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Merchant update listings

snow Scarmon

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I have been in SL since 2008. In that time I have been burned so often that I have about reached the point where I am reluctant to purchase anything even moderately expensive  on marketplace unless I can see it in-world first. pictures don't show how outdated or poorly made something is. It seems the merchant can post an item on  marketplace and walk away. 

A  large red flag is when the "see in world" link is there but the in-world store no longer exists. If there is no in-world store say so. If I like something enough I might  buy it anyway.  If it has the link to their in-world store and I take it and end up with a place that no longer exists they have  wasted my time, lost my trust and my business. To my mind if they can't do something as little as removing that, what kind of hope is there for something important, like costumer service.

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