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Loki Eliot

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Posts posted by Loki Eliot

  1. ok so im trying to add an empty space after each word in the Badword list. do i add that as the badword list is being read or during the comparison of the badword list to the just said message list?

    Becasue i have two lists, the list of bad words and two the list or words being heard in chat 

  2. Hi, I've made a robot that listens to conversations and checks them with a list of bad words. 

    I know listeners are laggy but it's fun....

    The issue i have is when it compares words with it's list, it is finding words within words... so for example it's finding the word ASS in GLASS.

    How can i prevent this from happening?

    Any help would be gratefully appreciated.

    Here is my current script.....


    integer gLsn;
    key notecardQueryId;
    string notecardName = "Badwords";
    list Badwords = [];
    integer notecardLine;
    say(string inputString)
            if (llGetInventoryKey(notecardName) == NULL_KEY)
                llOwnerSay( "Notecard '" + notecardName + "' missing or unwritten");
            notecardQueryId = llGetNotecardLine(notecardName, notecardLine);
            llSay(0, "Loading Words, Please Wait untill confirmation notcard has been read...");      
      dataserver(key query_id, string data) 
            if (query_id == notecardQueryId)
                if (data == EOF)
                    say("Done reading notecard, read " + (string) notecardLine + " notecard lines.");
                    state ready;
                 Badwords = Badwords + [llToLower(data)];
                 notecardQueryId = llGetNotecardLine(notecardName, notecardLine);
    state ready
           gLsn = llListen(0,"",llDetectedKey(0),"");  
     listen(integer channel,string name, key id, string msg)    
             integer i;       
             while(i < llGetListLength(Badwords))       
                  if (~llSubStringIndex(llToLower(msg),llList2String(Badwords,i)))          
                      llSay(0, (string)llKey2Name(id)+ " has said a BAD WORD");  

  3. 16 hours ago, Fionalein said:

    Just a silly question: in the distant past it was possible to install Linux or Windows on Mac machines ... is that still possible? Might be a way out for some...

    My love for SL will quickly diminish if i'm forced to use the windows operating system for one application after 25 years of using MacOS. As much as i love SL and the community i don't think i could change my computing habits to Windows just to keep in it. After all SL is 15 years old, it's not cutting edge technology anymore, maybe the OpenGL Apocalypse will push me towards newer things. In Second Life over the years I've learnt a lot about creating 3D content and scripting and creating stories and fun experiences. Instead of struggling to stay connected to SL, maybe i should look to new horizons when the time eventually comes.

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  4. On 07/06/2018 at 5:39 PM, CoffeeDujour said:

    Sansar has no plans on OSX as there is no VR.

    Sansar is a radically different beast to Second Life.

    Not true, i’m a Mac user and have a Vive headset and have created VR experiences natively for MacOS using Unity which supports metal along with SteamVR for MacOS. There just is’nt much content yet to consume for macVR since being a Mac VR enthusiast is  being a minority of a minority in a minority.

    If i remember right, back during Lab Chats on Sansar, LL said Sansar would use OpenGL and that a mac version was ‘down the road’. I’d assume then that an openGL port of sansar to mac is definitly off the cards now. 

    The most common response i hear from others about creating a native Mac Viewer for second life is ‘Mac users are like only 5%, there is no point waisting resources’. But it’s not like resources hav’nt been waisted before and im pretty sure that 5% will use that new viewer longer than users of Project Skylight, the SL Basic Viewer,  SLchat App, Patterns or Creatorverse. :P

  5. The whole idea of wearing system clothes in order to pop on a tattoo is a great idea, but in practice may be limiting. By switching the mesh face to 'Bake Mode' the Texture/diffuse is ignored in preference to the bakes texture thats created by the combination of system clothes currently worn. This includes the original texture that was on mesh to start with. When i wore a system shirt with a dirt tattoo, i discovered that the baked texture applied to my arms was combined with the System Skin and not the texture already on my mesh avatar. So I had to create a new system skin but with the textures of my mesh avatar so they would bake. This throws up a problem in that my mesh avatar uses 4 textures, Head, Arms, Torso and Legs, which is one texture more than Base Skin files allow so i'll never be able to bake the whole mesh body due to how i made it. Unless i'm still missing something in the process?




  6. Here is a quick video showcasing the new Ground to Air Cannons Addon to the Battle Balloons Game 

    The addition of the Ground Cannons in range of the Repair Crates means Balloon Crews need to be extra careful when trying to repair their Balloons.

    The New Cannons are available on marketplace



    You can grab some friends and come play the game on Escapades Island any time by visiting the SLURL below


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  7. A lot of the time with Avastar problems arrive because something i did and then UNDID causing future problems. I started my animation again a fresh and the problem did not occur so i'm assuming i must have made keys for every joint then removed them but they somehow still registered in the animation. Avastar is a fickle monster, but so helpful. :-P

  8. From what i understand the MacOS version of the SL viewer is stuck because the viewer code is so complex and old that to re-write it for the modern MacOS would simply be to much. So while the windows Viewers progress up with the latest OpenGL the MacOS viewer is stuck on a Legacy 'Compatibility' profile of OpenGL2.1 never to improve. I could be wrong as i am neither a coder or developer.  In the end i accept that no matter how powerful and up to speed my Mac is, it'll struggle to run Second Life with bells and whistles.

    As for current compatibility, i do find the current official Mac viewer has a terrible UI pause when opening windows and logging in that i have moaned about for half a year. I changed to firestorms 64bit viewer as that seems to work very well on MacOS, and now the Official Project viewer Alex Ivy 64bit also fixes the awful performance of the default viewer.

    • Like 2
  9. Yes i came here because i had the same issue, thanks to Whirly i found you have to set 'loop settings' OUT from zero to 1. If you want it to loop, i had to set OUT to the same frame length as the animation for the whole animation to play.

    I have not yet been able to stop the ANIM from forcing my avatar into a T pose. It is not ignoring the other bones, makes me wonder if Avastar is exporting all bone positions, very confusing. Need to find more documentation.

    • Like 1
  10. 12 hours ago, Medhue Simoni said:

    Really, with 110 bones to rig, and account for when animating, it's probably going to be more work to create many of these animated things. The quality and versatility tho far outweighs the extra work.

    We won't have to weight every single bone? i can see myself just using the tail bones for a tentacle or sumfin. It's not like you have to worry about all the facial bones when rigging bento wing attachments. It should be way simpler rig a mesh object if you don't have to worry about Fitted mesh and facial bones. Rigging a bento avatar still wakes me up with knightmares but i don't think a simple animated object using the bento skeleton has to be as frightening.

    Flexi-mesh hair.

    [shutup and take my money meme goes here]

    Im not sure it'll be as good as a flexi physics prim, you'd get a kinda constant blowing in the hair. I can see it ow people stood in a room with their hair constantly moving  as if there are 100 industrial fans blowing in multiple directions. :-p


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  11. Isn't automated avatar a Bot? and we already have those. 

    I'm very excited about having animated mesh objects. I have a tonne of scenarios that this could be used for, from smoothly animated goblins that you have to bash, to monsters that climb out of the ground. Complex mechanical machines that could smoothly clunk and clank into motion, magical doorways that could appear as tree roots uncurl, Static characters that greet you can be given life to beckon you in. If used with the Experience Tools Force sit feature, creatures good smoothly reach out and grab you. All those horror regions at halloween could have zombies that reach out at you and move smoothly not in a jerky stop motion way. If easily implemented this feature could end up being my most used feature in future.

    My hope is that instead of having to code complex scripts of moving a bazillion separate objects every second that put strain on server side, i'll be able put a simple animation in a mesh object and script it to play that animation in a greatly more efficient manner while also looking super smooth and modern.

    The amount of work that i have to do just to make an animated creature is mind numbing. Animating a rigged object would greatly reduce the work and anything that makes things quicker to build in SL needs cake & hugs thrown at it!

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