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Shihan Feiri

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Everything posted by Shihan Feiri

  1. How to corect write this if(llDetectedKey(0) != llGetOwner() && llGetObjectDesc()) { ... } where in object descripton is renter key
  2. Thank you. Now i UNDESTUND how this work. Finaly... Thank you again
  3. I'm trying to set range sensor in one mine project but i miss something here. If someone can say where error is in script... //Script need to check if defined user wich key is in object descripton is in range integer on; string user; default { state_entry() { } sensor(integer num_detected) { integer i; string user; user =llGetObjectDesc(); for(i = 0; i < num_detected; i++) { if (llDetectedKey(0)!= user)// If user leave out of rage { llShout(0,"Good bye" + (string)user);// Shout is just for test purpose } else if(llDetectedKey(0)== user) { llSay(0,"Welcome user"); // In fact this part is for test only . It will not say anything in working mode } } } touch_start(integer total_number) { if(on) { on = FALSE; llOwnerSay("Sensor off..."); llSensorRemove( ); } else { on = TRUE; llOwnerSay("Sensor initialised..."); llSensorRepeat("","", AGENT,19.0, PI,10.0); } } }
  4. Hi, Can someone tell me what is happen with view of prim cont in build mode. Or mybe i have some option activated or deactivated and now cant see objects prim count. Pls. take a look:
  5. Hi 2 all, Now, i have learn how to make configuration from notecard. Now i need to understund how to string value from dataserver in action. Here I will post sample of one script that i have find dataserver(key queryid, string data) { if(queryid == gNotecardHandle) { //not the last line? if(data != EOF) { //parse this line and set the relevant vars handleConfigLine(data); //get the next line gNotecardHandle = llGetNotecardLine(gNotecardName, gCurrNotecardLine++); } else { //make sure everything was configured properly if(!isConfigComplete()) { llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(), "Your notecard was not of the correct format or was not filled out. Please try rewriting it"); //don't do any of the things we would do if the config were proper return; } gSettingsLoaded = TRUE; //normally we'd do... something once the config loaded properly, but for this example we'll just tell the owner what we loaded string stringified_config = (string)gANiceBool + "|" + gANiceString + "|" + (string)gANiceVector; //if our optional setting was set, add it to the string if(isSettingSet("anoptionalinteger")) stringified_config += "|" + (string)gOptionalInteger; llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(), "GOT AN AWESOME CONFIG: " + stringified_config); } } } Now on end of dataserver we have llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(), "GOT AN AWESOME CONFIG: " + stringified_config); I dont know what i need to do that this message can be triger with dataserver value in eg. touch_start acton } default { state_entry() { llSay(0, "Hello, Avatar!"); } touch_start(integer total_number) { //Sample of message llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(), (string)gANiceBool + "|" + gANiceString ); }
  6. Once again i need litle help. I need that script read conf file from notecard. Problem is that i dont know how to say 2 script to use line 1 line 2 and line 3 for value data. If someone can give me sample- wiki is for now little 2complicated for me with line or line ++ :) Thank you in advance
  7. Ok Inside script I have in head vector target value: vector target=<232,204,37>; I need that script read vector target from descripton. I have try with llGetObjectDesc(); but have some problem with that . This is TP script: vector target=<232,204,37>; vector offset; default { moving_end() { offset = (target- llGetPos()) * (ZERO_ROTATION / llGetRot()); llSitTarget(offset, ZERO_ROTATION); } state_entry() { llSetText("Return ( Dime )",<0,1,1>,1.0); offset = (target- llGetPos()) * (ZERO_ROTATION / llGetRot()); llSetSitText("Teleport"); llSitTarget(offset, ZERO_ROTATION); } changed(integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_LINK) { llSleep(0.5); if (llAvatarOnSitTarget() != NULL_KEY) { llUnSit(llAvatarOnSitTarget()); } } } touch_start(integer i) { llSay(0, "Please right-click and select Teleport"); } }
  8. Thank you , thank you, thank you - I am every time in some complicated thinking- and answer so simple
  9. Is posible to restrict script to work only on defined parcel, or region. Mybe to get in state with no touch option . With LLGetPos i can define curent position but if is that posible- how to define just name of region. for value in script.
  10. Hmm, when I rez its come every time Z on same position ( on ame high) This board will work like map, but on the wall not like table. ..TouchUV give me x and y and I need x and z
  11. I try to create board that will rez on touch ,colored touch ball. on touched place. Now i try with llDetectedTouchUV but with that i dont have " z " parameter. Is posible to make that work with --> llRezObject and with llDetectedTouchPos ?
  12. Its late and mine brain have been little slow now on wiki. So the fast way is to ask here. I have 2 prims linked- root and child. In root is notecard. In child is script. What's the code to read notecard from root prim if I click (Touch_start) child prim with reading notecard content script . mybe with LINK_ROOT? but where to put that...
  13. yes, but when is on the ground works fine
  14. I need promoters for our job agency. Pls visit us on http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Villeneuve/229/204/37 wages: 1200L per job
  15. I notice that OwnerSay cut mine msg when is trigered from HUD. Is there some limits for length of messages?
  16. Is posible that in this code i define specific group role to grand access if (llSameGroup(llDetectedKey(i))) llSay(0, "something "); else llSay(0, "Wrong active group!");
  17. Now I have cheat. Mybe in body is this header- but subject is clean. Thanks on help. You have save mine time on trying to format msg
  18. Yes i know, but i need that msg that i send on eg. mine mail address dont have default part in body ( Object-Name: xy + Region: xy + Local-Position: xy ) I need that only mine msg is reciving. I wish to post message on twitter via mail from inworld , and with content of object, location etc- i dont have any space for rest of msg
  19. Pls help me to corect format this script. I am trying to get mail whitout header Local-Position: xy Region: xy Object-Name: xy string address = "xxx@xy.com"; string subject = "subject"; string message =""; default { touch_start(integer total_number) { llSay(0, "Tipe your mail in chat "); llListen(0, "", "", ""); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string msg) { message = llDeleteSubString(message, 0, llSubStringIndex(message, "/n/n") + 1); llEmail(address, subject, message); llSay(0,"Your mail is sent - sample"); } } With this I am not shure where comes actualy msg
  20. 1024 sqm (234p) for 1100L$ http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Harbeng/202/106/102
  21. I am searching for land to buy ( 4096 ) and only 60x60 . Also i can offer you smaller size of land if you need.
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