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The Crazy Raven Club is Hiring DJs and Hosts


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Are you social? A little pervy? Like making people happy? Love hearing good music?? Do you have pride in where you work? Like a family setting in your job?

If you answered yes to these questions you are a perfect fit for The Crazy Raven. We are hiring DJ's and hosts for a variety of times. Hop on down and fill out an application. We only have two musts have and that's: You have to be 30 days or older in SL and 18 or older in RL.

Dependable, fun loving, friendly we are looking for you!
 Keep 100% of your tips \o/! We are a mixed genre adult club.
 Active support team and staff, where your ideas and opinions  matter. We are in this together! Training provided for newer DJs  and Hosts. Cover and Perm sets available.
 Stop by for a sneak peak.
http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Marble Hills/77/227/3557

TCR DK Grey hiring red.png

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