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Advice, please, on normals

Innula Zenovka

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The normal is basically the directional vector perpendicular to the surface. So you can use that along with something like llAxes2Rot to orient an object relative to the surface. I used this snippet in my ray tracer renderer.

list pRay = llCastRay (startPos,endPos,[RC_DATA_FLAGS,RC_GET_NORMAL]);
vector pHit = llList2Vector(pRay,1);
vector pNormal = llList2Vector(pRay,2);
// DEBUG: show visualization of surface normal (rezzes prim with its +z axis perpendicular to normal)
llRezObject("marker", pHit, ZERO_VECTOR, llAxes2Rot(pNormal%<1,0,0>%pNormal, pNormal%<1,0,0>, pNormal), 0);

In this case, since I wanted the top of the prim to be parallel with the surface normal, I used that as the "up" directional vector for llAxestoRot and used it with some cross product formulas to calculate the forward and left directions as well.

Edited by Fenix Eldritch
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30 minutes ago, Innula Zenovka said:

If I want to rez something flush to a sloping surface or to lay flat on some sloping ground, how do I do it, please?

High level stuff you already know: To rez an object tangent to another object, you need 3 pieces of (rotational) information:

  1. The normal of the surface being rezzed on
  2. The normal/axis of the object to be rezzed
  3. (semi-optional) the 'roll' the object will have when rezzed (I.E. if your thing is a piece of paper, where do the corners go?)

for sake of illustration, or if you ~really don't care about the roll (Ex. because your object is a cone/radially symetric) llRotBetween((2),(1)); should give you a semi-reasonable orientation:

vector a; vector b; // application dependant.
list ray = llCastRay(a,b,[RC_DATA_FLAGS,3]);

key k = llList2Key(ray,0);
vector pos = llList2Vector(ray,1);
vector normal = llList2Vector(ray,2);
// do some sanity checking on those, I've not tested in-world.
// if sanity passes:

vector up = <0,0,1>; // which vector points 'up' for the object?
float half_height = 1.0; // distance from ground to object center

llRezAtRoot("rez-me",pos+half_height*normal, <0,0,0>, llRotBetween(up,normal), 0);

ETA: I was going to explain the cross-product trick as an improvement, but Fenix already wrote out an example of it.

Edited by Quistess Alpha
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After mulling it over a bit in my sleep, I think in the specific case of rezzing something on the ground, in many/most situations, the most aesthetically pleasing 'roll' would take llGroundSlope/Contour into account to fix the y-axis. I haven't checked in-world but I think that would work something like:

// define variables as in previous examples, thrn
vector slope = llGroundSlope((pHit-llGetPos())/llGetRot());
llRezObject("marker", pHit+halfHeight*llVecNorm(pNormal), ZERO_VECTOR, llAxes2Rot(pNormal%slope, pNormal%slope%pNormal, pNormal), 0);


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