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Open Heart Maternity & Family Clinic Is Hiring All Positions

megga Andel

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At OHMC we are hiring all positions. Click the now hiring sign for an application and drop it in the mailbox when you have completed. Be sure to follow the directions for it. I will not go on a hunt to find you if you do not put your legacy name in it and on it. 

Our Hours are M-F 2pm-5pm and Sat-Sun 1pm-5pm SLT. You will be expected to work during clinic hours. Hours are subject to change depending on staff availability. The current hours are based on the current staff and doctors that we have at this time. You will be expected to buy your own huds. If you stick around long enough, you will be reimbursed the cost of the huds. 

The application is not a simple just put your name an hours in your application you will demonstrate your skills in a highly role-playing position as well as your ability to follow directions and investigate areas and a understanding of the clinic and our policy. 

Taxi http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Drake/210/196/3002

Job Descriptions 


This position can come with its own challenges you do not need to have any massive medical knowledge what you are simply doing is trying to get packages to sell, answer any questions about the clinic or packages and keep an eye on the group chat., keeping an eye on the group chat is an always even when you are not clocked in the last thing we want to see in our group is someone abusing someone else. When you are clocked in you are to stay up in the store location available. If you go AFK you are to clock out and TP to a location other than the store location, you can go to any location on the TP pads or leave the sim. When you come back clock back in. If you're not clocked in I won't know how much to pay you.

You will be expected to wear scrubs or dress professionally at all times in the clinic locations, some scrubs will be provided in the new hire package.
You will need one open group spaces one clinic so that you may rez and so that you may use the TP pads.
You will be expected to understand and know the packages offered.
You are not required to have any medical huds, if you do great if not no big deal (it would be great if you did so you can scan potential clients an help them pick the package that fits them)

Pay: 10l/hr daily payout, bi-weekly 60L/hr (this may be increased depending on how busy the clinic is) Total pay is 70L/Hr with 10L/hr being paid daily.
HOLIDAY PAY (American Holidays) for any holiday worked you will be paid 85/hr.
~any package you sell you will receive 15% of the package.



This position you will do many things, you will help out the receptionist, if there is not one online and there are no appointments, and you are clocking in you will be expected to work as a receptionist. You just like any other staff member will be keeping an eye on group chat again we do not want anyone abusing anyone else. 

When you are clocked in you are to stay up in the store location available. If you go AFK you are to clock out and TP to a location other than the store location, you can go to any location on the TP pads or leave the sim. When you come back clock back in. If you're not clocked in I won't know how much to pay you.

You would be expected to have some sort of medical hud so that you can scan a mothers hud. The most important one to get is the momma allpa physicians' bag as it is the most popular hud used.

Medical Huds will not be purchased for you at time of hire, should I feel you are a long-lasting employee medical huds may be purchased for you.

You will run lab work (it's very simple and you will be shown how to do so). We would hope that you would be on at the same time as a doctor to run lab work that is being done during an exam, as well as to assist a doctor during labor and delivery.

You may end up taken on a client for exams and ultrasounds and possible emergency deliveries should a doctor not be available or to cover one if something prevents the doctor from being able to log in.

During a delivery you will monitor a patient's vitals and tools will be provided to you for this, once baby is delivered you will assist in getting baby's vitals weighing them cleaning them up and monitoring them so the doctor can finish up with the delivery of placenta, stitching mom up if needed so on. You will also be asked to keep a record of what baby weighs and length and time of delivery so that the birth certificate can be made.

You will be expected to wear scrubs at all times. Some scrubs will be provided in the new hire package.
You will be expected to have a worn stethoscope.
You will be expected to wear sneakers. 
You are expected to have some medical knowledge, but you do not need to be a RL dr or nurse. If you have questions ask, or even google. We have a discord server set up for questions that might come up when I am offline, I will try to monitor discord as much as a I can during my RL work.
You will be given patients where you will do exams with you will be required to demonstrate your RP skill set by doing an exam. 
You will be expected to keep your patient notecards updated at all times, and there will be a location for you to put your updated cards so I can update them in the filing system for the next time or if someone else covers an apt or delivery for you, so they have the patient history. 
You will be shown how to use equipment.
You will schedule and uphold your own patient appointments but will need to keep me up to date to make sure we are not double or triple booking.
With your patients you may be the one to do the ultrasound.
You will not be the one who delivers a baby, unless something has come up for a doctor and a doctor asks if you will be willing to do the delivery.
You will be expected to make after care summaries for your appointments with notes to hand off to your patient (these can be made after your appointment; you will also add a full perm copy to the patient notecard)
You are required to keep all appointments you set up with a patient. Yes, RL happens you may reschedule an appointment if needed but please try and give your patient at least 24hr notice. If an emergency comes up try to message me in our discord server. Again, I understand power outages, Internet outages, medical emergency, pet emergency. RL always comes first.   

Pay: 10L/hr paid out daily, bi-weekly 70L/hr. (equals out to 80L/hr with the 10L/hr paid out daily.
HOLIDAY PAY (American Holidays) 95L/hr
15% of any package you sell.



This position will come with more challenges and expectation then the others. If you are clocked in and have no appointments or deliveries you will be expected to act as a receptionist. You may not always have anyone around to help you with exams,lab work, or deliveries. We will try to make sure you do but might not always happen.

When you are clocked in you are to stay up in the store location available. If you go AFK you are to clock out and TP to a location other then the store location you can go to any location on the TP pads or leave the sim. When you come back clock back in. If your not clocked in I won't know how much to pay you.

You are expected to wear scrubs at all times some will be provided in the new hire package
You are expected to wear sneakers
You are expected to wear a stethoscope 
You will be required to provide exams
You will be required to do deliveries
You will schedule and uphold your own patient appointments, but will need to keep me up to date to make sure we are not double or triple booking.
You are expected to have some medical knowledge but you do not need to be a RL dr or nurse. If you have questions ask, or even google. We have a discord server set up for questions that might come up when I am offline I will try to monitor discord as much as a I can during my RL work.
You are expected to have medical huds, we will not buy them for you, you will need Mama Allpha Physician Bag or Hud, Deciduan Dr hud (vendor is in our store location), Pooterbuilt (not required but if you have it awesome), Hands on Mommy Dr hud (this hud is newer and can be found at hands on care clinic). Should you show that you are a long term employee a hud may be purchased for you.
You will be expected to keep your patient notecards updated at all times, and there will be a location for you to put your updated cards so I can update them in the filing system for the next time or if someone else covers an apt or delivery for you so they have the patient history. 
You will be expected to make after care summaries for your appointments with notes to hand off to your patient (these can be made after your appointment, you will also add a full perm copy to the patient notecard)
You are required to keep all appointments you set up with a patient. Yes RL happens you may reschedule an appointment if needed but please try and give your patient at least 24hr notice. If an emergency comes up try to message me in our discord server. Again I understand power outages, Internet outages, medical emergency, pet emergency. RL always comes first.   
You may contact another employee to see if they can cover you but you must let your patient know,
There may be more that gets added to this list over time depending on how busy we get.

Pay: 10L/hr paid out daily, 75/hr paid bi-weekly (total being 85L/hr with 10L/hr paid daily when worked.
HOLIDAY PAY (American Holidays) 100L/hr
15% of any package you sell
Each position will have training done on weekends due to my RL work schedule. 
Each position when applied will have an interview depending on the position depends on what will be required at the interview. Doctors and Nurses will need to do a test run of an exam, Doctors will need to show a run of an exam and a delivery.
All tools needed to run lab work/vitals will be provided 
I promise this will be a fun and happy place to work as drama free as we can make it, a family place. 
The three of us owners are a very close knit group.
Any questions please ask, at this time my IM's do cap so please notecard me or drop it in the mailbox or hit the discord button to get to the server to ask.

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