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Touching Scripted Mesh Causes Viewer Crash


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The issue originates from a scripted mesh vendor i made that you click to pay.

Most people can use this vendor just fine, but one customer (there is probably more who experience this bug & don't tell creator) has trouble. Each time she touches the vendor she crashes. Now obviously I could put a prim alpha over the mesh vendor so she does not touch a mesh, that might solve it.....

EDITED TO ADD: Found the bug is specific to her av touching that particular mesh. She could interact no trouble with any of my other meshwork. Tried my idea of encasing this troublesome mesh in an alpha prim... that worked for her, she was able to use the vendor. Highly recommend building your mesh items this way if you have a complex mesh that requires scripted interactions, otherwise some unknown percentage of users will experience annoying & persistent crashing difficulties when trying to engage with your creations!

Should a JIRA be made about this?  I'm not sure how to report this potentially widespread issue.... since I can not reproduce the bug myself.

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Hi Wade... I bought one of your delightful little birds on the weekend. Just letting you know that for myself and my partner, the bird works perfectly fine for both of us (clicking on it for the menu etc). No crash issues whatsoever for either of us.

When I accessed your vendor inworld (at time of purchasing a few days ago), I had no problems at all either. Mayhaps it's a certain set of conditions on your customer's end that is causing it? (Possible flaky V3 on her system?).

But yah, your meshes worked fine for me :matte-motes-smile:

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Thanks for the info (and for your purchase) Maeve, yeah she could play with my birds just fine too, and now she has one of her own :)

She was only affected by touching the mesh nest which delivers the birds, which I've now rebuilt so an alpha prim is touched instead.

I think it is a case of a certain chain of things makes this happen:  particular mesh + particular script + particular user = crash

It might be not all scipted mesh could be affected.... it could be as specific as maybe only the pay function (which scripted vendors need) can be hit with this bug :matte-motes-bored: well Lindens might someday patch this bug... however I am happy that I found a workaround to fix it today!

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It may not be the script at all.  My viewer crashes anytime I touch or click on any mesh that has a lot of vertices 1000 or more.  I am not sure of the exact number.  I have had this problem ever since beta testing opened to the public.  I made a bug report but it seems to have gotten little or no attention.

Your work around sounds like a great way of making sure vendors and other interactive mesh objects from causing havoc. :)

For working with my own mesh that caused me to crash I lowered my mesh detail level in my preferences to medium or low.  This didn't look pretty on screen but allowed me to edit my mesh and do what I needed to do without crashing.

Sure hope LL gets this bug fixed soon.

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  • 3 years later...

Under windows the viewer crashes and causes my screen to go "rainbows" as if my GPU were dieing (but i can't reproduce the error with oher games or stress tools)

Under linux the whole XOrg server dies throwing me back to the login screen.

and now that i think about it, it's always mesh objects that cause it.

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