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Vlad Mysterious

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Posts posted by Vlad Mysterious

  1. Arabella has a legit concern. IANAL, but my understanding of Belli is that once a region is done, it's done, and it is extremely unlikely that we would see any completed regions retrofitted with new features. However, there have been changes in the planning of newer regions based upon the feedback they have recieved, so if the Moles know that the rez zones along the railway are inadequate now, perhaps they will act on it for the future. 

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  2. Rut roh - Moles got into the catnip stash again!

    But seriously, it looks like an attempt to create a virtual speedbump so the local residents don't get too  many vehicles littering their livingrooms.  😂

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  3. There be a dragon/sea serpent/Loch Ness Monster on Belli!


    This creature has made its way over from SSP350!

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    • Confused 2
  4. As time passed, the Victorian Continental became more and more derelict ... ghouls and goblins began to gather within and call it home. As Halloween approached, the neighbors were surprised by the sudden appearance of a cemetary surrounding the decaying pile which was now guarded by ravens, bats and a surly black feline. In the dark of night, bone-chilling screams and howls could be heard coming from the tower. Most were afraid to peer into the home's boarded up windows, but those brave enough to go near were shocked by the ghostly visions inside. Others swore to have seen a spectre appear at midnight in the attic gable, it was as if the grim reaper himself had taken up residence in this quiet corner of Bellisseria!


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  5. 18 hours ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

    Bellisseria Cemetery.... I like the sound of that.

    (What? I like the one in New Toulouse, too! lol)

    That would be so cool!!! They could be 256 m2 plots for vampires, zombies and other kindred spirits who don't really need more than a lair to change or sort inventory. Owners would have a choice of either 4 mausoleums (above ground style) or 4 headstones (undergound bunker style). And landscaping would be so easy - just a couple of shrubs, maybe a bunch of fresh A mausoleum in Père Lachaise Cemetery.flowers every so often, or a candle for special occasions. Throw around some cobwebs for effect. Hey, I'd be sure to visit!


    And to get semi-realistic spacing, they could actually be 128 m2 double LI or 64 m2 quad LI parcels.

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    • Haha 4
  6. Looks like most of the Squishy II regions are now visible on the map. The ones bordering Bellisseria are still only visible at sea level.


    Excited to see the finished pickle, especially with the new water features.

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  7. 6 hours ago, Fritigern Gothly said:

    I took a piccie of the map and if I were to make a guess, it is going to be a (semi?) commercial area because these kinda look like stores of various sizes.
    Then again, it could also be some kind of sports arena with bleachers on either side :D 


    Looking at this image SSP185, I was wondering what was up with that long lake on the east ... but if this is going to be Busy Ben's 2019 reincarnation, that could very well be where the watercraft will be displayed and sold!

    • Like 2
  8. 4 minutes ago, Arquet said:

    Oooh, love that tower thing, and it fits in so well with the rest of the house! Is it a Linden home add-on?

    No, it was created as part of another build that I purchased before Bellisseria existed. I prefer to think of it as architectural salvage.

    • Like 7
  9. The completed Victorian foyer in the Continental I've been styling makes me wish that LL offered a second version of the existing traditional homes which provided a darker color palette. The current lighter one works fine for more contemporary visions. A darker version which has somber tones for the interior walls as well as dark finish on the cornice/baseboard/window/door/stair trim surfaces would be awesome for those of us contemplating more vintage designs!



    • Like 14
  10. 1 hour ago, Beth Macbain said:

    gets all Freudian

    Let's discuss your use of emojis...

    Perhaps the implication is that the next atolls may be nicknamed the flaccid banana and mealy eggplant, or something along those lines.

    • Haha 9
  11. 4 hours ago, Quartz Mole said:

    So name all the parcels through which the major routes run "Highway 1," or whatever the appropriate number is for that route, rather than the generic "Protected Land"?

    Interesting idea.

    I took a closer look at the map and it wouldn't really be an ideal solution on its own. Unlike Sansara or Zindra, for example, Bellisseria's layout is very suburban and there are only a few truly continuous thoroughfares.

    3 hours ago, animats said:

    Designating some streets as "through routes" and using a different pavement marking would be a nice touch. No LI cost. Then you could drive around without having to have the world map open.

    But adding a different line or even a subtle shading to the asphalt might be enough to get people past the cul-de-sacs and through the doglegs.

    I'm thinking that it's highly unlikely that the existing regions in Bellisseria will be changed. But maybe keep it in mind for the next continent. Bellisserian travellers will just have to rely on SLWaze or something.

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  12. The mainland continents all have major routes named on the roadbed parcels which makes it a little easier to navigate from one place to another. Maybe something similar can be done with the major north-south and east-west roads on Bellisseria since this won't take up any additional region resources.

       🏖️    🚙 🚗 🚲 🚌 🚕    ⛰️

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  13. 56 minutes ago, Coby Foden said:

    Oh no! Full bright trees, fence and pergola! 😬 😵
    Maybe the owners have never seen them at night, so they don't know? 🤷‍♀️


    My guess is that they are most likely running at lower graphics settings and the items would be too dark in their viewers without the full bright enabled. Those of us who use ALM get spoiled by the nuances, but can also be blinded by choices which limprove the surroundings for those with ALM turned off or unavailable. Unfortunately, there is little we can do short of crowdfunding more capable computers and graphics cards. Me, I just put on my sunnies and move on. 😎

    • Like 9
  14. 5 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

    I think flat landscape look so boring, but when Garden Mole is finished, it looks totally different. The small height differences is utilized fully.

    I would love to see his/her talent in other terrain. What could not be done in the hills and mountains. A trail around in the mountains, designed by Garden Mole, would be lovely. Maybe a waterfall.

    Come to think of it, waterfalls are the one feature I haven't seen anywhere on Bellisseria. Even on the mainland they are rare, with most being in the tropical regions around the Mahulu volcano. But it would be cool to have a few to visit in the new areas!

    • Like 3
  15. 55 minutes ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

    Now I'm going to have to take another look! I cammed down there earlier today and checked out your furniture while I was at it. lol  (Great job, btw!) 

    Thanks Sylvia!

    Never know who (or what) you might find lurking around inside though ...


    • Like 16
  16. 13 hours ago, kiramanell said:

    Is it open to visitors? ❤️

    Just be careful of the butler when you're peeking in the windows. He can be a bit ... unpredictable.

    But seriously, if the security system is not enabled, anyone is free to explore the parcel. If it's on, please visit another time. Thank you for asking ☺️

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  17. 4 minutes ago, Leora Greenwood said:

    Wow, this is something to see!  Tower room, gingerbread, spires, shutters, fancy fencing.........  I am in awe, terrific work!!!

    Thank you! It's a work in progress, and has even changed slightly since the snapshot was taken earlier today.

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  18. 5 minutes ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

    Driving around like the ice cream truck delivering treats! 

    It's undeniable that Patch and his team take pride in (and to) their work!


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