.  It's an excellent suggestion.  I added the section "Keep it suitable for everyone."

    Currently, we have "official / policy" information in the wiki's "Linden Lab Official" namespace, and all other information here on the community site.  The reason is largely historical and logistical - we haven't had the time or resources to move that info into Lithium.


  2. Irene,

    No, it's a good question.  We are revising many of the KB articles now, and often consolidating several related articles into one.  In this case, we have moved the content of the English article "Linden Homes FAQ" into Linden Homes.  I will change the link in the "In other languages" box accordingly.

    Unfortunately, Lithium does not have a good mechanism for redirects.  You can rename an article, which will redirect to the new article URL, but you cannot have more than one article redirect to the same location.  Thus, when we merge several related articles into a single article, only one can redirect to the new article.  The others we have to either just delete or put in a "soft" redirect (simply a link to the new article).



  3. Irene,

    I just tested this with Viewer 3.2.8 and double-clicking on the Mini-map DOES open the world map.  Double-clicking on the World map teleports you.

    As for the notes about "retranslation" they should not appear--there was a small CSS mistake that I just fixed.  

    What's going on here is that we are "transcluding" (to use a wiki term) Viewer Help articles from the wiki.  In this case, the articles https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Viewerhelp:World_Map and https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Viewerhelp:Mini-Map are being transcluded.  We have a custom in-house application that "reskins" the wiki articles and then we include them in the Lithium article using a simple HTML iframe. This enables us to reuse the same content, and save on translation  and maintenance costs.  The Viewer Help articles have templates that we use to track their status (in-progress, "ready for review", "in translation" and so on).  See https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Viewer_Help_Templates for details. 

    So I just had to correct an error in https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Template:Modified_Translated_Help_Article so that the template would not be displayed when the wiki article is transcluded into a Lithium article.  Due to the way our custom app. caches pages, you may still see this template for the next 24 hrs.  But then it should not appear any longer.

    Thanks again for noticing!!


  4. I think this is the kind of UI reference information that should stay in Viewer Help and the wiki.  I propose to move this article back to the wiki, and incorporate the corresponding Viewer Help content.

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