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Azriel's Magical Exploding Pants

Azriel Drumheller

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Title of the post says its all.  I've created a magical pair of exploding slacks.  The only thing is, I want to stop exploding when I wear them. 

I created this pair of slacks in Maya: http://gyazo.com/ece707e4c621863c662c61cd809d3c1a

and imported it to the skeleton scene file I got off of one of chosen's links.  I deleted history, re-named the sucker and did a basic smooth bind, unchecking remove unused influence. I didn't bother painting any weights yets as this was only a test to see if I could get it in world and working.

I uploaded to SL, and all seemed good.  I dropped it on the ground and resized it.  Then when I put it on, Viewer 3 crashed.  Other times when it hasn't crashed, I find I get sling shotted up into space and I'm unable to see anything.


As cool as magical exploding pants may sound... I'd like to wear my slacks =/.  Any suggestions? 

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