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Memory leak???

Wheelife Pace

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The problem is most likely SL, I've seen this problem and it's common to the TPV's as well as the official viewer. My guess would be some sloppy memory management and relying on windows garbage collection.

As a stopgap, you can try the minimem application which will clean up the unused memory pages of selected applications (http://main.kerkia.com/Tools/Minimem/description.aspx)


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Thanks Morgan, that did the trick!!.. hats off to you!


On a side note I was also having issues with the most recent version of Adobe flash (10.3) crashing my machine, Minimem took care of that issue as well....


**edit** I find Minimem allows me to use higher graphic settings i.e set to high WITH atmospheric shaders, Lighting and Shadows, Ambient occlusion and "shadows" Sun/Moon + projectors, and still maintain a reasonble frame rate.. woot !!!


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  • 3 years later...

I am having EXACTLY this problem and its been going on for a LONG time.  (Memory expands constantly up to about 1.4 G, slowing the graphics as it gets closer to that target, then SL crashes.)


I have updated my graphics driver many times. I upgraded recently from XP to Windows 7.  I have used the SecondLife official viewer (just downloaded today) and it loses memory slower than Firestorm and Singularity do, but all three viewers have the same issue.


1) Mesh makes the problem worse (I lose large chunks of memory, as noted by Task Manager)

2) Moving my camera in and out eats a chunk of memory that is not released.

3) Teleporting eats a chunk of memory that is not released.

4) Holding my camera still does not stop the problem

5) Clearing cache does not slow the problem on the next relog.

Sometimes the viewer crashes instantly with no warning. Other times, the viewer freezes and I have to use Task manager to get rid of the screen.



Second Life 3.7.20 (296094) Oct 29 2014 14:05:13 (Second Life Release)
Release Notes

You are at 69.4, 80.9, 50.4 in 0 0 Acajou located at sim10706.agni.lindenlab.com (
SLURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/0%200%20Acajou/69/81/50
(global coordinates 198,725.0, 333,649.0, 50.4)
Second Life Server

CPU: Intel® Core2 Quad CPU    Q9550  @ 2.83GHz (2833.35 MHz)
Memory: 3071 MB
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 32-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)
Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 650 Ti/PCIe/SSE2

Windows Graphics Driver Version: 9.18.0013.4465
OpenGL Version: 4.4.0 NVIDIA 344.65

libcurl Version: libcurl/7.38.0 OpenSSL/1.0.1h zlib/1.2.8
J2C Decoder Version: KDU v7.0
Audio Driver Version: FMOD Ex 4.44.31
Qt Webkit Version: 4.7.1 (version number hard-coded)
Voice Server Version: Not Connected
Built with MSVC version 1600
Packets Lost: 11/13,049 (0.1%)



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